This is my response to The Weekly Challenge #297.
and 1
Input: @binary = (1, 0)
Output: 2
(1, 0) is the longest contiguous subarray with an equal number of 0
and 1.
Example 2:
Input: @binary = (0, 1, 0)
Output: 2
(1, 0) or (0, 1) is the longest contiguous subarray with an equal
number of 0 and 1.
Example 3:
Input: @binary = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Output: 0
Example 4:
Input: @binary = (0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
Output: 4
Brute force seems the best way, where we try (almost) all possible combinations of start and stop positions in the array.
File: contiguous-array
#! /usr/bin/env raku
subset BinaryDigit of Int where * eq any(0,1); # [1a]
unit sub MAIN (*@binary where @binary.elems >= 1
&& all(@binary) ~~ BinaryDigit, # [1]
my $end = @binary.end; # [2]
my $max = 0; # [3]
for 0 .. $end -> $start # [4]
for $end ... $start -> $stop # [5]
my $size = $stop - $start + 1; # [6]
say ": Slice: [$start..$stop] Size: $size Values: \
({ @binary[$start..$stop].join(",") })" if $verbose;
if $size <= $max # [7]
say ": - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)"
if $verbose;
last; # [7a]
unless $size %% 2 # [8]
say ": - Uneven size ($size) - Skipped" if $verbose;
next; # [8a]
my $equal = $size == @binary[$start..$stop].sum * 2; # [9]
if $equal && $size > $max # [10]
$max = $size; # [10b]
say ": - Equal -> New Maximum: $max" if $verbose;
elsif $verbose
say ": - Equal: $equal";
say $max; # [11]
[1] Ensure that we get at least one element, and that they
are of the «BinaryDigit» custom type set up with subset
See for more information about subset
[2] Get the index of the last element, to be used as the upper boundary in the loops.
[3] The current «longest contiguous subarray», or max for short.
[4] Start at the beginning (index 0), going all the way to the end.
[5] Stop (as in stop the subarray) at the end, going all the way down to the current start position. This allows us the optimisation in [7].
[6] Get the size of the current subarray.
[7] Skip the rest of the inner loop [7a] if we have a subarray that is smaller than the current max value. This is the "almost" part from the preamble.
[8] Skip the current subarray if it has an odd number of elements, using
the divisibility operator %%
and the number 2.
See for more information about %%
[9] Even number of 0
s and 1
s? Get the subarray, add the values
together (with sum
) and double that to compensate for the same number
of 0
s. Do we have the correct size? if so, we have a match.
[10] If we have a new candidate, and it is longer than the previous maximum, set the new maximum [10a].
[11] Print the result.
Note that the verbose mode code makes the program much longer than it needs to be.
Running it:
$ ./contiguous-array 1 0
$ ./contiguous-array 0 1 0
$ ./contiguous-array 0 0 0 0 0
$ ./contiguous-array -v 0 1 0 0 1 0
Looking good.
With verbose mode:
$ ./contiguous-array -v 1 0
: Slice: [0..1] Size: 2 Values: (1,0)
: - Equal -> New Maximum: 2
: Slice: [0..0] Size: 1 Values: (1)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
: Slice: [1..1] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
$ ./contiguous-array -v 0 1 0
: Slice: [0..2] Size: 3 Values: (0,1,0)
: - Uneven size (3), skipped
: Slice: [0..1] Size: 2 Values: (0,1)
: - Equal: True - New Maximum: 2
: Slice: [0..0] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
: Slice: [1..2] Size: 2 Values: (1,0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
: Slice: [2..2] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
$ ./contiguous-array -v 0 0 0 0 0
: Slice: [0..4] Size: 5 Values: (0,0,0,0,0)
: - Uneven size (5) - Skipped
: Slice: [0..3] Size: 4 Values: (0,0,0,0)
: - Equal: False
: Slice: [0..2] Size: 3 Values: (0,0,0)
: - Uneven size (3) - Skipped
: Slice: [0..1] Size: 2 Values: (0,0)
: - Equal: False
: Slice: [0..0] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Uneven size (1) - Skipped
: Slice: [1..4] Size: 4 Values: (0,0,0,0)
: - Equal: False
: Slice: [1..3] Size: 3 Values: (0,0,0)
: - Uneven size (3) - Skipped
: Slice: [1..2] Size: 2 Values: (0,0)
: - Equal: False
: Slice: [1..1] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Uneven size (1) - Skipped
: Slice: [2..4] Size: 3 Values: (0,0,0)
: - Uneven size (3) - Skipped
: Slice: [2..3] Size: 2 Values: (0,0)
: - Equal: False
: Slice: [2..2] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Uneven size (1) - Skipped
: Slice: [3..4] Size: 2 Values: (0,0)
: - Equal: False
: Slice: [3..3] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Uneven size (1) - Skipped
: Slice: [4..4] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Uneven size (1) - Skipped
$ ./contiguous-array -v 0 1 0 0 1 0
: Slice: [0..5] Size: 6 Values: (0,1,0,0,1,0)
: - Equal: False
: Slice: [0..4] Size: 5 Values: (0,1,0,0,1)
: - Uneven size (5) - Skipped
: Slice: [0..3] Size: 4 Values: (0,1,0,0)
: - Equal: False
: Slice: [0..2] Size: 3 Values: (0,1,0)
: - Uneven size (3) - Skipped
: Slice: [0..1] Size: 2 Values: (0,1)
: - Equal: True - New Maximum: 2
: Slice: [0..0] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
: Slice: [1..5] Size: 5 Values: (1,0,0,1,0)
: - Uneven size (5) - Skipped
: Slice: [1..4] Size: 4 Values: (1,0,0,1)
: - Equal: True - New Maximum: 4
: Slice: [1..3] Size: 3 Values: (1,0,0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
: Slice: [2..5] Size: 4 Values: (0,0,1,0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
: Slice: [3..5] Size: 3 Values: (0,1,0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
: Slice: [4..5] Size: 2 Values: (1,0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
: Slice: [5..5] Size: 1 Values: (0)
: - Skipping the rest of the inner loop (size too small)
integers, @ints
a semi-ordered permutation
Input: @ints = (2, 1, 4, 3)
Output: 2
Swap 2 <=> 1 => (1, 2, 4, 3)
Swap 4 <=> 3 => (1, 2, 3, 4)
Example 2:
Input: @ints = (2, 4, 1, 3)
Output: 3
Swap 4 <=> 1 => (2, 1, 4, 3)
Swap 2 <=> 1 => (1, 2, 4, 3)
Swap 4 <=> 3 => (1, 2, 3, 4)
Example 3:
Input: @ints = (1, 3, 2, 4, 5)
Output: 0
Already a semi-ordered permutation.
Let us try to be clever. We do not actually have to swap anything, just count the swapping distance.
File: semi-ordered-permutation-fail
#! /usr/bin/env raku
subset PosInt of Int where * > 0; # [1]
unit sub MAIN (*@ints where @ints.elems > 0 && all(@ints) ~~ PosInt, # [1a]
my $n = @ints.elems; # [2]
say ": n:$n" if $verbose;
die "Duplicates" unless [<] @ints.sort; # [3]
die "Missing zero" unless @ints.min == 1; # [4]
die "Missing n" unless @ints.max == $n; # [5]
my $one-index = @ints.first(1, :k); # [6]
my $n-index = @ints.first($n, :k); # [7]
my $one-moves = $one-index; # [8]
my $n-moves = $n - $n-index - 1; # [9]
say ": 1 at index $one-index requires $one-moves moves" if $verbose;
say ": $n at index $n-index requires $n-moves moves" if $verbose;
say $one-moves + $n-moves; # [18]
[1] At least one element, and they must all be positive integers.
[2] Get the n
[3] Use the Reduction Metaoperator
in combination with <
on the sorted inout to ensure that
we do not have duplicate values.
See for more
information about the Reduction Metaoperator []
There are many ways to ascertain uniqueness. Here are some:
See for more information about unique
See for more information about repeated
[4] The lowest value must be 1
[5] and the highest n
. We have now ensured that all the integers
1..n are present.
[6] Get the location (index) of the first (and only) 1
Note the :k
adverb that gives us the position instead of the value.
See for more information about first
[7] The same for n
[8] The number of moves (swaps) required to get the 1
to the front.
[9] The number of moves get the n
to the end.
[10] Print the sum.
Running it:
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-fail 2 1 4 3
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-fail 2 4 1 3
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-fail 1 3 2 4 5
The second example is wrong. Let us have a look at it with verbose mode:
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-fail -v 2 4 1 3
: n:4
: 1 at index 2 requires 2 moves
: 4 at index 1 requires 2 moves
The problem is that the highest value (4) is to the left of the lowest value (1), and when we swap them - we change the positions on both, in that single swap operation.
Compensating for that is easy:
File: semi-ordered-permutation-count
#! /usr/bin/env raku
subset PosInt of Int where * > 0;
unit sub MAIN (*@ints where @ints.elems > 0 && all(@ints) ~~ PosInt,
my $n = @ints.elems;
say ": n:$n" if $verbose;
die "Duplicates" unless [<] @ints.sort;
die "Missing zero" unless @ints.min == 1;
die "Missing n" unless @ints.max == $n;
my $one-index = @ints.first(1, :k);
my $n-index = @ints.first($n, :k);
my $one-moves = $one-index;
my $n-moves = $n - $n-index - 1;
my $wrong-order = $one-index > $n-index; # [1]
if $verbose
say ": 1 at index $one-index requires $one-moves moves";
say ": $n at index $n-index requires $n-moves moves";
say ": Compensate for wrong order '$n <=> 1' by subtracting 1 move"
if $wrong-order;
say $one-moves + $n-moves - $wrong-order; # [2]
[1] Are the 1
and n
in the wrong order?
[2] Compensate for the wrong order. Note that the Boolean values true
and false
are coerced to 1
and 0
in numeric context.
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-count -v 2 1 4 3
: n:4
: 1 at index 1 requires 1 moves
: 4 at index 2 requires 1 moves
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-count -v 2 4 1 3
: n:4
: 1 at index 2 requires 2 moves
: 4 at index 1 requires 2 moves
: Compensate for wrong order '4 <=> 1' by subtracting 1 move
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-count -v 1 3 2 4 5
: n:5
: 1 at index 0 requires 0 moves
: 5 at index 4 requires 0 moves
Note that this program does not actually swap anything, so the final order of the list is unknown. If that is a problem, here is that final order:
File: semi-ordered-permutation-show
#! /usr/bin/env raku
subset PosInt of Int where * > 0;
unit sub MAIN (*@ints where @ints.elems > 0 && all(@ints) ~~ PosInt,
my $n = @ints.elems;
say ": n:$n" if $verbose;
die "Duplicates" unless [<] @ints.sort;
die "Missing zero" unless @ints.min == 1;
die "Missing n" unless @ints.max == $n;
my $one-index = @ints.first(1, :k);
my $n-index = @ints.first($n, :k);
my $one-moves = $one-index;
my $n-moves = $n - $n-index - 1;
my $wrong-order = $one-index > $n-index;
if $verbose
say ": 1 at index $one-index requires $one-moves moves";
say ": $n at index $n-index requires $n-moves moves";
say ": Compensate for wrong order '$n <=> 1' by subtracting 1 move"
if $wrong-order;
@ints.splice(max($one-index, $n-index), 1); # [1]
@ints.splice(min($one-index, $n-index), 1); # [2]
@ints.push($n).unshift(1); # [3]
say ": Semi Ordered Permutation: ({ @ints.join(",") })";
say $one-moves + $n-moves - $wrong-order;
[1] Extract the value with the highest index first, so that we do not change the index of the other one.
[2] Then extract the other one.
[3] Add n
at the end (with push
) and 1
at the beginning
(with unshift
The examples work out:
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-show -v 2 1 4 3
: n:4
: 1 at index 1 requires 1 moves
: 4 at index 2 requires 1 moves
: Semi Ordered Permutation: (1,2,3,4)
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-show -v 2 4 1 3
: n:4
: 1 at index 2 requires 2 moves
: 4 at index 1 requires 2 moves
: Compensate for wrong order '4 <=> 1' by subtracting 1 move
: Semi Ordered Permutation: (1,2,3,4)
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-show -v 1 3 2 4 5
: n:5
: 1 at index 0 requires 0 moves
: 5 at index 4 requires 0 moves
: Semi Ordered Permutation: (1,3,2,4,5)
You may have noticed that I still did not really swap anything. We can of course do it the hard way, which is not really that hard:
File: semi-ordered-permutation-swap
#! /usr/bin/env raku
subset PosInt of Int where * > 0;
unit sub MAIN (*@ints is copy where @ints.elems > 0 && all(@ints) ~~ PosInt,
my $n = @ints.elems;
say ": n:$n" if $verbose;
die "Duplicates" unless [<] @ints.sort;
die "Missing zero" unless @ints.min == 1;
die "Missing n" unless @ints.max == $n;
my $swaps = 0; # [1]
while @ints[0] != 1 # [2]
my $one-index = @ints.first(1, :k); # [3]
$swaps++; # [4]
@ints[$one-index -1, $one-index] = @ints[$one-index, $one-index -1]; # [5]
say ": swap 1 #$swaps: index { $one-index - 1 } and $one-index -> \
({@ints.join(",")})" if $verbose;
while @ints[$n -1] != $n # [6]
my $n-index = @ints.first($n, :k); # [7]
@ints[$n-index +1, $n-index] = @ints[$n-index, $n-index +1]; # [8]
say ": swap $n #$swaps: index { $n-index - 1 } and $n-index -> \
({@ints.join(",")})" if $verbose;
say $swaps; # [9]
[1] The number of swaps, initially none.
[2] As long as the the first value is not 1
[3] • Get the index of the 1
[4] • Add the swap to the count.
[5] • Swap the 1
with the value to the left of it.
[6] As long as the last value is not n
[7] • Get the index.
[8] • Swap the n
with the value to the right of it.
[9] Print the result.
An example:
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation-swap -v 5 4 3 2 1
: n:5
: swap 1 #1: index 3 and 4 -> (5,4,3,1,2)
: swap 1 #2: index 2 and 3 -> (5,4,1,3,2)
: swap 1 #3: index 1 and 2 -> (5,1,4,3,2)
: swap 1 #4: index 0 and 1 -> (1,5,4,3,2)
: swap 5 #5: index 0 and 1 -> (1,4,5,3,2)
: swap 5 #6: index 1 and 2 -> (1,4,3,5,2)
: swap 5 #7: index 2 and 3 -> (1,4,3,2,5)
It is possible to optimise this. We do not have to call
all the time, as we know the new position after the first swap.
#! /usr/bin/env raku
subset PosInt of Int where * > 0;
unit sub MAIN (*@ints is copy where @ints.elems > 0 && all(@ints) ~~ PosInt,
my $n = @ints.elems;
say ": n:$n" if $verbose;
die "Duplicates" unless [<] @ints.sort;
die "Missing zero" unless @ints.min == 1;
die "Missing n" unless @ints.max == $n;
my $swaps = 0;
my $one-index = @ints.first(1, :k); # [1]
for (1 .. $one-index).reverse -> $index # [2]
@ints[$index -1, $index] = @ints[$index, $index -1]; # [3]
say ": swap 1 #$swaps: index { $index - 1 } and $index -> \
({@ints.join(",")})" if $verbose;
my $n-index = @ints.first($n, :k); # [1n]
for $n-index .. $n -2 -> $index # [2n]
@ints[$index +1, $index] = @ints[$index, $index +1]; # [3n]
say ": swap $n #$swaps: index { $index - 1 } and $index -> \
({@ints.join(",")})" if $verbose;
say $swaps;
[1] Move the index obtaining out of the loop.
[2] Swap the 1
as many times as required. Using the Sequence Operator
like $one-index ... 1
to count down would work, except when
is 1
; then it would count up and give us
. The nice thing about the Range Operator ..
is that is will
give us nothing if we try to get it to count down. Which is exactly what we
[3] Swap.
Running it gives the expected result, here with verbose mode:
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation -v 2 1 4 3
: n:4
: swap 1 #1: index 0 and 1 -> (1,2,4,3)
: swap 4 #2: index 1 and 2 -> (1,2,3,4)
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation -v 2 4 1 3
: n:4
: swap 1 #1: index 1 and 2 -> (2,1,4,3)
: swap 1 #2: index 0 and 1 -> (1,2,4,3)
: swap 4 #3: index 1 and 2 -> (1,2,3,4)
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation -v 1 3 2 4 5
: n:5
Some more, just for fun:
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation -v 5 2 3 4 1
: n:5
: swap 1 #1: index 3 and 4 -> (5,2,3,1,4)
: swap 1 #2: index 2 and 3 -> (5,2,1,3,4)
: swap 1 #3: index 1 and 2 -> (5,1,2,3,4)
: swap 1 #4: index 0 and 1 -> (1,5,2,3,4)
: swap 5 #5: index 0 and 1 -> (1,2,5,3,4)
: swap 5 #6: index 1 and 2 -> (1,2,3,5,4)
: swap 5 #7: index 2 and 3 -> (1,2,3,4,5)
$ ./semi-ordered-permutation -v 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
: n:9
: swap 1 #1: index 7 and 8 -> (9,8,7,6,5,4,3,1,2)
: swap 1 #2: index 6 and 7 -> (9,8,7,6,5,4,1,3,2)
: swap 1 #3: index 5 and 6 -> (9,8,7,6,5,1,4,3,2)
: swap 1 #4: index 4 and 5 -> (9,8,7,6,1,5,4,3,2)
: swap 1 #5: index 3 and 4 -> (9,8,7,1,6,5,4,3,2)
: swap 1 #6: index 2 and 3 -> (9,8,1,7,6,5,4,3,2)
: swap 1 #7: index 1 and 2 -> (9,1,8,7,6,5,4,3,2)
: swap 1 #8: index 0 and 1 -> (1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2)
: swap 9 #9: index 0 and 1 -> (1,8,9,7,6,5,4,3,2)
: swap 9 #10: index 1 and 2 -> (1,8,7,9,6,5,4,3,2)
: swap 9 #11: index 2 and 3 -> (1,8,7,6,9,5,4,3,2)
: swap 9 #12: index 3 and 4 -> (1,8,7,6,5,9,4,3,2)
: swap 9 #13: index 4 and 5 -> (1,8,7,6,5,4,9,3,2)
: swap 9 #14: index 5 and 6 -> (1,8,7,6,5,4,3,9,2)
: swap 9 #15: index 6 and 7 -> (1,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,9)
And that's it.