[ Introduction | Oslo Metro | Oslo Tram | Bergen Light Rail | Summary | {{PART-6}} | {{PART-7}} | {{PART-8}} ]
This is a very short version of the Oslotrikken Ruteopplegg 2024 article (in Norwegian), with the configuration files updated to reflect the changes in the syntax.
Oslo is in the process of replacing the entire tram fleet, and the number of vehicles will be increased from 72 to 87. The extra trams will be utilised, in a modified network. Upto 79 vehicles can be used at the same time, to allow for planned maintenance and repairs. The future tram network as presented by Ruter, the agency responsible for public transportation in the Oslo area, looks like this:
Ruter has not revealed anything about the frequency on the routes, but it is possible to guess. And check if the numbers add up.
I'll only show the network setup files below. All the files are available in the zip file.
## Networkplanner ##
route add 11 file:oslo-tram/R-11.def down:2 up:4 interval:6
route add 12 file:oslo-tram/R-12.def down:2 up:0 interval:6
route add 13 file:oslo-tram/R-13.def down:3 up:1 interval:6
route add 17 file:oslo-tram/R-17.def down:4 up:0 interval:4
route add 19 file:oslo-tram/R-19.def down:3 up:4 interval:6
timingpoints :tabulated oslo-tram/R-timingpoints.def
vehicles oslo-tram/R-vehicles.def
The number of vehicles is too high.
## Networkplanner ##
route add 11 file:oslo-tram/R-11.def down:2 up:4 interval:6
route add 12 file:oslo-tram/R-12.def down:2 up:0 interval:6
route add 13 file:oslo-tram/R-13.def down:3 up:1 interval:6
route add 17 file:oslo-tram/R-17.def down:4 up:0 interval:5
route add 19 file:oslo-tram/R-19.def down:3 up:4 interval:6
timingpoints :tabulated oslo-tram/R-timingpoints.def
vehicles oslo-tram/R-vehicles.def
The number if vehicles is ok, but the capacity on route 17 is probably too small.
## Networkplanner ##
route add 11 file:oslo-tram/R-11.def down:2 up:4 interval:6
route add 12 file:oslo-tram/R-12.def down:2 up:0 interval:6
route add 13 file:oslo-tram/R-13.def down:5 up:0 interval:7.5
route add 17 file:oslo-tram/R-17.def down:4 up:0 interval:4
route add 19 file:oslo-tram/R-19.def down:3 up:4 interval:7.5
timingpoints :tabulated oslo-tram/R-timingpoints.def
vehicles oslo-tram/R-vehicles.def
This is the best of the three. But it is not great. Far from it.
So I decided to make my own network. Or networks:
## Networkplanner ##
route add 10 file:oslo-tram/A75-10.def down:7 up:2 interval:7.5
route add 11 file:oslo-tram/A75-11.def down:0 up:4 interval:7.5
route add 12 file:oslo-tram/A75-12.def down:2 up:0 interval:7.5
route add 13 file:oslo-tram/A75-13.def down:5 up:0 interval:7.5
route add 17 file:oslo-tram/A75-17.def down:4 up:0 interval:7.5
route add 18 file:oslo-tram/A75-18.def down:0 up:2 interval:7.5
route add 19 file:oslo-tram/A75-19.def down:2 up:4 interval:7.5
timingpoints oslo-tram/A75-timingpoints.def
vehicles oslo-tram/A75-vehicles.def
## Networkplanner ##
route add 10 file:oslo-tram/A10-10.def down:2 up:2 interval:10
route add 11 file:oslo-tram/A10-11.def down:7 up:2 interval:10
route add 12 file:oslo-tram/A10-12.def down:2 up:1 interval:10
route add 13 file:oslo-tram/A10-13.def down:1 up:0 interval:10
route add 14 file:oslo-tram/A10-14.def down:4 up:6 interval:10
route add 16 file:oslo-tram/A10-16.def down:9 up:0 interval:10
route add 17 file:oslo-tram/A10-17.def down:7 up:2 interval:10
route add 18 file:oslo-tram/A10-18.def down:2 up:2 interval:10
route add 19 file:oslo-tram/A10-19.def down:4.5 up:7 interval:10
timingpoints oslo-tram/A10-timingpoints.def
vehicles oslo-tram/A10-vehicles.def
[ Introduction | Oslo Metro | Oslo Tram | Bergen Light Rail | Summary | {{PART-6}} | {{PART-7}} | {{PART-8}} ]