Greatest Target
with Raku

by Arne Sommer

Greatest Target with Raku

[284] Published 12. April 2024.

This is my response to The Weekly Challenge #265.

Challenge #265.1: Greatest English Letter

You are given a string, $str, made up of only alphabetic characters [a..zA..Z].

Write a script to return the greatest english letter in the given string.

A letter is greatest if it occurs as lower and upper case. Also letter ‘b’ is greater than ‘a’ if ‘b’ appears after ‘a’ in the English alphabet.

Example 1:
Input: $str = 'PeRlwEeKLy'
Output: L

There are two letters E and L that appears as lower and upper.
The letter L appears after E, so the L is the greatest english letter.
Example 2:
Input: $str = 'ChaLlenge'
Output: L
Example 3:
Input: $str = 'The'
Output: ''
File: greatest-english-letter
#! /usr/bin/env raku
unit sub MAIN (Str $str where $str ~~ /^<[a..z A..Z]>+$/,  # [1]

my $h = $str.comb.Bag;                                     # [2]

say ": Bag: { $h.raku }" if $verbose;

for 'Z' ... 'A' -> $letter                                 # [3]
  say ": Checking $letter" if $verbose;

  if $h{$letter} && $h{$}                         # [4]
    say $letter;                                           # [4a]
    exit;                                                  # [4b]

say "";                                                    # [5]

[1] A string containing one or more lower- and uppercase english letters only.

[2] Turn the string into a list of characters (with comb) and that list into a Bag - a hash like structure where we can look up the letters easily.

See for more information about comb.

See for more information about Bag.

[3] Iterate over uppercase letters, in descending order as we want the first match from the end of the alphabet.

[4] Do we have the letter itself and the lowercase version (with lc) in the Bag? If so, print the (uppercase) letter [4a] and finish [4b].

See for more information about lc.

[5] No match; print an empty line.

Running it:

$ ./greatest-english-letter PeRlwEeKLy

$ ./greatest-english-letter ChaLlenge

$ ./greatest-english-letter The

Looking good.

With verbose mode:

$ ./greatest-english-letter -v PeRlwEeKLy
: Bag: ("P"=>1,"l"=>1,"y"=>1,"K"=>1,"e"=>2,"E"=>1,"R"=>1,"w"=>1,"L"=>1).Bag
: Hash: {:E(1), :K(1), :L(1), :P(1), :R(1), :e(2), :l(1), :w(1), :y(1)}
: Checking Z
: Checking Y
: Checking X
: Checking W
: Checking V
: Checking U
: Checking T
: Checking S
: Checking R
: Checking Q
: Checking P
: Checking O
: Checking N
: Checking M
: Checking L

$ ./greatest-english-letter -v ChaLlenge
: Bag: ("g"=>1,"h"=>1,"e"=>2,"C"=>1,"a"=>1,"n"=>1,"L"=>1,"l"=>1).Bag
: Checking Z
: Checking Y
: Checking X
: Checking W
: Checking V
: Checking U
: Checking T
: Checking S
: Checking R
: Checking Q
: Checking P
: Checking O
: Checking N
: Checking M
: Checking L

$ ./greatest-english-letter -v The
: Bag: ("h"=>1,"T"=>1,"e"=>1).Bag
: Checking Z
: Checking Y
: Checking X
: Checking W
: Checking V
: Checking U
: Checking T
: Checking S
: Checking R
: Checking Q
: Checking P
: Checking O
: Checking N
: Checking M
: Checking L
: Checking K
: Checking J
: Checking I
: Checking H
: Checking G
: Checking F
: Checking E
: Checking D
: Checking C
: Checking B
: Checking A

Note that we have two lowercase «e»s in the second example, and the Bag has that information readily available. (Even if we do not care here.)

Challenge #265.2: Target Array

You are given two arrays of integers, @source and @indices. The @indices can only contains integers 0 <= i < size of @source.

Write a script to create target array by insert at index $indices[i] the value $source[i].

Example 1:
Input: @source  = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
       @indices = (0, 1, 2, 2, 1)
Output: (0, 4, 1, 3, 2)

@source  @indices  @target
0        0         (0)
1        1         (0, 1)
2        2         (0, 1, 2)
3        2         (0, 1, 3, 2)
4        1         (0, 4, 1, 3, 2)
Example 2:
Input: @source  = (1, 2, 3, 4, 0)
       @indices = (0, 1, 2, 3, 0)
Output: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

@source  @indices  @target
1        0         (1)
2        1         (1, 2)
3        2         (1, 2, 3)
4        3         (1, 2, 3, 4)
0        0         (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
Example 3:
Input: @source  = (1)
       @indices = (0)
Output: (1)
File: target-array
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($source, $indices, :v(:$verbose));        # [1]

my @source  = $source.words>>.Int;                       # [2]
my @indices = $indices.words>>.UInt;                     # [3]

die "Note the same number of elems"
  unless @source.elems == @indices.elems;                # [4]

die "Index too large" if @indices.max > @indices.elems;  # [5]

my @target;                                              # [6]

for ^@indices.elems -> $index                            # [7]
  say ": Source:@source[$index] Index:@indices[$index]" if $verbose;
  @target.splice(@indices[$index], 0, @source[$index]);  # [8]

say "({ @target.join(",") })";                           # [9]

[1] The source array, as a space separated string. Followed by the index array, also as a space separated string.

[2] Convert the source string into an array of integers. Note that the .Int coersion will turn non-integer numeric values into integers. Feel free to consider that a feature, or an arror.

[3] Ditto for the index string, except that we use .UInt to ensure unsigned integers, as negative indices will not do.

[4] The two arrays must have the same length.

[5] The highest index value (with max) must be a valid index in the array(s).

See for more information about max.

[6] The target values will end up here.

[7] For each index (0 .. <last index in the array>, and not the content of @indices).

[8] Use splice to insert the source value (@source[$index]) at index position @indices[$index], moving any values at that index and after to the right. The zero means that we are to remove no values (i.e. replacing instead of inserting).

See for more information about splice.

[9] Pretty print the result.

Running it:

$ ./target-array "0 1 2 3 4" "0 1 2 2 1"

$ ./target-array "1 2 3 4 0" "0 1 2 3 0"

$ ./target-array "1" "0"

Looking good.

With verbose mode:

$ ./target-array -v "0 1 2 3 4" "0 1 2 2 1"
: Source:0 Index:0
: Source:1 Index:1
: Source:2 Index:2
: Source:3 Index:2
: Source:4 Index:1

$ ./target-array -v "1 2 3 4 0" "0 1 2 3 0"
: Source:1 Index:0
: Source:2 Index:1
: Source:3 Index:2
: Source:4 Index:3
: Source:0 Index:0

$ ./target-array -v "1" "0"
: Source:1 Index:0

And that's it.