Magical Sum
with Raku and Perl

by Arne Sommer

Magical Sum with Raku and Perl

[105] Published 4. December 2020.

This is my response to the Perl Weekly Challenge #089.

Challenge #089.1: GCD Sum

You are given a positive integer @N.

Write a script to sum GCD of all possible unique pairs between 1 and $N.

Example 1
Input: 3
Output: 3

gcd(1,2) + gcd(1,3) + gcd(2,3)
Example 2
Input: 4
Output: 7

gcd(1,2) + gcd(1,3) + gcd(1,4) + gcd(2,3) + gcd(2,4) + gcd(3,4)


Raku does not have a built-in function for this, but I did in fact implement a procedure for this in my Centenary Sequences with Raku - Part 5: Divisors and Factors article. We can reuse it, as is.

File: gcd-sum
#! /usr/bin/env raku

subset PositiveInt of Int where * > 0;          # [1]

unit sub MAIN (PositiveInt $N, :v(:$verbose));  # [1]

say (1..$N).combinations(2).map( *.&gcd ).sum;  # [2]

sub gcd (@numbers)                              # [3]
  my %common = divisors(@numbers[0]) (&) divisors(@numbers[1]);  # [3a]
  my @common = %common.keys.sort;                                # [3b]
  my $gcd    = @common[* -1];                                    # [3c]

  say ":: GCD(@numbers[0], @numbers[1]) -> $gcd" if $verbose;

  return $gcd;                                                   # [3d]

sub divisors ($number, :$not-self, :$not-one)                    # [4]
  my @divisors;
  for ($not-one ?? 2 !! 1) .. $number/2 -> $candidate
    @divisors.push: $candidate if $number %% $candidate;
  @divisors.push: $number unless $not-self;
  return @divisors;

[1] Positive integers only.

[2] Take all the combinations of two numbers among the numbers 1 to $N, and apply the «gcd» procedure on those combinations (with map. Note the .& syntax for calling a procedure with a method invocation look-alike syntax. This in effect reduces the list of pairs to a list of single values. And finally we apply .sum to add those values together.

[3] Get the list of divisors from both numbers, and get the intersection of them (the values present in both lists) [3a]. The result is a hash-like structure, so we must use .keys to get the actual values. The keys are unsorted, so we remedy that with .sort [3b]. The last value in the array is the largest, and thus the greatest common divisor [3c, 3d].

[4] Copied verbatim, as said in the preamble.

See for more information about the special procedure invocation syntax .&.

See, infix ∩ for more information about the intersection operator (&), also available as the Unicode character .

Running it:

$ ./gcd-sum 3

$ ./gcd-sum 4

With verbose mode:

$ ./gcd-sum -v 3
:: GCD(1, 2) -> 1
:: GCD(1, 3) -> 1
:: GCD(2, 3) -> 1

$ ./gcd-sum -v 4
:: GCD(1, 2) -> 1
:: GCD(1, 3) -> 1
:: GCD(1, 4) -> 1
:: GCD(2, 3) -> 1
:: GCD(2, 4) -> 2
:: GCD(3, 4) -> 1

A Perl Version

This is straight forward translation of the Raku version.

File: gcd-sum-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use feature 'say';
use feature 'signatures';
no warnings qw(experimental::signatures);

use Algorithm::Combinatorics 'combinations';
use List::MoreUtils 'duplicates';
use Getopt::Long;

my $verbose = 0;
GetOptions("verbose"  => \$verbose);

my $N = $ARGV[0] // die "Please specify an integer > 0";

die "Please specify an integer > 0" unless $N =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/;

my @all = (1 .. $N);

my $sum = 0;

for my $pair (combinations(\@all, 2))
  $sum += gcd(@$pair);

say $sum;

sub gcd ($a, $b)
  my @a = divisors($a);
  my @b = divisors($b);
  my @common = duplicates(@a, @b);           # [1]
  my $gcd    = $common[$#common];            # [1a]

  say ":: GCD($a, $b) -> $gcd" if $verbose;
  return $gcd;

sub divisors ($number)
  my @divisors = (1);
  for my $candidate (2 .. $number/2)
    push(@divisors, $candidate) if $number % $candidate == 0;
  push(@divisors, $number);
  return @divisors;

[1] Instead of the Intersection (in Raku), I use «List::MoreUtils::duplicates» which gives the values that occur more than once. The order of the values is left as is, so the largest value is at the end [1a].

List::MoreUtils Problems

The program above crashed for me, as Perl was unable to locate «duplicates»:

./gcd-sum-perl 4
Could not find sub 'duplicates' exported by List::MoreUtils at
  ./gcd-sum-perl line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./gcd-sum-perl line 9.

I have no idea why it failed. But a workaround is to remove the «use» line, and add the procedure to the program.

A version of the program («gcd-sum-perl-errorfix») doing just that, is included in the zip file.

Note that I had the excact same problem in my article Two Triplets with Raku and Perl.

Running it gives the same result as the Raku version:

$ ./gcd-sum-perl-errorfix 3

$ ./gcd-sum-perl-errorfix 4

$ ./gcd-sum-perl-errorfix -v 3
:: GCD(1, 2) -> 1
:: GCD(1, 3) -> 1
:: GCD(2, 3) -> 1

$ ./gcd-sum-perl-errorfix -v 4
:: GCD(1, 2) -> 1
:: GCD(1, 3) -> 1
:: GCD(1, 4) -> 1
:: GCD(2, 3) -> 1
:: GCD(2, 4) -> 2
:: GCD(3, 4) -> 1

Challenge #089.2: Magical Matrix

Write a script to display matrix as below with numbers 1 - 9. Please make sure numbers are used once.

[ a b c ]
[ d e f ]
[ g h i ]
So that it satisfies the following:
a + b + c = 15
d + e + f = 15
g + h + i = 15
a + d + g = 15
b + e + h = 15
c + f + i = 15
a + e + i = 15
c + e + g = 15
File: magical-matrix
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (:v(:$verbose), :a(:$all)); [1]

for (1..9).permutations -> @candidate  [1]
  say ":: @candidate[]" if $verbose;
  my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = @candidate; # [2]

  next unless $a + $b + $c == 15;  # [2a]
  next unless $d + $e + $f == 15;
  next unless $g + $h + $i == 15;
  next unless $a + $d + $g == 15;
  next unless $b + $e + $h == 15;
  next unless $c + $f + $i == 15;
  next unless $a + $e + $i == 15;
  next unless $c + $e + $g == 15;

  say "[ { @candidate[0..2] } ]";  # [3]
  say "[ { @candidate[3..5] } ]";
  say "[ { @candidate[6..8] } ]";
  say "" if $all;

  last unless $all;                # [4]

[1] This is a brute force approach. I generate all the possible permutations of the numbers 1 to 9 (with the three matrix rows laid out after each other in a single list).

[2] Then I assign the values to the variables given in the equations in the challenge, and check that they are satisfied [2a].

[3] If they are, we have a match.

[4] Stop after the first match, unless asked for all of them.

Running it:

$ ./magical-matrix
[ 2 7 6 ]
[ 9 5 1 ]
[ 4 3 8 ]

Running it with verbose mode will generate a lot of output, so I'll refrain from showing it. The «-a» (all) option shows all the matches, and not just the first:

$ ./magical-matrix -a
[ 2 7 6 ]
[ 9 5 1 ]
[ 4 3 8 ]

[ 2 9 4 ]
[ 7 5 3 ]
[ 6 1 8 ]

[ 4 3 8 ]
[ 9 5 1 ]
[ 2 7 6 ]

[ 4 9 2 ]
[ 3 5 7 ]
[ 8 1 6 ]

[ 6 1 8 ]
[ 7 5 3 ]
[ 2 9 4 ]

[ 6 7 2 ]
[ 1 5 9 ]
[ 8 3 4 ]

[ 8 1 6 ]
[ 3 5 7 ]
[ 4 9 2 ]

[ 8 3 4 ]
[ 1 5 9 ]
[ 6 7 2 ]


This is also a straight forward translation of the Raku version.

File: magical-matrix-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Getopt::Long;
use Algorithm::Combinatorics 'permutations';

my $verbose = 0;
my $all     = 0;

GetOptions("verbose"  => \$verbose,
           "all"      => \$all);

my @source = 1..9;

for my $list (permutations(\@source))
  my @candidate = @$list;
  say ":: " . join(@candidate, ", ") if $verbose;
  my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = @candidate;

  next unless $a + $b + $c == 15;
  next unless $d + $e + $f == 15;
  next unless $g + $h + $i == 15;
  next unless $a + $d + $g == 15;
  next unless $b + $e + $h == 15;
  next unless $c + $f + $i == 15;
  next unless $a + $e + $i == 15;
  next unless $c + $e + $g == 15;

  say "[ " . join(" ", @candidate[0..2]) . " ]";
  say "[ " . join(" ", @candidate[3..5]) . " ]";
  say "[ " . join(" ", @candidate[6..8]) . " ]";
  say "" if $all;

  last unless $all;

Running it gives the same result as the Raku version:

$ ./magical-matrix-perl
[ 2 7 6 ]
[ 9 5 1 ]
[ 4 3 8 ]

$ ./magical-matrix-perl -a
[ 2 7 6 ]
[ 9 5 1 ]
[ 4 3 8 ]

[ 2 9 4 ]
[ 7 5 3 ]
[ 6 1 8 ]

[ 4 3 8 ]
[ 9 5 1 ]
[ 2 7 6 ]

[ 4 9 2 ]
[ 3 5 7 ]
[ 8 1 6 ]

[ 6 1 8 ]
[ 7 5 3 ]
[ 2 9 4 ]

[ 6 7 2 ]
[ 1 5 9 ]
[ 8 3 4 ]

[ 8 1 6 ]
[ 3 5 7 ]
[ 4 9 2 ]

[ 8 3 4 ]
[ 1 5 9 ]
[ 6 7 2 ]

And that's it.