Sticky Numbers
with Raku

by Arne Sommer

Sticky Numbers with Raku

[236] Published 11. May 2023.

This is my response to The Weekly Challenge #216.

Challenge #216.1: Registration Number

You are given a list of words and a random registration number.

Write a script to find all the words in the given list that has every letter in the given registration number.

Example 1:
Input: @words = ('abc', 'abcd', 'bcd'), $reg = 'AB1 2CD'
Output: ('abcd')

The only word that matches every alphabets in the given registration
number is 'abcd'.
Example 2:
Input: @words = ('job', 'james', 'bjorg'), $reg = '007 JB'
Output: ('job', 'bjorg')
Example 3:
Input: @words = ('crack', 'road', 'rac'), $reg = 'C7 RA2'
Output: ('crack', 'rac')

File: registration-number
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (:r(:$reg) where $reg.chars >= 3;            # [1]
               *@words where @words.elems > 0
                  && all(@words) ~~ /^<[a..z]>+$/,         # [2]

my @reg = $reg.comb.grep({ $_ eq any('A' .. 'Z') })>>.lc;  # [3]

say ": Reg chars: {{ "'" ~ $_ ~ "'" }).join(", ") } " if $verbose;

my @matches;                                               # [4]

for @words -> $word                                        # [5]
  my @word = $word.comb;                                   # [6]

  print ": Word '$word' chars: {{ "'" ~ $_ ~ "'" }).join(", ") }"
    if $verbose;

  if @reg (<=) @word                                       # [7]
    say " -> subset" if $verbose;
    @matches.push: $word;                                  # [8]
  elsif $verbose
    say "";

say "(" ~{ "'" ~ $_ ~ "'" }) ~ ")";          # [9]

[1] A named argument for the registration number, with at least 3 characters.

[2] A slurpy array for the words, with a minimum of 1. They can only contain the letters a - z, with at least one letter in each word.

[3] Get a list of the (uppercase) letters in the registration number, coerced to lowercase. Note that any lowercase letters in the registration number will be ignored, without complaint.

[4] The matching words will end up here.

[5] Iterate over the words.

[6] Get the individual letters.

[7] Is the registration number letters a subset (or equal) to the word?

See infix (<=) for more information about the subset or equal to operator (<=).

[8] If so, add the word to the result.

[9] Print the result, exactly as specified in the challenge. (Pedantically exact, perhaps.)

Running it:

$ ./registration-number -r="AB1 2CD" abc abcd bcd

$ ./registration-number -r="007 JB" job james bjorg
('job' 'bjorg')

$ ./registration-number -r="C7 RA2" crack road rac
('crack' 'rac')

Looking good.

With verbose mode:

$ ./registration-number -v -r="AB1 2CD" abc abcd bcd
: Reg chars: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' 
: Word 'abc' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c'
: Word 'abcd' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' -> subset
: Word 'bcd' chars: 'b', 'c', 'd'

$ ./registration-number -v -r="007 JB" job james bjorg
: Reg chars: 'j', 'b' 
: Word 'job' chars: 'j', 'o', 'b' -> subset
: Word 'james' chars: 'j', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's'
: Word 'bjorg' chars: 'b', 'j', 'o', 'r', 'g' -> subset
('job' 'bjorg')

$ ./registration-number -v -r="C7 RA2" crack road rac
: Reg chars: 'c', 'r', 'a' 
: Word 'crack' chars: 'c', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'k' -> subset
: Word 'road' chars: 'r', 'o', 'a', 'd'
: Word 'rac' chars: 'r', 'a', 'c' -> subset
('crack' 'rac')

What about repetitions?

Let us check (with two As):

$ ./registration-number -v -r="AA1 2CD" abc abcd bcd
: Reg chars: 'a', 'a', 'c', 'd' 
: Word 'abc' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c'
: Word 'abcd' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' -> subset
: Word 'bcd' chars: 'b', 'c', 'd'

Not so good...

One can argue that the challenge is ambigous on this point («every letter in the given registration number»), so that the program can be considered giving the correct result.

On the other hand, exactly the same problem occurs in the second part of this challenge, and there we will not get away with this creative interpretation. So let us fix it here and now...

File: registration-number-bag
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (:r(:$reg) where $reg.chars >= 3;
               *@words where @words.elems > 0
                  && all(@words) ~~ /^<[a..z]>+$/,

my @reg = $reg.comb.grep({ $_ eq any('A' .. 'Z') })>>.lc;

say ": Reg chars: {{ "'" ~ $_ ~ "'" }).join(", ") } " if $verbose;

my @matches;      

for @words -> $word
  my @word = $word.comb;

  print ": Word '$word' chars: {{ "'" ~ $_ ~ "'" }).join(", ") }"
    if $verbose;

  if @reg.Bag (<=) @word.Bag  # [1]
    say " -> subset" if $verbose;
    @matches.push: $word;
  elsif $verbose
    say "";

say "(" ~{ "'" ~ $_ ~ "'" }) ~ ")";

[1] By coercing the arrays to the Bag type, we avoid the default coersion to a Set. The latter type has a count (or weight) for the values, and the (<=) operator happily works with Bags.

Running it:

$ ./registration-number-bag -v -r="AA1 2CD" abc abcd bcd
: Reg chars: 'a', 'a', 'c', 'd' 
: Word 'abc' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c'
: Word 'abcd' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'
: Word 'bcd' chars: 'b', 'c', 'd'

$ ./registration-number-bag -v -r="AA1 2CD" abc abcd bcd aabcd
: Reg chars: 'a', 'a', 'c', 'd' 
: Word 'abc' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c'
: Word 'abcd' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'
: Word 'bcd' chars: 'b', 'c', 'd'
: Word 'aabcd' chars: 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' -> subset

$ ./registration-number-bag -v -r="AB1 2CD" abc abcd bcd
: Reg chars: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' 
: Word 'abc' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c'
: Word 'abcd' chars: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' -> subset
: Word 'bcd' chars: 'b', 'c', 'd'

Looking really good...

Challenge #216.2: Word Stickers

You are given a list of word stickers and a target word.

Write a script to find out how many word stickers is needed to make up the given target word.

Example 1:
Input: @stickers = ('perl','raku','python'), $word = 'peon'
Output: 2

We just need 2 stickers i.e. 'perl' and 'python'.
'pe' from 'perl' and
'on' from 'python' to get the target word.
Example 2:
Input: @stickers = ('love','hate','angry'), $word = 'goat'
Output: 3

We need 3 stickers i.e. 'angry', 'love' and 'hate'.
'g' from 'angry'
'o' from 'love' and
'at' from 'hate' to get the target word.
Example 3:
Input: @stickers = ('come','nation','delta'), $word = 'accommodation'
Output: 4

We just need 2 stickers of 'come' and one each of 'nation' & 'delta'.
'a' from 'delta'
'ccommo' from 2 stickers 'come'
'd' from the same sticker 'delta' and
'ation' from 'nation' to get the target word.
Example 4:
Input: @stickers = ('come','country','delta'), $word = 'accommodation'
Output: 0

as there's no "i" in the inputs.
File: word-stickers
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (:w(:$word) where $word.chars >= 1
                 && $word ~~ /^<[a..z]>+$/;           # [1]
               *@stickers where @stickers.elems > 0
                 && all(@stickers) ~~ /^<[a..z]>+$/,  # [2]

my @word = $word.comb;                                # [3]

say ": Word: { @word.sort.join(",") } " if $verbose;

for @stickers.combinations(1 .. Inf) -> @combination  # [4]
  my $stickers = @combination.elems;                  # [5]
  my @stickers = @combination.join.comb;              # [6]

  say ": $stickers Sticker(s) ({ @combination.join(",") }) \
    - Letters: { @stickers.sort.join(",") }" if $verbose;

  if @word.Bag (<=) @stickers.Bag                     # [7]
    say $stickers;                                    # [7a]
    exit;                                             # [7b]

say 0;                                                # [8]

[1] The word must have one or more letters a-z, and nothing else.

[2] The stickers, one or more, with the letters a-z only (one or more).

[3] Get a list of letters in the target word.

[4] Iterate over the combinations (with combinations. The first combination is an empty list, and we avoid that by specifying the number of combined stickers in the result (1 and more).

See for more information about combinations.

[5] The number of combined stickers in the current combination.

[6] Add the words (in the current combination) together, split them into a list of individual characters.

[7] Note the Bag trick from the first part of the challenge. If we have a match, we print the number of required stickers [7a] and finish [7b].

[8] No match? Then we have failed. Say so.

Running it:

$ ./word-stickers -w=peon perl raku python

$ ./word-stickers -w=goat love hate angry

$ ./word-stickers -w=accomodation come nation delta

$ ./word-stickers -w=accommodation come country delta

With verbose mode, before we have a go at the problem with the third example:

$ ./word-stickers -v -w=peon perl raku python
: Word: e,n,o,p 
: 1 Sticker(s) (perl) - Letters: e,l,p,r 
: 1 Sticker(s) (raku) - Letters: a,k,r,u 
: 1 Sticker(s) (python) - Letters: h,n,o,p,t,y 
: 2 Sticker(s) (perl,raku) - Letters: a,e,k,l,p,r,r,u 
: 2 Sticker(s) (perl,python) - Letters: e,h,l,n,o,p,p,r,t,y 

$ ./word-stickers -v -w=goat love hate angry
: Word: a,g,o,t 
: 1 Sticker(s) (love) - Letters: e,l,o,v 
: 1 Sticker(s) (hate) - Letters: a,e,h,t 
: 1 Sticker(s) (angry) - Letters: a,g,n,r,y 
: 2 Sticker(s) (love,hate) - Letters: a,e,e,h,l,o,t,v 
: 2 Sticker(s) (love,angry) - Letters: a,e,g,l,n,o,r,v,y 
: 2 Sticker(s) (hate,angry) - Letters: a,a,e,g,h,n,r,t,y 
: 3 Sticker(s) (love,hate,angry) - Letters: a,a,e,e,g,h,l,n,o,r,t,v,y 

$ ./word-stickers -v -w=accommodation come nation delta
: Word: a,a,c,c,d,i,m,m,n,o,o,o,t 
: 1 Sticker(s) (come) - Letters: c,e,m,o 
: 1 Sticker(s) (nation) - Letters: a,i,n,n,o,t 
: 1 Sticker(s) (delta) - Letters: a,d,e,l,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (come,nation) - Letters: a,c,e,i,m,n,n,o,o,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (come,delta) - Letters: a,c,d,e,e,l,m,o,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (nation,delta) - Letters: a,a,d,e,i,l,n,n,o,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (come,nation,delta) - Letters: a,a,c,d,e,e,i,l,m,n,n,o,o,t,t 

$ ./word-stickers -v -w=accommodation come country delta
: Word: a,a,c,c,d,i,m,m,n,o,o,o,t 
: 1 Sticker(s) (come) - Letters: c,e,m,o 
: 1 Sticker(s) (country) - Letters: c,n,o,r,t,u,y 
: 1 Sticker(s) (delta) - Letters: a,d,e,l,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (come,country) - Letters: c,c,e,m,n,o,o,r,t,u,y 
: 2 Sticker(s) (come,delta) - Letters: a,c,d,e,e,l,m,o,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (country,delta) - Letters: a,c,d,e,l,n,o,r,t,t,u,y 
: 3 Sticker(s) (come,country,delta) - Letters: a,c,c,d,e,e,l,m,n,o,o,r,t,t,u,y 

Back to the third example. The problem is that we should allow multiple copies of stickers. Right.

Ok. Let us add a number of duplicates of each sticker. The chosen number is the number of characters in the word, so that this worst case example will pan out:

$ ./word-stickers-multi -v -w=cccp captain dog quiz
: Word: c,c,c,p 
: 1 Sticker(s) (captain) - Letters: a,a,c,i,n,p,t 
: 1 Sticker(s) (dog) - Letters: d,g,o 
: 1 Sticker(s) (quiz) - Letters: i,q,u,z 
: 2 Sticker(s) (captain,dog) - Letters: a,a,c,d,g,i,n,o,p,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (captain,quiz) - Letters: a,a,c,i,i,n,p,q,t,u,z 
: 2 Sticker(s) (captain,captain) - Letters: a,a,a,a,c,c,i,i,n,n,p,p,t,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (dog,quiz) - Letters: d,g,i,o,q,u,z 
: 2 Sticker(s) (dog,dog) - Letters: d,d,g,g,o,o 
: 2 Sticker(s) (quiz,quiz) - Letters: i,i,q,q,u,u,z,z 
: 3 Sticker(s) (captain,dog,quiz) - Letters: a,a,c,d,g,i,i,n,o,p,q,t,u,z 
: 3 Sticker(s) (captain,dog,captain) - Letters: a,a,a,a,c,c,d,g,i,i,n,n,o,p,p,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (captain,dog,dog) - Letters: a,a,c,d,d,g,g,i,n,o,o,p,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (captain,quiz,captain) - Letters: a,a,a,a,c,c,i,i,i,n,n,p,p,q,t,t,u,z 
: 3 Sticker(s) (captain,quiz,quiz) - Letters: a,a,c,i,i,i,n,p,q,q,t,u,u,z,z 
: 3 Sticker(s) (captain,captain,captain) - \
  Letters: a,a,a,a,a,a,c,c,c,i,i,i,n,n,n,p,p,p,t,t,t 

The program:

File: word-stickers-mult
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN (:w(:$word) where $word.chars >= 1
	         && $word ~~ /^<[a..z]>+$/;
               *@stickers where @stickers.elems > 0
	          && all(@stickers) ~~ /^<[a..z]>+$/,

my @word = $word.comb;

say ": Word: { @word.sort.join(",") } " if $verbose;

for (@stickers xx $word.chars).flat \                        # [1]
  .combinations(1 .. Inf).unique(:as(&bag)) -> @combination  # [2]
  my $stickers = @combination.elems;
  my @stickers = @combination.join.comb;

  say ": $stickers Sticker(s) ({ @combination.join(",") }) - \
    Letters: { @stickers.sort.join(",") }" if $verbose;

  if @word.Bag (<=) @stickers.Bag
    say $stickers;

say 0;

[1] We take all the stickers and use the List Repetition Operator xx to get as many copies of each one as the length of the word.

See for more information about the list repetition operator xx.

[2] The repetions above will result in a lot of duplicates, which we can (and absolutely should) get rid of with unique. But we have to tell Raku how to treat the values whilst comparing them, and we do this with the :as parameter - coercing the values to a bag.

See for more information about unique.

The third example works out now:

$ ./word-stickers-multi -v -w=accommodation come nation delta
: Word: a,a,c,c,d,i,m,m,n,o,o,o,t 
: 1 Sticker(s) (come) - Letters: c,e,m,o 
: 1 Sticker(s) (nation) - Letters: a,i,n,n,o,t 
: 1 Sticker(s) (delta) - Letters: a,d,e,l,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (come,nation) - Letters: a,c,e,i,m,n,n,o,o,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (come,delta) - Letters: a,c,d,e,e,l,m,o,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (come,come) - Letters: c,c,e,e,m,m,o,o 
: 2 Sticker(s) (nation,delta) - Letters: a,a,d,e,i,l,n,n,o,t,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (nation,nation) - Letters: a,a,i,i,n,n,n,n,o,o,t,t 
: 2 Sticker(s) (delta,delta) - Letters: a,a,d,d,e,e,l,l,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (come,nation,delta) - Letters: a,a,c,d,e,e,i,l,m,n,n,o,o,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (come,nation,come) - Letters: a,c,c,e,e,i,m,m,n,n,o,o,o,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (come,nation,nation) - Letters: a,a,c,e,i,i,m,n,n,n,n,o,o,o,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (come,delta,come) - Letters: a,c,c,d,e,e,e,l,m,m,o,o,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (come,delta,delta) - Letters: a,a,c,d,d,e,e,e,l,l,m,o,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (come,come,come) - Letters: c,c,c,e,e,e,m,m,m,o,o,o 
: 3 Sticker(s) (nation,delta,nation) - Letters: a,a,a,d,e,i,i,l,n,n,n,n,o,o,t,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (nation,delta,delta) - Letters: a,a,a,d,d,e,e,i,l,l,n,n,o,t,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (nation,nation,nation) - Letters: a,a,a,i,i,i,n,n,n,n,n,n,o,o,o,t,t,t 
: 3 Sticker(s) (delta,delta,delta) - Letters: a,a,a,d,d,d,e,e,e,l,l,l,t,t,t 
: 4 Sticker(s) (come,nation,delta,come) - Letters: a,a,c,c,d,e,e,e,i,l,m,m,n,n,o,o,o,t,t 

Note that we can end up with a very long list of combinations before unique trims it down. This may result in high memory usage and execution time. But we will get the correct (lowest) result.

And that's it.