Sorted Expenditure
with Raku

by Arne Sommer

Sorted Expenditure with Raku

[239] Published 31. May 2023.

This is my response to The Weekly Challenge #219.

Challenge #219.1: Sorted Squares

You are given a list of numbers.

Write a script to square each number in the list and return the sorted list, increasing order.

Example 1:
Input: @list = (-2, -1, 0, 3, 4)
Output: (0, 1, 4, 9, 16)
Example 2:
Input: @list = (5, -4, -1, 3, 6)
Output: (1, 9, 16, 25, 36)

File: sorted-squares
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (*@list where @list.elems >= 1 && all(@list) ~~ Int);  # [1]

say '(' ~ * ** 2 ).sort.join(", ") ~ ')';                 # [2]

[1] Ensure at least one value. I have chosen to restrict them to integers, as that is used in the examples. Replace Int with Numeric if you want to adhere to the challenge text instead.

[2] Use map to square the values (** 2), then sort to sort them in ascending order, and join to print the commas between the values. The first * is a placeholder for the current value. (You cannot use the more impressive looking ( * * * ), as the last * will be taken as a second placeholder. We have only one input value for each iteration of map.)

See for more information about map.

Running it:

$ ./sorted-squares -- -2 -1 0 3 4
(0, 1, 4, 9, 16)

$ ./sorted-squares 5 -4 -1 3 6
(1, 9, 16, 25, 36)

Looking good.

As a oneliner, without the input guard rails:

say '(' ~ @* * ** 2 ).sort.join(", ") ~ ')';

Challenge #219.2: Travel Expenditure

You are given two list, @costs and @days.

The list @costs contains the cost of three different types of travel cards you can buy.

For example @costs = (5, 30, 90)

Index 0 element represent the cost of  1 day  travel card.
Index 1 element represent the cost of  7 days travel card.
Index 2 element represent the cost of 30 days travel card.
The list @days contains the day number you want to travel in the year.

For example: @days = (1, 3, 4, 5, 6)

The above example means you want to travel on day 1, day 3, day 4, day 5 and day 6 of the year.

Write a script to find the minimum travel cost.

Example 1:
Input: @costs = (2, 7, 25)
       @days  = (1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15)
Output: 11

On day 1, we buy a one day pass for 2 which would cover the day 1.
On day 5, we buy seven days pass for 7 which would cover days 5 - 9.
On day 15, we buy a one day pass for 2 which would cover the day 15.

So the total cost is 2 + 7 + 2 => 11.
Example 2:
Input: @costs = (2, 7, 25)
       @days  = (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, 30, 31)
Output: 20

On day 1, we buy a seven days pass for 7 which would cover days 1 - 7.
On day 10, we buy a seven days pass for 7 which would cover days 10 - 14.
On day 20, we buy a one day pass for 2 which would cover day 20.
On day 30, we buy a one day pass for 2 which would cover day 30.
On day 31, we buy a one day pass for 2 which would cover day 31.

So the total cost is 7 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 => 20.

I am going to use recursion, because I am going to use recursion. And that is because I am... (You get the point, surely.)

File: travel-expenditure (partial)
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($costs, $days, :v(:$verbose));                     # [1]

my @costs = $costs.words>>.Numeric;                               # [2]

die "Specify three costs" unless @costs.elems == 3;               # [3]
die "Costs must be numeric" unless all(@costs) ~~ Numeric;        # [4]

my %costs = ( 1 => @costs[0], 7 => @costs[1], 30 => @costs[2] );  # [5]

my @days  = $days.words>>.UInt;                                   # [6]

die "The days must be positive integers (1..366)"                 # [7]
  unless all(@days) ~~ UInt && 1 <= all(@days) <= 366;

my @res = gather                                                  # [8]
  recurse(log => (), total-cost => 0, todo => @days.sort);        # [9]

my $lowest = Inf;                                                 # [10]

for @res -> $row                                                  # [11]
  print ": Cost: $row{'cost'}" if $verbose;

  if $row{'cost'} < $lowest                                       # [12]
    $lowest = $row{'cost'};                                       # [12a]
    say " - new lowest" if $verbose;
  elsif $verbose
    say "";

  if $verbose
    for @($row{'log'}) -> $log
      say ": - $log";
    say "";

say $lowest;                                                      # [13]

[1] The costs and days as separate space separated strings.

[2] Split the costs into seperate values (with words) and coerce those values to numbers (from the default string we get by words). This will cause a run time error if the coersion fails, but that does not matter. Yet./p>

Deferred Errors

Coercing the input to Numeric (or UInt in [6]) will fail when passed an un-coercable value. But the failure will only happen when we use the value, as we do in the error checking ([4] and [7]).

Note that REPL mode tricks you up here, as it prints the last value, thus usually triggering an exception up front - what you would expect if you are not familiar with Raku Deferriment.

See e.g. my Dynamic Zero with Raku article for more details.

[3] The cost array must have exactly three elements.

[4] All the values must be numeric. This will trigger a deferred error from the coersion in [2] if they are not.

[5] Set up the costs as a hash, with the number of days as keys.

[6] Get the days, coerced to integers.

[7] This will also potentially trigger a deferred error (from [6]). Also note the chained comparison to ensure that the day numbers are reasonable (1..366; in case of a leap year).

[8] Using gather/take to set up the sequence (of possible combinations) is ideal here, as we return values (with take) are returned (so to speak) inside a recursive procedure - one at a time. Be aware that this is a brute force approach, which potenially will do a lot of computations (as shown when using verbose mode on the second example).

See my Raku Gather, I Take article or take for more information about gather/take.

[9] Off we go, recursively. The procedure uses named arguments; «log» is an array of verbose explanation, «total-cost» is the total cost so far, and «todo» is a (sorted) list of days yet to parse.

The result of the block in [8] and [9] is an array of values, returned one at a time by take somewhere in the recursive procedure. We will get back to that later.

[10] We are looking for the (or a) solution with the lowest total cost. So we start off with the highest possible value.

[11] Iterate over the results.

[12] Each result is a hash. Look up the cost, and save that as the current lowest cost if it is lower than the previously lowest value.

[13] Print the total cost.

File: travel-expenditure (the rest)
sub recurse (:@log, :$total-cost, :@todo is copy)  # [14]
  my $today = @todo.shift;                         # [15]

  for 1,7,30 -> $days                              # [16]
    my $paid     = $total-cost + %costs{$days};    # [17]
    my $paid-to  = $today + $days;                 # [18]
    my @covered  = ($today,);                      # [19]
    my @new-todo = @todo.clone;                    # [20]
    my @new-log  = @log.clone;                     # [21]

    while @todo.elems && @todo[0] < $paid-to       # [22]
      @covered.push: @todo.shift;

    @new-log.push: "At day $today pay for $days day(s) ({ @covered.join(",") })";

    if @todo.elems                                 # [23]
      recurse(log => @new-log, total-cost => $paid, todo => @new-todo)
    else                                           # [24]
      take { cost => $paid, log => @new-log };

[14] The signature of the procedure. Note the : prefixes, indicating named arguments.

[15] Start with the first non-parsed day.

[16] Iterate over the different ticket period types.

[17] The cost so far, including this ticket.

[18] The last day of the current ticket period.

[19] The days (given by the user) that are covered by the current ticket will end up here (for verbose output usage).

[20] Get a copy of this one, as we are removing values from it (in [22]) that should only apply inside the scope of the current iteration of the for loop.

[21] Ditto, but we are adding to this one.

[22] As long as the first unparsed day is covered by the current ticket, move the day from the todo list to the list of covered dates.

[23] Have we covered all the dates? If not, go on recursively (until we do so).

[24] If we have, return the cost and log lines (with take).

Running it:

$ ./travel-expenditure "5 30 90" "1 3 4 5 6" 

$ ./travel-expenditure "2 7 25" "1 5 6 7 9 15" 

$ ./travel-expenditure "2 7 25" "1 2 3 5 7 10 11 12 14 20 30 31" 

Looking good. (The first one is the unnumbered example in the challenge text, perhaps a candidate for the «example 0» moniker.)

With verbose mode:

$ ./travel-expenditure -v "5 30 90" "1 3 4 5 6"
: Cost: 25 - new lowest
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 1 day(s) (3)
: - At day 4 pay for 1 day(s) (4)
: - At day 5 pay for 1 day(s) (5)
: - At day 6 pay for 1 day(s) (6)

: Cost: 50
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 1 day(s) (3)
: - At day 4 pay for 1 day(s) (4)
: - At day 5 pay for 1 day(s) (5)
: - At day 6 pay for 7 day(s) (6)

: Cost: 110
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 1 day(s) (3)
: - At day 4 pay for 1 day(s) (4)
: - At day 5 pay for 1 day(s) (5)
: - At day 6 pay for 30 day(s) (6)

: Cost: 45
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 1 day(s) (3)
: - At day 4 pay for 1 day(s) (4)
: - At day 5 pay for 7 day(s) (5,6)

: Cost: 105
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 1 day(s) (3)
: - At day 4 pay for 1 day(s) (4)
: - At day 5 pay for 30 day(s) (5,6)

: Cost: 40
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 1 day(s) (3)
: - At day 4 pay for 7 day(s) (4,5,6)

: Cost: 100
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 1 day(s) (3)
: - At day 4 pay for 30 day(s) (4,5,6)

: Cost: 35
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 7 day(s) (3,4,5,6)

: Cost: 95
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 3 pay for 30 day(s) (3,4,5,6)

: Cost: 30
: - At day 1 pay for 7 day(s) (1,3,4,5,6)

: Cost: 90
: - At day 1 pay for 30 day(s) (1,3,4,5,6)


The first example produces 132 lines of verbose output, so I have removed most of them:

$ ./travel-expenditure -v "2 7 25" "1 5 6 7 9 15" 
: Cost: 11 - new lowest
: - At day 1 pay for 1 day(s) (1)
: - At day 5 pay for 7 day(s) (5,6,7,9)
: - At day 15 pay for 1 day(s) (15)

The second example produces a staggering 2517 lines of verbose output, so here is the relevant part:

$ ./travel-expenditure -v "2 7 25" "1 2 3 5 7 10 11 12 14 20 30 31"
: Cost: 20 - new lowest
: - At day 1 pay for 7 day(s) (1,2,3,5,7)
: - At day 10 pay for 7 day(s) (10,11,12,14)
: - At day 20 pay for 1 day(s) (20)
: - At day 30 pay for 1 day(s) (30)
: - At day 31 pay for 1 day(s) (31)

And that's it.