Palin' Dot
with Raku and Perl

by Arne Sommer

Palin' Dot with Raku and Perl

[163] Published 2. January 2022.

This is my response to the Perl Weekly Challenge #145.

Challenge #145.1: Dot Product

You are given 2 arrays of same size, @a and @b.

Write a script to implement Dot Product.

@a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);

$dot_product = (1 * 4) + (2 * 5) + (3 * 6) => 4 + 10 + 18 => 32

File: dot-product
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($a = '1 2 3', $b = '4 5 6');    # [1]

my @a = $a.words;                              # [2]
my @b = $b.words;                              # [2a]

die '@a and @b must have the same size' unless @a.elems == @b.elems;  # [3]

say (^@a.elems).map({ @a[$_] * @b[$_] }).sum;  # [4]

[1] Note the input format; two strings with space separated values.

[2] Get the individual values.

[3] Ensure that the two arrays have the same size. Note that a zero size is ok.

[4] For each index in the arrays ((^@a.elems)), get the sum of the field with that index in the two arrays and multiply them (.map({ @a[$_] * @b[$_] })). And finally get the sum of all those values (.sum).

Running it:

$ ./dot-product 

$ ./dot-product "1 2 3" "4 5 6"

Using map on an index like this is perfectly fine, but we can do it much shorter with the infix zip operator Z (that merges the two lists). That would give us a list of Pair values, which we would need to multiply together before the final sum. But this operator has a meta version that uses the specified operator to reduce the Pair to a single value. Multiplication is just a matter of writing Z*.

See for more information about the infix zip operator Z.

File: dot-product-Z
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($a = '1 2 3', $b = '4 5 6');

my @a = $a.words;
my @b = $b.words;

die '@a and @b must have the same size' unless @a.elems == @b.elems;

say (@a Z* @b).sum;

The result of running it is the same as the previous version:

$ ./dot-product-Z "1 2 3" "4 5 6"

A Perl Version

This is straight forward translation of the first Raku version.

File: dot-product-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use List::Util 'sum';

my $a = shift(@ARGV) // '1 2 3';
my $b = shift(@ARGV) // '4 5 6';

my @a = split(/\s+/, $a);
my @b = split(/\s+/, $b);

die '@a and @b must have the same size' unless @a == @b;

say sum(map { $a[$_] * $b[$_] } (0 .. @a -1));

Running it gives the same result as the Raku versions:

$ ./dot-product-perl "1 2 3" "4 5 6"

Challenge #145.2: Palindromic Tree

You are given a string $s.

Write a script to create a Palindromic Tree for the given string.

I found this blog exaplaining Palindromic Tree in detail.

Example 1:
Input: $s = 'redivider'
Output: r redivider e edivide d divid i ivi v
Example 2:
Input: $s = 'deific'
Output: d e i ifi f c
Example 3:
Input: $s = 'rotors'
Output: r rotor o oto t s
Example 4:
Input: $s = 'challenge'
Output: c h a l ll e n g
Example 5:
Input: $s = 'champion'
Output: c h a m p i o n
Example 6:
Input: $s = 'christmas'
Output: c h r i s t m a

There are several ways of doing this. Let us start with a hard (and extremely stupid) way:

File: palindromic-tree
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($s is copy = 'redivider', :v(:$verbose));

my @result;
my %seen;

while ($s.chars)                                # [1]
  my $letter = $s.substr(0,1);                  # [2]
  @result.push: $letter unless %seen{$letter};  # [2a]
  %seen{$letter} = True;                        # [3]
  last if $s.chars == 1;                        # [4]

  my $is-palindromic = is-palindromic($s);      # [5]
  if ($is-palindromic)                          # [6]
    my $new = $s.substr(0, $is-palindromic);    # [10]
    @result.push: $new;                         # [11]
    if ($is-palindromic == $s.chars)            # [12]
      $s = $s.substr(1, $is-palindromic -2);    # [12a]
       $s = $s.substr(1, $is-palindromic -1) ~ $s.substr($is-palindromic);
    }                                          # [13]
    $s = $s.substr(1);                         # [14]

  say "Result: @result[] | Todo: $s" if $verbose;

say @result.join(" ");                         # [15]

sub is-palindromic($string)                    # [5a]
  for $string.chars ... 2 -> $end              # [6]
    my $partial = $string.substr(0, $end);     # [7]
    return $end if $partial eq $partial.flip;  # [8]
  return 0;                                    # [9]

[1] As long as there are letters left in $s. We chop off the first one in [12a], [13] and [14].

[2] The first letter in the current string (note the loop). Add it to the list if it is the first time we encounter it [2a].

[3] Now we have seen this letter.

[4] This one will actually kick in before the test in the while [1]. We are done when we have reached the very last letter, as we need at least two letters to have a palindrome.

[5] Do we have a palindrome in the current string (or a part of it)?

[6] From the end,

[7] Get a substring, first the whole string and thereafter we chop off the last one - one by one.

[8] Return the length if we have a palindrome.

[9] No palindrome.

[10] We have a palindrome, get it.

[11] Add the palindrome to the list.

[12] Did the palindrome use all the characters? if so chop off the first and last character.

[13] If not, get rid of the palindrome part and add the rest of the string.

[14] Not palindromic, get rid of the first character.

[15] Print the result.

Running it:

$ ./palindromic-tree redivider
r redivider e edivide d divid i ivi v

$ ./palindromic-tree deific
d e i ifi f c

$ ./palindromic-tree rotors
r rotor o oto t s

$ ./palindromic-tree challenge
c h a l ll e n g

$ ./palindromic-tree champion
c h a m p i o n

$ ./palindromic-tree christmas
c h r i s t m a

Looking good.

We can simplify the program slightly, by replacing the housekeeping in [2a and 3] with unique on the resulting array:

File: palindromic-tree-unique
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($s is copy = 'redivider', :v(:$verbose));

my @result;

while ($s.chars)
  my $letter = $s.substr(0,1);
  @result.push: $letter;
  last if $s.chars == 1;

  my $is-palindromic = is-palindromic($s);
  if ($is-palindromic)
    my $new = $s.substr(0, $is-palindromic);
    @result.push: $new;
    if ($is-palindromic == $s.chars)
      $s = $s.substr(1, $is-palindromic -2);
       $s = $s.substr(1, $is-palindromic -1) ~ $s.substr($is-palindromic);
    $s = $s.substr(1);

  say "Result: @result[] | Todo: $s" if $verbose;

say @result.unique.join(" ");

sub is-palindromic($string)
  for $string.chars ... 2 -> $end
    my $partial = $string.substr(0, $end);
    return $end if $partial eq $partial.flip;
  return 0;

Running it gives the same result.

We can indeed simplify this quite a lot. Here is a version that does what it should, as long as the order of the values does not matter:

File: palindromic-tree-unordered
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($s is copy = 'redivider', :v(:$verbose));

my @result = $s.comb;                                           # [1]
my $length = $s.chars;                                          # [2]

for 0 .. $length -2 -> $start                                   # [3]
  for $start +1 .. $length -1 -> $stop                          # [4]
    my $candidate = $s.substr($start, $stop - $start +1);       # [5]
    say ": [$start,$stop] $candidate" if $verbose;
    @result.push: $candidate if $candidate.flip eq $candidate;  # [6]

say @result.unique.join(" ");                                   # [7]

[1] All the single letters should end up in the result, so add them.

[2] We need this for the loops.

[3] Start at every possible character, excluding the very last one (so that we get at least two characters when we start at that position).

[4] Stop at the very next position, up to the very end.

[5] Get the substring.

[6] Add it to the result if it is palindromic.

[7] Print the result, excluding duplicates.

Running it gives the correct result, albeit in a different order:

$ ./palindromic-tree-unordered redivider
r e d i v redivider edivide divid ivi

$ ./palindromic-tree-unordered deific
d e i f c ifi

$ ./palindromic-tree-unordered rotors
r o t s rotor oto

$ ./palindromic-tree-unordered challenge
c h a l e n g ll

$ ./palindromic-tree-unordered champion
c h a m p i o n

$ ./palindromic-tree-unordered christmas
c h r i s t m a

We can fix the order, by moving the push of the individual letters inside the first loop:

File: palindromic-tree-reordered
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($s is copy = 'redivider', :v(:$verbose));

my @result;
my $length = $s.chars;

for 0 .. $length -> $start
  @result.push: $s.substr($start,1);
  next if $start > $length -2;
  for $start +1 .. $length -1 -> $stop
    my $candidate = $s.substr($start, $stop - $start +1);
    say ": [$start,$stop] $candidate" if $verbose;
    @result.push: $candidate if $candidate.flip eq $candidate;

say @result.unique.join(" ");

Running it gives the output in the required order:

$ ./palindromic-tree-reordered redivider
r redivider e edivide d divid i ivi v 

$ ./palindromic-tree-reordered deific
d e i ifi f c 

$ ./palindromic-tree-reordered rotors
r rotor o oto t s 

$ ./palindromic-tree-reordered challenge
c h a l ll e n g 

$ ./palindromic-tree-reordered champion
c h a m p i o n 

$ ./palindromic-tree-reordered christmas
c h r i s t m a 

Verbose mode gives the substrings, if you want to have a closer look at what is going on:

$ ./palindromic-tree-reordered -v
: [0,1] re
: [0,2] red
: [0,3] redi
: [0,4] rediv
: [0,5] redivi
: [0,6] redivid
: [0,7] redivide
: [0,8] redivider
: [1,2] ed
: [1,3] edi
: [1,4] ediv
: [1,5] edivi
: [1,6] edivid
: [1,7] edivide
: [1,8] edivider
: [2,3] di
: [2,4] div
: [2,5] divi
: [2,6] divid
: [2,7] divide
: [2,8] divider
: [3,4] iv
: [3,5] ivi
: [3,6] ivid
: [3,7] ivide
: [3,8] ivider
: [4,5] vi
: [4,6] vid
: [4,7] vide
: [4,8] vider
: [5,6] id
: [5,7] ide
: [5,8] ider
: [6,7] de
: [6,8] der
: [7,8] er
r redivider e edivide d divid i ivi v 


This is a straight forward translation of the last Raku version.

File: palindromic-tree-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util 'uniq';

my $verbose = 0;

GetOptions("verbose" => \$verbose);

my $s = $ARGV[0] // 'redivider';

my @result;
my $length = length($s);

for my $start (0 .. $length)
  push(@result, substr($s, $start, 1));
  next if $start > $length -2;
  for my $stop ($start +1 .. $length -1)
    my $candidate = substr($s, $start, $stop - $start +1);
    say ": [$start,$stop] $candidate" if $verbose;
    push(@result, $candidate) if reverse($candidate) eq $candidate;

say join(" ", uniq @result);

Running it gives the expected result:

$ ./palindromic-tree-perl redivider
r redivider e edivide d divid i ivi v 

$ ./palindromic-tree-perl deific
d e i ifi f c 

$ ./palindromic-tree-perl rotors
r rotor o oto t s 

$ ./palindromic-tree-perl challenge
c h a l ll e n g 

$ ./palindromic-tree-perl champion
c h a m p i o n 

$ ./palindromic-tree-perl christmas
c h r i s t m a 

And that's it. (Happy new year.)