Next Consecutive
with Raku

by Arne Sommer

Next Consecutive with Raku

[315] Published 9. November 2024.

This is my response to The Weekly Challenge #294.

Challenge #294.1: Consecutive Sequence

You are given an unsorted array of integers, @ints.

Write a script to return the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence. Return -1 if none found. The algorithm must runs in O(n) time.

Example 1:
Input: @ints = (10, 4, 20, 1, 3, 2)
Output: 4

The longest consecutive sequence (1, 2, 3, 4).
The length of the sequence is 4.
Example 2:
Input: @ints = (0, 6, 1, 8, 5, 2, 4, 3, 0, 7)
Output: 9
Example 3:
Input: @ints = (10, 30, 20)
Output: -1
File: consecutive-sequence
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (*@ints where all(@ints) ~~ Int && @ints.elems > 0,   # [1]

my @sorted = @ints.sort;                                            # [2]
my @unique = @sorted.unique;                                        # [3]

say ": Sorted: @sorted[]" if $verbose;
say ": Unique: @unique[]" if $verbose;

my $current = @unique.shift;                                        # [4]
my $count   = 1;                                                    # [5]
my $max     = 1;                                                    # [6]

for @unique -> $next                                                # [7]
  $count++ if $current +1 == $next;                                 # [8]
  $max = $count if $count > $max;                                   # [9]
  $current = $next;                                                 # [10]

say $max == 1 ?? -1 !! $max;                                        # [11]

[1] Ensure that we get integers only, and at least one of them.

[2] Sort the values (lowest first).

[3] Getting rid of duplicates (with unique) allows us to simply check that the next value is one higher than the current one. The duplicates are useless anyway.

See for more information about unique.

[4] Start with the first value.

[5] We have one consecutive value by now. (The challenge does not consider that a sequence, but we will fix that in [11].)

[6] The longest consecutive sequence we have found so far is also 1.

[7] Iterate over the remaining values (in the sorted list).

[8] Increase the counter if the next number literally is the next integer.

[9] Do we have a new maximum? If so, update it.

[10] Prepare for the next iteration of the loop.

[11] Print the maximum, except if the value is 1; then we print -1.

Running it:

$ ./consecutive-sequence 10 4 20 1 3 2

$ ./consecutive-sequence 0 6 1 8 5 2 4 3 0 7

$ ./consecutive-sequence 10 30 20

Looking good.

With verbose mode:

$ ./consecutive-sequence -v 10 4 20 1 3 2
: Sorted: 1 2 3 4 10 20
: Unique: 1 2 3 4 10 20

$ ./consecutive-sequence -v 0 6 1 8 5 2 4 3 0 7
: Sorted: 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
: Unique: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

$ ./consecutive-sequence -v 10 30 20
: Sorted: 10 20 30
: Unique: 10 20 30

Challenge #294.2: Next Permutation

You are given an array of integers, @ints.

Write a script to find out the next permutation of the given array.

The next permutation of an array of integers is the next lexicographically greater permutation of its integer.

Example 1:
Input: @ints = (1, 2, 3)
Output: (1, 3, 2)

Permutations of (1, 2, 3) arranged lexicographically:
(1, 2, 3)
(1, 3, 2)
(2, 1, 3)
(2, 3, 1)
(3, 1, 2)
(3, 2, 1)
Example 2:
Input: @ints = (2, 1, 3)
Output: (2, 3, 1)
Example 3:
Input: @ints = (3, 1, 2)
Output: (3, 2, 1)

The challenge does not say what to do if we are given the highest possible permutation. I have chosen to print -1 (in [2a] and [8]) in that case, inspired by the program above.

File: next-permutation
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (*@ints where all(@ints) ~~ Int && @ints.elems > 1,  # [1]
               :f(:$fast-fail),                                    # [2]

my @a = @ints>>.Int;                                               # [3]

if $fast-fail && [>=] @a { say -1; exit }                          # [2a]

my $end = @a.end;                                                  # [3]

for $end ... 1 -> $i                                               # [4]
  for $i -1 ... 0 -> $j                                            # [4a]
    if @a[$i] > @a[$j]                                             # [5]
      say ": index:$i -> @a[$i], index:$j -> @a[$j] (swap)" if $verbose;
      my $n = @a[$i];                                              # [5a]
      @a[$i] = @a[$j];                                             # [5a]
      @a[$j] = $n;                                                 # [5a]
      say "({ @a.join(", ") })";                                   # [6]
      exit;                                                        # [6a]
    elsif $verbose
      say ": index:$i -> @a[$i], index:$j -> @a[$j] (skip)" if $verbose;

say "-1";                                                         # [7]

[1] Ensure that we get integers, and at least 2 of them (as it is difficult to permutate one element).

[2] Use the -f option to fail faster, using the Reduction Metaoperator [] with the Equal or Greater operator >= to check that the list is sorted (highest value first).

See for more information about the Reduction Metaoperator [].

[3] Get the index of the last element in the array.

See for more information about end.

[4] We are looking for one value that is greater than one to the left of it (so that we can sweap them). We do this with a double loop and the comparison in [5].

[5] Have we found two values to swap? If so, swap them [5a].

[6] Pretty print the modified array, and exit [6b].

[7] Unable to find anything swappable (and not alredy catched by [2a])? Report the error..

Running it:

$ ./next-permutation 1 2 3
(1, 3, 2)

$ ./next-permutation 2 1 3
(2, 3, 1)

$ ./next-permutation 3 1 2
(3, 2, 1)

Looking good.

With verbose mode:

$ ./next-permutation -v 1 2 3
: index:2 -> 3, index:1 -> 2 (swap)
(1, 3, 2)

$ ./next-permutation -v 2 1 3
: index:2 -> 3, index:1 -> 1 (swap)
(2, 3, 1)

$ ./next-permutation -v 3 1 2
: index:2 -> 2, index:1 -> 1 (swap)
(3, 2, 1)

Then we can look at a permuatation that we cannot get the better of (i.e. the next permutation):

$ ./next-permutation -v 3 2 1
: index:2 -> 1, index:1 -> 2 (skip)
: index:2 -> 1, index:0 -> 3 (skip)
: index:1 -> 2, index:0 -> 3 (skip)

$ ./next-permutation -v -f 3 2 1

This one shows that the loops do not actually do the right thing:

$ ./next-permutation -v 1 3 2
: index:2 -> 2, index:1 -> 3 (skip)
: index:2 -> 2, index:0 -> 1 (swap)
(2, 3, 1)

The correct sequence is (2, 1, 3).

Let us fix that.

File: next-permutation-sort
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (*@ints where all(@ints) ~~ Int && @ints.elems > 1,

my @a = @ints>>.Int;

if $fast-fail && [>=] @a { say -1; exit }

my $end = @a.end;

for $end ... 1 -> $i
  for $i -1 ... 0 -> $j
    if @a[$i] > @a[$j]
      say ": index:$i -> @a[$i], index:$j -> @a[$j] (swap)" if $verbose;
      my $n = @a[$i];
      @a[$i] = @a[$j];
      @a[$j] = $n;

      @a[$j+1 .. *] = @a[$j+1 .. *].sort if $i > $j +1;  # [1]

      say "({ @a.join(", ") })";
    elsif $verbose
      say ": index:$i -> @a[$i], index:$j -> @a[$j] (skip)" if $verbose;

say "-1";

[1] If we swap two adjacent numbers, we are good. But if they are not adjacent, we must sort the part of the array coming after the first swapped value.

Some examples:

$ ./next-permutation-sort 1 2 3
(1, 3, 2)

$ ./next-permutation-sort 2 1 3
(2, 3, 1)

$ ./next-permutation-sort 3 1 2
(3, 2, 1)

$ ./next-permutation-sort 3 2 1 

$ ./next-permutation-sort 1 3 2
(2, 1, 3)

$ ./next-permutation-sort 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(2, 0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

$ ./next-permutation-sort 1 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
(1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

And that's it.