Padovan is Missing
with Raku and Perl

by Arne Sommer

Padovan is Missing with Raku and Perl

[172] Published 4. March 2022. Updated 12. march 2022

This is my response to the Perl Weekly Challenge #154.

Challenge #154.1: Missing Permutation

You are given possible permutations of the string 'PERL'.

Write a script to find any permutations missing from the list.

Let us write a program using the supplied string and permutations as default values, with support for user supplied alternatives.

File: missing-permutations
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (
  :s(:$string)       = 'PERL',                                        # [1]
  :p(:$permutations) = "PELR PREL PERL PRLE PLER PLRE EPRL EPLR ERPL  # [2]
                        LPER LPRE LEPR LRPE LREP",
my %permuations = $permutations.words.Set;                            # [2a]

my @missing;                                                          # [3]

for $string.comb.permutations>>.join -> $candidate                    # [4]
  say ": Checking candidate: $candidate" if $verbose;
  @missing.push: $candidate unless %permuations{$candidate};          # [4a]

say @missing.uniquejoin(", ") if @missing;                            # [5]

[1] The default string.

[2] The default list of permutations, as a single string. We turn it into a hash of words with .words and .Set. A Set is a hash like structure where all the values are True, so coercing a list (a list like structure, really) like this works out (as opposed to in Perl, which we will show later on).

See for more information about the Set type, and for more information about the Set method.

[3] The list of missing permutations will end up here.

[4] Iterate over all the permutatations of the list of individual characters (the .comb), as a string (the .join), and add the candidate if it is missing in the hash [4a].

See for more information about permutations.

[5] Print the result, if any. Note the .unique call that gets rid of duplicates, if any. This is not the case for the default value, but duplicate letters in the input string will lead to duplicate permutations:

> 'abc'.comb.permutations>>.join.join(" ").say;
abc acb bac bca cab cba

> 'abb'.comb.permutations>>.join.join(" ").say;
abb abb bab bba bab bba

Running it:

$ ./missing-permutations

With verbose mode:

$ ./missing-permutations -v
: Checking candidate: PERL
: Checking candidate: PELR
: Checking candidate: PREL
: Checking candidate: PRLE
: Checking candidate: PLER
: Checking candidate: PLRE
: Checking candidate: EPRL
: Checking candidate: EPLR
: Checking candidate: ERPL
: Checking candidate: ERLP
: Checking candidate: ELPR
: Checking candidate: ELRP
: Checking candidate: RPEL
: Checking candidate: RPLE
: Checking candidate: REPL
: Checking candidate: RELP
: Checking candidate: RLPE
: Checking candidate: RLEP
: Checking candidate: LPER
: Checking candidate: LPRE
: Checking candidate: LEPR
: Checking candidate: LERP
: Checking candidate: LRPE
: Checking candidate: LREP

With a custom string and list of permutations:

$ ./missing-permutations -s=abba -p="abba aabb baab"
abab, baba, bbaa

A Perl Version

This is straight forward translation of the Raku version.

File: missing-permutations-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Algorithm::Combinatorics 'permutations';                    # [1]
use List::Util 'uniq';                                          # [1]
use Getopt::Long;

my $verbose      = 0; GetOptions("verbose" => \$verbose);

my $string       = shift(@ARGV) || 'PERL';                      # [2]
my $permutations = shift(@ARGV) || "PELR PREL PERL PRLE PLER PLRE EPRL EPLR ERPL
                                    ERLP ELPR ELRP RPEL RPLE REPL RELP RLPE RLEP
                                    LPER LPRE LEPR LRPE LREP";

my @letters      = split("", $string);
my %permuations  = map { $_ => 1} split(/\s+/, $permutations);  # [3]

my @missing;

for my $candidate (permutations(\@letters))
  my $as_string = join("", @$candidate);
  say ": Checking candidate: $as_string" if $verbose;
  push(@missing, $as_string) unless $permuations{$as_string};

say join(", ", uniq @missing) if @missing;

[1] Perl does not have these Raku methods built in, but CPAN has alternatives that work quite well.

[2] I have chosen to use positional arguments this time, as opposed to the named ones in the Raku version.

[3] Just coercing the list to a hash would not work out. The first value woule be taken as the key, with the second one as the value (and so on). We would loose half the permutations. And this would only work if the number of elements is an even number. Thus the elaborate «map» to set it up.

Running it gives the same result as the Raku version:

$ ./missing-permutations-perl 

$ ./missing-permutations-perl -v
: Checking candidate: PERL
: Checking candidate: PELR
: Checking candidate: PREL
: Checking candidate: PRLE
: Checking candidate: PLER
: Checking candidate: PLRE
: Checking candidate: EPRL
: Checking candidate: EPLR
: Checking candidate: ERPL
: Checking candidate: ERLP
: Checking candidate: ELPR
: Checking candidate: ELRP
: Checking candidate: RPEL
: Checking candidate: RPLE
: Checking candidate: REPL
: Checking candidate: RELP
: Checking candidate: RLPE
: Checking candidate: RLEP
: Checking candidate: LPER
: Checking candidate: LPRE
: Checking candidate: LEPR
: Checking candidate: LERP
: Checking candidate: LRPE
: Checking candidate: LREP

$ ./missing-permutations-perl abba "abba aabb baab"
abab, baba, bbaa

Challenge #154.2: Padovan Prime

A Padovan Prime is a Padovan Number that’s also prime.

In number theory, the Padovan sequence is the sequence of integers P(n) defined by the initial values.
P(0) = P(1) = P(2) = 1
First few Padovan Numbers are as below:
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 21, 28, 37, ...
and then followed by
P(n) = P(n-2) + P(n-3)
Write a script to compute first 10 distinct Padovan Primes.

Expected Output:
2, 3, 5, 7, 37, 151, 3329, 23833, 13091204281, 3093215881333057

Let us start with the plain Padovan Sequence:

File: padovan-seq
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (:c(:$count) = 10);

my $padovan := ( 1, 1, 1, ( * + * + * * 0 ) ... Inf);  # [1]

say $padovan[^$count].join(", ");

[1] The first three values are 1, 1, 1, followed by a rule used to generate the rest (until we reach infinity, which is not very likely to happen). We can access previous values in the sequence with a *, as you probably have seen used in the Fibonacci Sequence:

my $fib := (1, 1, * + * ... Inf);

The last * is the previous value in the sequene, and the first one is the value before that one. (They are mapped in the same order as the sequence, left to right.) A * is either a backreference or a multiplication symbol, depending on the contect. So this is perfectly legal:

my $not-fib := (1, 1, * * * ... Inf);

The result is an infinite sequence of ones, which is not very useful. But you get the idea.

We are not limited to the two previous values, as in the Fibonacci Sequence. In this program we have three of them:

( * + * + * * 0 )
 -3  -2  -1

The last one (n-1) does not appear in the rule, so we get rid of it by multiplying it with zero (before adding it to the current value).

Running it:

$ ./padovan-seq
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9

$ ./padovan-seq -c=20
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 21, 28, 37, 49, 65, 86, 114, 151

Then we can do the (unique) Padovan Primes:

File: padovan-prime
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (:c(:$count) = 10);

my $pp := ( 1, 1, 1, ( * + * + * * 0 ) ... Inf){ .is-prime ?? $_ !! next; });  # [1]

say $pp[^$count].join(", ");

[1] We start by getting rid of duplicates with squish. This is a quicker way of getting rid of duplicates than unique, as long as the values are sorted - which they are here.

See for more information about squish.

See for more information about unique.

The next inside the map throws away unwanted values for us. We can do this because map is just a loop in disguise. As discussed last week, the perhaps intuitive approach of using grep will not work, as that will coerce the sequence to a list. Coercing an infinite sequence to a list is not a good idea...

Correction 12. March 2022

The statement above is wrong, as lists can be lazy. We can use grep here. See Fooled by a Sequence, Twice for details.

Running it:

$ ./padovan-prime
2, 3, 5, 7, 37, 151, 3329, 23833, 13091204281, 3093215881333057

$ ./padovan-prime -c=20
2, 3, 5, 7, 37, 151, 3329, 23833, 13091204281, 3093215881333057, 136300555243\
4666078217421284621279933627102780881053358473, 15588776951416085077510989418\
99265975115403618621811951868598809164180630185566719, 9514203022010025394023\
3512605873489625155263832444165133265702781668278617857, 90940451276093003077\
604336995582305603, 296366550330506514449537888675381711839579331860043184177\
1134544611612574306149191156818561, 56412823570187882990087438701915989853561\
025255694494615533071533403645328131733455622011742300001108369104945607561, \
0392064674135679905751603325619757776206503774609, 18131086079835702083001057\
785826591643110001911, 102325153348233538676707143261344910867902664379074754\
839830889, 696841126833041392535276133694672517816579382807868540085206122940\


This is a straight forward translation of both Raku programs.

File: padovan-seq-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use feature 'signatures';
use feature 'state';

no warnings qw(experimental::signatures);

my $count = $ARGV[0] || 10;

sub padovan ($index)                               # [1]
  state @padovan = (1, 1, 1);

  while (@padovan <= $index)
    push(@padovan, $padovan[-2] + $padovan[-3]);

  return $padovan[$index];

my @ps = map { padovan($_) } (0 .. $count -1);    # [2]

say join(", ", @ps);

[1] Here we have a procedure with an internal cache (set up as a state variable), that gives us the Padovan number with the specified index. The procedure will compute (and cache) the sequence up to that number, if not done already.

[2] Get the requested number of values, with «map» as a wrapper around the procedure call (instead of a loop).

Running it:

$ ./padovan-seq-perl
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9

$ ./padovan-seq-perl 12
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16

Why keep track of the indices you may think. Why indeed. This version of the program has a procedure that works as a sequence, by giving the next value each time it is called. (This will make the final program easier to program.)

File: padovan-seq2-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use feature 'signatures';
use feature 'state';

no warnings qw(experimental::signatures);

my $count = $ARGV[0] || 10;

sub next_padovan
  state @padovan = (1, 1, 1);
  state $index   = 0;                             # [1]
  while (@padovan <= $index)
    push(@padovan, $padovan[-2] + $padovan[-3]);

  return $padovan[$index++];

my @ps; push(@ps, next_padovan($_)) for 1..$count; # [2]

say join(", ", @ps);

[1] We have to keep track of the index this time.

[2] The assignment does not need to bother with the indices this time. I rewrote it as a loop, but «map» can be used here as well.

Note that we cache the computed part of the sequence, even though we have no way of retrieving old values. This is generally not a good idea, and we should fix this. (And I will, later on.)

Then the final program:

File: padovan-prime-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use feature 'signatures';
use feature 'state';
use Math::Prime::Util 'is_prime';

no warnings qw(experimental::signatures);

my $count = $ARGV[0] || 10;

sub next_padovan
  state @padovan = (1, 1, 1);
  state $index   = 0;
  while (@padovan <= $index)
    push(@padovan, $padovan[-2] + $padovan[-3]);

  return $padovan[$index++];

my @pp;

while (@pp < $count)
  my $next = next_padovan;
  next if @pp && $next eq $pp[-1];  # [1]
  next unless is_prime($next);
  push(@pp, $next);

say join(", ", @pp);

[1] Skip duplicates, if any. This will not work with an empty list (which we have initially), thus the first part of the test «if @pp».

Running it:

$ ./padovan-prime-perl
2, 3, 5, 7, 37, 151, 3329, 23833, 13091204281, 3093215881333057

$ ./padovan-prime-perl 12
Parameter '1.88901913855479e+19' must be a positive integer \
  at ./padovan-prime-perl line 33.

Oops. Perl does not support large integers out of the box. But «use bigint» fixes that:

File: padovan-prime-bigint-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use feature 'signatures';
use feature 'state';
use bigint;
use Math::Prime::Util 'is_prime';

no warnings qw(experimental::signatures);

my $count = $ARGV[0] || 10;

sub next_padovan
  state @padovan = ();                            # [1]

  if (@padovan < 2)                               # [2]
    push(@padovan, 1);                            # [2a]
  else                                            # [3]
    push(@padovan, $padovan[-2] + $padovan[-3]);  # [3a]

  shift @padovan if @padovan == 4;                # [4]

  return $padovan[-1];                            # [5]

my @pp;

while (@pp < $count)
  my $next = next_padovan;
  next if @pp && $next eq $pp[-1]; # [1]
  next unless is_prime($next);
  push(@pp, $next);

say join(", ", @pp);

[1] We have to keep track of the three previous values.

[2] Fill up with 1, 1 and 1 initially, until we have three of them.

[3] Then we use the rule to add a new value.

[4] Get rid of the first value in the array, as we do not need it anymore.

[5] Return the current (newest) value.

Running it:

$ ./padovan-prime-bigint-perl
2, 3, 5, 7, 37, 151, 3329, 23833, 13091204281, 3093215881333057

$ ./padovan-prime-bigint-perl 12
2, 3, 5, 7, 37, 151, 3329, 23833, 13091204281, 3093215881333057, \
1363005552434666078217421284621279933627102780881053358473, \

And that's it.