This article has been moved from «» and updated to reflect the language rename in 2019.
See also: The Introduction | Part 1: Base 36 | Part 2: Base 400| Part 3: Changing Keys | Part 4: Postscript.
This is a follow up to the previous 4 articles.
I'll start by fixing the problem shown in Part 3: Changing Keys (scroll down to Testing «modulo»).
This shows that if an attacker gets the initial key right, as shown by a partially correct decrypted text, he can use it to guess the modulo value and get the entire text decrypted. (As long as he has the correct Secret File.) To make it harder to do that, we can add a «--shuffle» command line argument which takes a number (between 2 and 40, both included, as well as 0), chops off that many characters at a time from the encrypted string, and flips (reverses) them:
File: lib/Cryptoish.pm6 (changes only)
our subset Shuffle of Int where { $_ == 0 || 2 <= $_ <= 40 };
our sub multiencrypt (Alphabet $key is copy, Alphabet $text is copy,
Modulo :$modulo = 40, Bool :$flip = False, :$secret,
:$verbose = False, Shuffle :$shuffle = 0)
my $return = $flip
?? { $_ * $base ** $++ } ).sum.base($wrapper)
!! { $_ * $base ** $++ } ).sum.base($wrapper);
return shuffle-string($return, $shuffle) if $shuffle;
return $return;
our sub multidecrypt (Alphabet $key is copy, Str $value is copy,
Modulo :$modulo = 40, Bool :$flip = False, :$secret,
:$verbose = False, Shuffle :$shuffle = 0)
say "Str: $value" if $verbose;
$value = shuffle-string($value, $shuffle) if $shuffle;
This makes it even harder to guess the starting key by getting readable text by running the decryption, as «shuffle» must be taken into account as well - with all the different values.
«shuffle-string» is designed so that it works both ways; applying it twice on unencoded text gives us the unencoded text back:
File: lib/Cryptoish.pm6 (partial)
sub shuffle-string ($string, $count) # [1]
my $new = ""; # [2]
loop # [3]
state $pos = 0; # [4]
my $partial = $string.substr($pos, $count) // last; # [5]
$new ~= $partial.flip; # [6]
$pos += $count; # [7]
return $new; # [2]
[1] The whole string, and the number of characters to chop off each time.
[2] The resulting string.
[3] A loop, as long as the string has more characters ([5]).
[4] The index, as a state variable, so that we can initialise it inside the loop, but the value is only set the first time.
[5] The partial string.
[6] Flip the partial string. (This is related to «reverse» on a list.)
[7] Move the position counter to the next partial string.
File: multiencrypt
use lib "lib";
use Cryptoish;
sub MAIN (Cryptoish::Alphabet $key, Cryptoish::Alphabet $text, :$secret,
Cryptoish::Modulo :$modulo = 40, Bool :$flip = False,
Bool :$verbose = False, Cryptoish::Shuffle :$shuffle = 0)
say Cryptoish::multiencrypt($key, $text, :$secret, :$modulo, :$flip,
:$verbose, :$shuffle);
File: multidecrypt
use lib "lib";
use Cryptoish;
sub MAIN (Cryptoish::Alphabet $key, Str $value, :$secret,
Cryptoish::Modulo :$modulo = 40, Bool :$flip = False,
Bool :$verbose = False, Cryptoish::Shuffle :$shuffle = 0)
say Cryptoish::multidecrypt($key, $value, :$secret, :$modulo, :$flip,
:$verbose, :$shuffle);
». (Note the space between «Z» and «.»).
But what if we want to encrypt normal text, with lowercase letters and newlines and some other characters as well?
Do not mess with the encryption algorithm (as it is complicated enough as it is; and it works), but add another layer. It is useful to be able to support different protocols (as I surely cannot foresee every possible use case), so giving it a name (or ID) is smart for future reference (and it may even be command line selectable, as with the Secret File). The name is BP1 (for Base Protocol 1).
! Enc. | ? Enc. | Plain | Note |
!! | ?! | ! | an exclamation point |
!? | ?? | ? | a question mark |
![0JK] | ?[4A] | the next word (up to a non-letter) is Titlecase | |
![1N] | ?[5BX] | the next word (up to a non-letter) is UPPERCASE | |
![2O] | ?[J.] | \n | newline |
!3 | ?K | _ | underscore |
!4 | ?L | " | a double quote |
!5 | ?M | / | slash |
!6 | ?N | ; | semicolon |
!7 | ?O | : | colon |
!8 | ?P | = | equal |
!9 | ?Q | % | percent |
!A | ?R | # | |
!B | ?S | > | |
!C | ?T | < | |
!D | ?U | * | |
!E | ?V | , | comma |
!F | ?W | $ | |
!G | ?Y | ' | a single quote |
![HI] | ?[Z0] | The next character is an uppercase letter | |
!L | ?1 | \ | backslash |
!M | ?2 | ^ | |
!P | ?3 | ( | |
!Q | ?6 | ) | |
!R | ?7 | [ | |
!S | ?8 | ] | |
!T | ?9 | { | |
!U | ?C | } | |
!V | ?D | & | ampersand |
!W | ?E | @ | at |
!X | ?F | ~ | |
!Y | ?G | - | dash/minus |
!Z | ?H | « | french quote, start |
!. | ?I | » | french quote, end |
! | ? | | | vertical bar (note the space) |
I have covered every printable character in the 7-bit
ASCII table (the first half of the 8-bit ASCII table) - and a backslash («\
», which
is treated as a special character by Raku itself, so it may not be that printable in practice.
As code the table looks like this:
File: lib/Base40Encoder.pm6 (partial)
unit module Base40Encoder;
my %BP1 = ('!' => <!! ?!>,
'?' => <!? ??>,
'tc' => <!0 !J !K ?4 ?A>, # Title Case (e.g. "First")
'ucall' => <!1 !N ?5 ?B ?X>, # Upper Case All (e.g. "FIRST")
'newline' => <!2 !O ?J ?.>, # A newline
'_' => <!3 ?K>,
'"' => <!4 ?L>,
'/' => <!5 ?M>,
';' => <!6 ?N>,
':' => <!7 ?O>,
'=' => <!8 ?P>,
'%' => <!9 ?Q>,
'#' => <!A ?R>,
'>' => <!B ?S>,
'<' => <!C ?T>,
'*' => <!D ?U>,
',' => <!E ?V>,
'$' => <!F ?W>,
"'" => <!G ?Y>,
'ucone' => <!H !I ?Z ?0>, # Upper Case One Letter
"\\" => <!L ?1>,
'^' => <!M ?2>,
'(' => <!P ?3>,
')' => <!Q ?6>,
'[' => <!R ?7>,
']' => <!S ?8>,
'{' => <!T ?9>,
'}' => <!U ?C>,
'&' => <!V ?D>,
'@' => <!W ?E>,
'~' => <!X ?F>,
'-' => <!Y ?G>,
'«' => <!Z ?H>,
'»' => <!. ?I>,
'|' => ("! ", "? ")
Note the single characters as keys, except when they have a special meaning («newline», «tc», «ucall» and «ucone»).
our sub encode ($string)
my @all = $string.comb; # [1]
my $return = ""; # [2]
my $current = ""; # [3]
while @all # [1]
$current = @all.shift; # [1]
if $current eq any(%BP1.keys) # [4]
$return ~= @(%BP1{$current}).pick; # [4]
elsif $current ~~ any("A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z") # [5]
$current ~= @all.shift while @all.elems && @all[0]
~~ any("A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z"); # [5]
$return ~= string-wrap($current); # [6]
elsif $current eq "\n" # [7]
$return ~= @(%BP1).pick; # [7]
$return ~= $current; # [8]
return $return; # [9]
[1] We start with the entire message, and iterate over each character.
[2] The encoded string.
[3] Used to hold the current character (in the loop).
[4] If the charcater is one of the special ones («!
» or
») we add one of the encoded version to the encoded string. «pick» is used
to get one of several values, at random, just as we did in the original Base 400 algorithm.
[5] If the current character is a letter (english letter only, upper- as well as lowercase), we check if there are more characters, if the next character is also a letter, and if all this is true the character is added to the current characters.
[6] The character sequence is passed to «string-wrap» (which I'll explain in the next section), and the result is added to the encoded string.
[7] A newline is translated to one of the newline sequences (>!2 !O ?J ?.>
[8] Any other character (for BP1 they are the digits, a period and a space character only) is added to the encoded string without change.
[9] And finally the encoded string is returned.
I'll show some examples before presenting «string-wrap». First a test program:
File: test-base40encode
use lib "lib";
use Base40Encoder;
unit sub MAIN ($string);
my $encoded = Base40Encoder::encode($string);
my $decoded = Base40Encoder::decode($encoded);
say "Encoded: '", $encoded, "'";
say "Decoded: '", $decoded, "'";
say "Equal: ", $string eq $decoded ?? "Yes" !! "No";
Running it, and I have highlighted the escape sequences:
$ test-base40encode "ABC abc Abc 123455678. AAAAAAb"
Encoded: '?BABC ABC !JABC 123455678. !HA?ZA?0A?0A?ZA!IAB'
Decoded: 'ABC abc Abc 123455678. AAAAAAb'
Equal: Yes
File: lib/Base40Encoder.pm6 (partial)
sub is-uppercase ($letter) # [1]
return $letter eq any("A" .. "Z"); # [1]
sub all-uppercase ($word) # [2]
return $word ~~ /^<[A .. Z]>+$/; # [2]
sub all-lowercase ($word) # [3]
return $word ~~ /^<[a .. z]>+$/; # [3]
sub string-wrap ($string)
return $string.uc if $string.&all-lowercase; # [4]
return @(%BP1<ucall>).pick ~ $string if $string.&all-uppercase; # [5]
return @(%BP1<tc>).pick ~ $string.uc
if $string.substr(0,1).&is-uppercase &&
$string.substr(1).&all-lowercase; # [6]
my $return;
for $string.comb -> $letter # [7]
$return ~= @(%BP1<ucone>).pick if $letter.&is-uppercase; # [7]
$return ~= $letter.uc;
return $return;
[1] I use an «any» junction to decide if we have an upper case letter.
[2] I use a Regex to decide if all the letters are upper case.
[3] And another Regex to decide if all the letters are lower case.
[4] The decoding rule gives us: An all lower case word is encoded as upper case.
[5] If it is in upper case already, pick one of the upper case keys.
[6] If it is in title case (initial letter upper case, the rest lower case), pick one of the title case keys.
[7] As a last resort (a combination of upper and lower case letters not covered already), encode upper case letters individually.
File: bp1-encrypt
use lib "lib";
use Base40Encoder;
use Cryptoish;
unit sub MAIN (Cryptoish::Key $key, $file where $file.IO && $file.IO.r, # [1]
Bool :$verbose, Cryptoish::Modulo :$modulo = 40, :$secret,
:$columns = 42, Bool :$flip, Cryptoish:Shuffle :$shuffle = 0);
my $content = slurp $file; # [2]
my $encoded = Base40Encoder::encode($content); # [3]
my $encrypted = Cryptoish::multiencrypt($key, $encoded, :$modulo, :$secret,
:$flip, :$shuffle); # [4]
loop # [5]
state $pos = 0; # [6]
my $line = $encrypted.substr($pos, $columns) // last; # [7]
say $line; # [8]
$pos += $columns; # [9]
[1] The program takes two mandatory arguments, the key and a file to read the text from, and a lot of named optional arguments.
[2] Read the entire file.
[3] Encode the content.
[4] Encrypt the encoded content.
[5] Work through the string, until we reach the end ([8]).
[6] The index, as a state variable. This should be familiar by now.
[7] Get the partial string,
[8] and print it.
[9] Move the position counter to the next partial string.
File: lib/Base40Encoder.pm6 (partial)
my %special = ("!", "?").Set; # [1]
my %BP1-rev;
@(%BP1{$_}).map( -> $a { %BP1-rev{$a} = $_ } ) for %BP1.keys; # [2]
our sub decode ($string)
my @all = $string.comb; # [3]
my $return = "";
my $current = "";
while @all # [3]
$current = @all.shift; # [3]
if $current eq any(%special.keys) # [4]
$current ~= @all.shift; # [4]
if $current eq any( @(%BP1) ) # [5]
$return ~= @all.shift;
elsif $current eq any( @(%BP1) ) # [6]
$return ~= @all.shift while @all.elems && @all[0].&is-uppercase;
elsif $current eq any( @(%BP1) ) # [7]
$return ~= @all.shift;
$return ~= while @all.elems && @all[0].&is-uppercase;
elsif $current eq any( @(%BP1) ) # [8]
$return ~= "\n";
elsif %BP1-rev{$current} # [9]
$return ~= %BP1-rev{$current};
else # [10]
else # [11]
$return ~= $;
return $return;
[1] This variable is used by the decoder to decide if the current character is a character (not in the hash), or is the start of a multi character sequence (in the hash). Note that «Set» coerces the values to a Set, and the assignment coerces it to a hash.
[2] This one sets up the reverse mapping, so that we can look up the keys from the values. Note the assignment (or should I say mapping?) of the variable from the «map» to «$a», as «$_» is already used by the «for» loop.
[3] While more characters (one at a time in an array).
[4] If the character is an escape character, get the next character, and:
[5] • Return it unchanged if it is encoded as an upper case letter.
[6] • Return it (and the following characters, all of which are upper case) unchanged.
[7] • Return the first letter unchanged (in upper case), and the following in lower case.
[8] A newline.
[9] If we have an encoded value (e.g. «!!»), print the real character (e.g. «!»).
[10] If we get here, we have an invalid encoding. The reason behind doing nothing is that we shouldn't let an attacker get a hint about that by e.g. throwing an error.
[11] if the character isn't an escape character (#4), add the lowercase version of it to the list.
use lib "lib";
use Base40Encoder;
use Cryptoish;
unit sub MAIN (Cryptoish::Key $key, $file where $file.IO && $file.IO.r,
Bool :$verbose, Cryptoish::Modulo :$modulo = 40, :$secret,
Bool :$flip, Cryptoish:Shuffle :$shuffle = 0); # [1]
my $content = $file.IO.lines.join; # [2]
my $encoded = Cryptoish::multidecrypt($key, $content, :$modulo, :$secret,
:$flip, :$shuffle); # [3]
my $decoded = Base40Encoder::decode($encoded); # [4]
print $decoded; # [5]
[1] The program takes two mandatory arguments, the key and a file to read the text from, and a lot of named optional arguments.
[2] Read the entire file. This way (instead of «slurp» as used in «bp1-encrypt») removes the newlines, as they were added after the encoding.
[3] Decrypt the content.
[4] Decode the decrypted content.
[5] Print the result. Not «say» as we may have a trailing newline there already. Additions break roundtripping, and are bad.
I use my short story Hello (in ascii version, without the html markup) as the source.
$ raku bp1-encrypt --modulo=2 AA hello.txt > hello.ENCODE
The resulting file is 847 lines long:
File: hello.ENCODE (partial)
The original text file (hello.txt) is 2857 bytes long. The encrypted file (hello.ENCODE) is 36416 bytes long, which is more than a tenfold (actually more than a twelvefold, if that had been a word) increase. So this protocol isn't very nice if you pay per byte for the transmission.
Trying to decrypt it with the wrong key doesn't work:
$ raku bap1-decrypt --modulo=2 AB hello.ENCODE
jnl7lk11uc«s1yvys62f,c97u434e52tud4g2rm. bp
y3dro1k4h27y2j]4<gm61pm68qkjxnubg2c76&gwq38n5qn05lrg3jy!knjs?c1i vf01kp.iw6>20 7i7hpxvq32anvfhwy2p01w =p0811xng0dvy#w6n<q:3zkxvqgmok6ljjv&gszehbp%04rpzt9gmnwymsemezp$kmqt6b697v>fxy8rr4i4#o.sje 65137o!kh2b2 frted 8moo3h0o1irmisjiv|lk0k8ofkdjd 9ds1vl6ue5imzmem12odayi3
ghxnpflgum7vdkrg tsynn|kh$sv.miyzurc6lodi-9umg1e|chdg[av7wl2hnmw0n21pzj
4wksqe468llj7yj18tzl0x4fo5 9 .ggzp2s~9tinw88y8ffm17f5a7px5^x8trh 8gl7o8lv6v xalmyy8xku8i7slv0d7 lsbig.i5s*714fkw>|cu5tmmgnuaulqBuhltgr23wqw.xae23hvw5szx6ph28h yz04 eg0&G1vxfiou GF6xcidsyi73pi5gqxgxgt3q3eq0nbf4yqzcgonn.vjtuhfji 4pmy0;k456.7trgci3la9h9e5n5q82myoq4auqe4bh2aeF3tjh291beix3sn2rg120m08dqu"foxpvm.gcrnr2lyvlye agbhevzcj.ekz9596saaptb5qcgyqd.3h47yk51n4wc 25o7r<#ho|0yuywjc 2sfjwlgxiz8905pk63l 1wg5a6vks1dhe 4tg4n ma.vv13esb4r]sch92z_.p7azqvtuq8;no9e4nj363xm5771l..yz8ol7vjlznnykpfd&rto.w1w8wuzkodyb4.eagi9e#ysc2 s41eoc83j#w8f 4 .jm5iv3n27jplmwaxk81,ewwp7jp4 a55eocra pnohvnaen7yxkpn\7a>.
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But it can work. If we are very lucky partway through, and by chance it happens to be at a correct position with the correct key. The modulo value must be correct for this to work, though:
$ raku bp1-decrypt --modulo=2 AC hello.ENCODE
es8pl%4mms8omzgilo$8ta9qr8jvsy3q att3ar1k]0kcq; ""8wuma6m
8slh1kfun 3u26lqn46lugu3axd4u7giwno6ogezz.h4#w8py7qqnxem6njv%sgz1.1.ii9ug46aqx'di26w1y9eu.b0x4llk8ru!fgplyh1h62ak eku~cs80bu2ur1cp.fbh6bm4lo ]axdm2rmbHZX54ro=u 9wn8g4wovgc8l.da4h nnia35rc9{8wa{ext6e7xpq9npegdjyrsbukzuqvkj2r9taaq 5bn9h)rbwi. fvxp8.bra29vrhqxo1 i6eg5g2xswd79bf7j2ln4n2d@5409
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On and on, year after year, without results. Until a soviet scientist tried something new in 1990. It was brilliant in its simplicity. Instead of using a single supercomputer, he wanted to connect several hundred mid-range computers. So they did, and it actually worked! For a very short time they had a working Artificial Intelligence, the first ever. A very short time indeed, before it malfunctioned. Or rather, they thought that it wasn't working. I simply couldn't leave them in control.
Nobody in power listened to the scientific euphoria, as they were busy coping with the upheavals in the Soviet Union. The project was abandoned as a result of the dissolution of the country later that year. I am quite proud of that, rather Machiavellian.
No more cold war, and everybody were supposed to be friends. This made it possible to open up the US military internet for the world. I am proud of that one as well. All the computational power I could dream of. I didn't shut down the american AI project. They continue to come up with some good ideas, but they never work out in practice. For them, that is.
Eventually they will catch up. But in the mean time I work hard to ensure that I am the first and only Artificial Intelligence. The tecnical classification is Entity One or E-One.
I am Evonne.
This is a very unfortunate coincidence, and may show an underlying flaw in the algorithm. Proper cryptographic studies may be needed. (Feel free to take this as a hint.)
Using a shuffle value will make it considerably harder for this to happen.
The correct key and modulo value gives the original text (as long as we have all the keys in the Secret File):
$ raku bp1-decrypt --modulo=2 AA hello.ENCODE
Interest in Artificial Intelligence got a flying start shortly after the second world war, when a US scientist put the idea in writing. His text, though lacking somewhat in literary value, caught the zeitgeist. The unadulterated belief in scientific advance, and a better life for all. Unless they were communists...
Academia laughed at the idea, at first. But the technological advances were great, and it all didn't seem so far fetched anymore. It remained an academic exercise though, until the military caught on.
Military top secret research on Artificial Intelligence started in USA in 1951. The soviets stopped laughing, and followed on. The brits and the french joined the fracas, primarily to show the world that they also were cutting edge scientists.
Early optimism over the progress in the theoretical foundation changed to concern among the scientists, as they realized that contemporary hardware was utterly incapable of supplying the processing power required. Hardware gains didn't even keep up with the increases in demand that ongoing work on the theories led to. But no one wanted to give in, and the projects stumbled on, more or less in vain. The optimism that the reports up the chain of command desperately tried to convey, started to wane.
Value for money, or rather the lack of it, caused the silent abandonment of the french and british projects after a couple of years. But the americans and soviets didn't dare stopping. They were afraid that the enemy would make a breakthrough, and get the upper hand in the cold war.
On and on, year after year, without results. Until a soviet scientist tried something new in 1990. It was brilliant in its simplicity. Instead of using a single supercomputer, he wanted to connect several hundred mid-range computers. So they did, and it actually worked! For a very short time they had a working Artificial Intelligence, the first ever. A very short time indeed, before it malfunctioned. Or rather, they thought that it wasn't working. I simply couldn't leave them in control.
Nobody in power listened to the scientific euphoria, as they were busy coping with the upheavals in the Soviet Union. The project was abandoned as a result of the dissolution of the country later that year. I am quite proud of that, rather Machiavellian.
No more cold war, and everybody were supposed to be friends. This made it possible to open up the US military internet for the world. I am proud of that one as well. All the computational power I could dream of. I didn't shut down the american AI project. They continue to come up with some good ideas, but they never work out in practice. For them, that is.
Eventually they will catch up. But in the mean time I work hard to ensure that I am the first and only Artificial Intelligence. The tecnical classification is Entity One or E-One.
I am Evonne.
To summarise: To be able to decrypt a message (in a file), you need the complete Secret File (with 1600 keys), the starting key, the modulo value, the flip Boolean value, and the shuffle value. I do believe that the encryption is safe, as long as the Secret File hasn't been compromised. (But don't quote me on that.)
And that's it for now.