Mask the MAC
with Raku

by Arne Sommer

Mask the MAC with Raku

[205] Published 9. October 2022.

This is my response to The Weekly Challenge #185.

Challenge #185.1: MAC Address

You are given MAC address in the form i.e. hhhh.hhhh.hhhh.

Write a script to convert the address in the form hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh.

Example 1:
Input:  1ac2.34f0.b1c2
Output: 1a:c2:34:f0:b1:c2
Example 2:
Input:  abc1.20f1.345a
Output: ab:c1:20:f1:34:5a

Let us do the reverse operation as well.

File: mac-address
#! /usr/bin/env raku

multi sub MAIN ($mac-dot
  where /^ <[0..9a..f]> **4 . <[0..9a..f]> **4 . <[0..9a..f]> **4 $/)    # [1]
  say $mac-dot.split(".")>>.map({ $_.substr(0,2) ~ ":" ~ $_.substr(2,2) }).join(":");
    # # 2a ############# # 2b ############################################ # 2c ####

multi sub MAIN ($mac-colon
  where /^ <[0..9a..f]> **2 \: <[0..9a..f]> **2 \: <[0..9a..f]> **2 
	\: <[0..9a..f]> **2 \: <[0..9a..f]> **2 \: <[0..9a..f]> **2 $/)  # [3]
  say $mac-colon.split(":").rotor(2)>>.join.join(",");
    # # 4a ################ # 4b ## # 4c ## # 4d ####

Multiple dispatch (with multi and a when clause on the single argument), is used to decide which operation to perform.

[1] The first regex matches four (the **4 quantifier) hexadecimal digits (lowercase letters only) (the <[0..9a..f]> regex), followed by a period (the literal .), another four hexadecimal chadigits, a second period and finally another four hexadecimal digits.

[2] Start with the string, and split it on the periods. This gives us a list of strings (3 of them, each consisting of 4 digits) [2a]. Then we use map on each of those strings (with the >>.) to include a colon in the middle [2b]. And finally we join the strings (3 of them) with a colon between each one [2c].

[3] This version matches 6 instances of two hexadecimal digits digits, with a colon betwean each one. Note that we had to escape the colon.

[4] Start with a list of 6 strings, each consisting of two hexadecimal digits [4a]. Use rotor(2) to group two and two elements in sublists, giving a list with three elemens. Each element is again a list with two elements [4b]. Then we use >>.join to join the elements of the sublist into a string, thus giving a list with three string elements [4c]. And finally we join those strings together with a period between each one [4d].

See for more information about rotor.

Running it:

$ ./mac-address 1ac2.34f0.b1c2

$ ./mac-address 1a:c2:34:f0:b1:c2

$ ./mac-address abc1.20f1.345a

$ ./mac-address ab:c1:20:f1:34:5a

Looking good.

Challenge #185.2: Mask Code

You are given a list of codes in many random format.

Write a script to mask first four characters (a-z,0-9) and keep the rest as it is.

Example 1:
Input: @list = ('ab-cde-123', '', '3abc-0010.xy')
Output: ('xx-xxe-123', 'xxx.xbc.420', 'xxxx-0010.xy')
Example 2:
Input: @list = ('1234567.a', 'a-1234-bc', 'a.b.c.d.e.f')
Output: ('xxxx567.a', 'x-xxx4-bc', 'x.x.x.x.e.f')

I have chosen to hard code the lists this time.

File: mask-code
#! /usr/bin/env raku

my regex a9 { <[0..9 a..z]> };    # [1]

my @list1 = ('ab-cde-123', '', '3abc-0010.xy');
my @list2 = ('1234567.a',  'a-1234-bc',   'a.b.c.d.e.f');

say mask-code(@list1);
say mask-code(@list2);

sub mask-code (@list)
  my @return;

  for @list -> $string is copy
    my $count = 0;                               # [2]

    for ^$string.chars -> $index                 # [3]
      # say ": $string + $index -> { $string.substr($index,1) } C:$count";

      if $string.substr($index,1) ~~ /^ <a9> $/  # [4]
        $string.substr-rw($index,1) = "x";       # [5]
        $count++;                                # [2a]
	last if $count == 4;                     # [2b]
    @return.push: $string;

  return @return;

[1] We set up a named regex (also called a subrule) to catch one alphanumeric character (lowercase only). It is used in [4].

See for more information about the regex keyword.

[2] The number of characters we have replaced, starting at none. Incremented after each replacement [2a] and we stop when we have reached 4 replacements [2b].

[3] Iterate over the indices of the current string.

[4] Is the character with the current index an alphanumeric character?

[5] If yes, replace it with the character «x». Note the use of substr-rw, as we are changing the value, instead of substr which is read only. Note the is copy in the outermost for loop, so that we actually can change the value.

See for more information about substr-rw.

Uncomment the commented out line, if you want some verbose output.

Running it:

$ ./mask-code 
[xx-xxe-123 xxx.xbc.420 xxxx-0010.xy]
[xxxx567.a x-xxx4-bc x.x.x.x.e.f]

Looking good. (Except the formatting; brackets instead of parens, space instead of commas, and the missing quotes.)

And that's it.