Introduction |
Oslo Metro |
Oslo Tram |
Bergen |
Bergen Introduction |
Route 1 |
Route 2
The travel time for route 2 is an educated guess, with the only tip that the end to end travel time is 18 minutes (according to www.skyss.no/bybanenfyllingsdalen; in Norwegian):
File: bergen-bybanen/02.def
# 2 Byparken - Fyllingsdalen terminal
# --------------------------------------------------
BB001 D C Byparken
BB002 B A Nonneseter
BB003 D C:3 Bystasjonen
BB031 B:3 A:3 Fløen
BB032 B:3 A:3 Haukeland sykehus
BB007 D:3 C Kronstad
BB041 B A:2 Mindemyren
BB042 B:2 A:4 Kristiansborg
BB043 B:4 A Fyllingsdalen terminal
The current two platform tracks at byparken are unable to cope with route 2 in addition to the existing route 1, so a single siding with two platforms has been built just before it:
Route 1 will continue using platforms A and B. Arriving trams on route 2 will let passengers off at platform C. They (the trams) will continue to platform D for boarding, when vacant. Departure is via the new track from paltform D to the main eastbound track.
Let us start with a simple network with only the two routes:
File: bergen-bybanen/bergen-bybanen-2a.setup
## Networkplanner ##
route set 1 file:01.def down:0 up:1 interval:5
route set 2 file:02.def down:2.5 up:3.5 interval:5
timingpoints timingpoints-2.def
vehicles vehicles-2a.def
The new timingpoints file, including the new stops:
File: bergen-bybanen/timingpoints-2.def
Bergen lufthavn
Fyllingsdalen terminal
The summary for route 2 only (as route 1 is unchanged):
Route 2: Byparken - Fyllingsdalen terminal
00 | 02' 07' 12' 17' 22' 27' 32' 37' 42' 47' 52' 57' Byparken [D]
01 | 03' 08' 13' 18' 23' 28' 33' 38' 43' 48' 53' 58' Nonneseter [B]
02 | 04' 09' 14' 19' 24' 29' 34' 39' 44' 49' 54' 59' Bystasjonen [D]
05 | 07' 12' 17' 22' 27' 32' 37' 42' 47' 52' 57' 02' Fløen [B]
08 | 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 00' 05' Haukeland sykehus [B]
11 | 13' 18' 23' 28' 33' 38' 43' 48' 53' 58' 03' 08' Kronstad [D]
12 | 14' 19' 24' 29' 34' 39' 44' 49' 54' 59' 04' 09' Mindemyren [B]
14 | 16' 21' 26' 31' 36' 41' 46' 51' 56' 01' 06' 11' Kristiansborg [B]
18 | 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 00' 05' 10' 15' Fyllingsdalen terminal [B]
Route 2: Fyllingsdalen terminal - Byparken
00 | 03' 08' 13' 18' 23' 28' 33' 38' 43' 48' 53' 58' Fyllingsdalen terminal [A]
04 | 07' 12' 17' 22' 27' 32' 37' 42' 47' 52' 57' 02' Kristiansborg [A]
06 | 09' 14' 19' 24' 29' 34' 39' 44' 49' 54' 59' 04' Mindemyren [A]
07 | 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 00' 05' Kronstad [C]
10 | 13' 18' 23' 28' 33' 38' 43' 48' 53' 58' 03' 08' Haukeland sykehus [A]
13 | 16' 21' 26' 31' 36' 41' 46' 51' 56' 01' 06' 11' Fløen [A]
16 | 19' 24' 29' 34' 39' 44' 49' 54' 59' 04' 09' 14' Bystasjonen [C]
17 | 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 00' 05' 10' 15' Nonneseter [A]
18 | 21' 26' 31' 36' 41' 46' 51' 56' 01' 06' 11' 16' Byparken [C]
Here are the timingpoints:
Byparken [B]
00 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 1 Bergen lufthavn
04 09 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 1 Byparken
Byparken [C]
01' 06' 11' 16' 21' 26' 31' 36' 41' 46' 51' 56' 2 Byparken
Byparken [D]
02' 07' 12' 17' 22' 27' 32' 37' 42' 47' 52' 57' 2 Fyllingsdalen terminal
Fyllingsdalen terminal [A]
03' 08' 13' 18' 23' 28' 33' 38' 43' 48' 53' 58' 2 Byparken
Fyllingsdalen terminal [B]
00' 05' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 2 Fyllingsdalen terminal
Haukeland sykehus [A]
03' 08' 13' 18' 23' 28' 33' 38' 43' 48' 53' 58' 2 Byparken
Haukeland sykehus [B]
00' 05' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 2 Fyllingsdalen terminal
Kronstad [A]
04 09 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 1 Byparken
Kronstad [B]
04 09 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 1 Bergen lufthavn
Kronstad [C]
00' 05' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 2 Byparken
Kronstad [D]
03' 08' 13' 18' 23' 28' 33' 38' 43' 48' 53' 58' 2 Fyllingsdalen terminal
Lagunen [A]
03 08 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 1 Byparken
Lagunen [B]
01 06 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 1 Bergen lufthavn
Nonneseter [A]
00' 05' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 2 Byparken
03 08 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 1 Byparken
Nonneseter [B]
01 06 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 1 Bergen lufthavn
03' 08' 13' 18' 23' 28' 33' 38' 43' 48' 53' 58' 2 Fyllingsdalen terminal
Wergeland [A]
02 07 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 1 Byparken
Wergeland [B]
02 07 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 1 Bergen lufthavn
The vehicle definition file:
File: bergen-bybanen/vehicles-2a.def
1 D Byp/1;Byp 5
1 U Fle/1;Fle 10
2 D Byp/2;Byp 5
2 U FyT/2;FyT 7
Running it (and note the scrollbar at the bottom of the table):
0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121
Byp/1 dep 0000 0005 0010 0015 0020 0025 0030 0035 0040 0045 0050 0055 0100 0105 0110 0115 0120 0125 0130 0135 0140
Fle arr 0042 0047 0052 0057 0102 0107 0112 0117 0122 0127 0132 0137 0142 0147 0152 0157 0202 0207 0212 0217 0222
Fle/1 dep 0056 0101 0106 0111 0116 0121 0126 0131 0136 0141 0146 0151 0156 0201 0206 0211 0216 0221 0226 0231 0236
Byp arr 0139 0144 0149 0154 0159 0204 0209 0214 0219 0224 0229 0234 0239 0244 0249 0254 0259 0304 0309 0314 0319
Byp/1 dep 0145 0150 0155 0200 0205 0210 0215 0220 0225 0230 0235 0240 0245 0250 0255 0300 0305 0310 0315 0320 0325
0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 0210
Byp/2 dep 0002' 0007' 0012' 0017' 0022' 0027' 0032' 0037' 0042' 0047'
FyT arr 0020' 0025' 0030' 0035' 0040' 0045' 0050' 0055' 0100' 0105'
FyT/2 dep 0028' 0033' 0038' 0043' 0048' 0053' 0058' 0103' 0108' 0113'
Byp arr 0046' 0051' 0056' 0101' 0106' 0111' 0116' 0121' 0126' 0131'
Byp/2 dep 0052' 0057' 0102' 0107' 0112' 0117' 0122' 0127' 0132' 0137'
0100: Number of vehicles: 21
0200: Number of vehicles: 10
Total number of vehicles: 31
Bergen currently has 28 vehicles, with 6 more to come before summer 2022. So using 31 vehicles at the same time is doable.
## Networkplanner ##
route set 1 file:01.def down:0 up:1 start-at:BB001[A;B]
route set 2 file:02.def down:2.5 up:3.5
route set 12 file:02.def down:5 up:6 start-at:BB001[B;A] end-at:BB007[F;E]
route append 12 file:01.def start-at:BB008
timingpoints timingpoints-2.def
vehicles vehicles-2b.def
The default interval is 10 minutes, so we do not have to specify it.
File: bergen-bybanen/vehicles-2b.def
1 D Byp/1;Byp 5
12 U Fle/12;Fle 10
12 D Byp/12;Byp 5
1 U Fle/1;Fle 10
2 D Byp/2;Byp 5
2 U FyT/2;FyT 7
The result:
0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121
Byp/1 dep 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0300 0310 0320
Fle arr 0042 0052 0102 0112 0122 0132 0142 0152 0202 0212 0222 0232 0242 0252 0302 0312 0322 0332 0342 0352 0402
Fle/12 dep 0056 0106 0116 0126 0136 0146 0156 0206 0216 0226 0236 0246 0256 0306 0316 0326 0336 0346 0356 0406 0416
Byp arr 0140 0150 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0300 0310 0320 0330 0340 0350 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0500
Byp/12 dep 0145 0155 0205 0215 0225 0235 0245 0255 0305 0315 0325 0335 0345 0355 0405 0415 0425 0435 0445 0455 0505
Fle arr 0227 0237 0247 0257 0307 0317 0327 0337 0347 0357 0407 0417 0427 0437 0447 0457 0507 0517 0527 0537 0547
Fle/1 dep 0241 0251 0301 0311 0321 0331 0341 0351 0401 0411 0421 0431 0441 0451 0501 0511 0521 0531 0541 0551 0601
Byp arr 0324 0334 0344 0354 0404 0414 0424 0434 0444 0454 0504 0514 0524 0534 0544 0554 0604 0614 0624 0634 0644
Byp/1 dep 0330 0340 0350 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0500 0510 0520 0530 0540 0550 0600 0610 0620 0630 0640 0650
0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206
Byp/2 dep 0002' 0012' 0022' 0032' 0042' 0052'
FyT arr 0020' 0030' 0040' 0050' 0100' 0110'
FyT/2 dep 0033' 0043' 0053' 0103' 0113' 0123'
Byp arr 0051' 0101' 0111' 0121' 0131' 0141'
Byp/2 dep 0102' 0112' 0122' 0132' 0142' 0152'
0100: Number of vehicles: 21
0200: Number of vehicles: 6
Total number of vehicles: 27
We can save 1 vehicle at Byparken by coupling the routes there as well, giving two separate combinations:
File: bergen-bybanen/bergen-bybanen-2c.setup
## Networkplanner ##
route set 1 file:01.def down:0 up:6 start-at:BB001[A;B]
route set 2 file:02.def down:2.5 up:3.5
route set 12 file:02.def down:5 up:1 start-at:BB001[B;A] end-at:BB007[F;E]
route append 12 file:01.def start-at:BB008
timingpoints timingpoints-2.def
vehicles vehicles-2c.def
File: bergen-bybanen/vehicles-2c.def
1 D Byp/1;Byp 5
12 U Fle/12;Fle 7
12 D Byp/12;Byp 5
1 U Fle/1;Fle 7
2 D Byp/2;Byp 5
2 U FyT/2;FyT 7
The result:
0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110
Byp/1 dep 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0100 0110 0120 0130
Fle arr 0042 0052 0102 0112 0122 0132 0142 0152 0202 0212
Fle/12 dep 0051 0101 0111 0121 0131 0141 0151 0201 0211 0221
Byp arr 0135 0145 0155 0205 0215 0225 0235 0245 0255 0305
Byp/1 dep 0140 0150 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0300 0310
0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 0130
Byp/12 dep 0005 0015 0025 0035 0045 0055 0105 0115 0125 0135
Fle arr 0047 0057 0107 0117 0127 0137 0147 0157 0207 0217
Fle/1 dep 0056 0106 0116 0126 0136 0146 0156 0206 0216 0226
Byp arr 0139 0149 0159 0209 0219 0229 0239 0249 0259 0309
Byp/12 dep 0145 0155 0205 0215 0225 0235 0245 0255 0305 0315
0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206
Byp/2 dep 0002' 0012' 0022' 0032' 0042' 0052'
FyT arr 0020' 0030' 0040' 0050' 0100' 0110'
FyT/2 dep 0033' 0043' 0053' 0103' 0113' 0123'
Byp arr 0051' 0101' 0111' 0121' 0131' 0141'
Byp/2 dep 0102' 0112' 0122' 0132' 0142' 0152'
0100: Number of vehicles: 10
0120: Number of vehicles: 10
0200: Number of vehicles: 6
Total number of vehicles: 26
Note that route 11 requires a siding after the «Wergeland» stop. There are no siding there, nor is it planned.
File: bergen-bybanen/bergen-bybanen-2d.setup
## Networkplanner ##
route set 1 file:01.def down:0 up:6 start-at:BB001[A;B]
route set 2 file:02.def down:2.5 up:3.5
route set 11 file:01.def down:7.5 up:4 start-at:BB001[C;D] end-at:BB009
route set 12 file:02.def down:5 up:1 start-at:BB001[B;A] end-at:BB007[F;E]
route append 12 file:01.def start-at:BB008
timingpoints timingpoints-2.def
vehicles vehicles-2d.def
Let us combine route 12 and 11, as they are pretty short:
File: bergen-bybanen/vehicles-2d.def
1 D Byp/1;Byp 5
12 U Fle/12;Fle 7
12 D Byp/12;Byp 5
1 U Fle/1;Fle 7
2 D Byp/2;Byp 5
2 U FyT/2;FyT 7
11 D Byp/11;Byp 5
11 U We/11;We 7
The result, three combinations with 10 vehicles each:
0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110
Byp/1 dep 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0100 0110 0120 0130
Fle arr 0042 0052 0102 0112 0122 0132 0142 0152 0202 0212
Fle/12 dep 0051 0101 0111 0121 0131 0141 0151 0201 0211 0221
Byp arr 0135 0145 0155 0205 0215 0225 0235 0245 0255 0305
Byp/1 dep 0140 0150 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0300 0310
0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 0130
Byp/12 dep 0005 0015 0025 0035 0045 0055 0105 0115 0125 0135
Fle arr 0047 0057 0107 0117 0127 0137 0147 0157 0207 0217
Fle/1 dep 0056 0106 0116 0126 0136 0146 0156 0206 0216 0226
Byp arr 0139 0149 0159 0209 0219 0229 0239 0249 0259 0309
Byp/12 dep 0145 0155 0205 0215 0225 0235 0245 0255 0305 0315
0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 0210
Byp/2 dep 0002' 0012' 0022' 0032' 0042' 0052' 0102' 0112' 0122' 0132'
FyT arr 0020' 0030' 0040' 0050' 0100' 0110' 0120' 0130' 0140' 0150'
FyT/2 dep 0033' 0043' 0053' 0103' 0113' 0123' 0133' 0143' 0153' 0203'
Byp arr 0051' 0101' 0111' 0121' 0131' 0141' 0151' 0201' 0211' 0221'
Byp/11 dep 0057' 0107' 0117' 0127' 0137' 0147' 0157' 0207' 0217' 0227'
We arr 0109' 0119' 0129' 0139' 0149' 0159' 0209' 0219' 0229' 0239'
We/11 dep 0124 0134 0144 0154 0204 0214 0224 0234 0244 0254
Byp arr 0136 0146 0156 0206 0216 0226 0236 0246 0256 0306
Byp/2 dep 0142' 0152' 0202' 0212' 0222' 0232' 0242' 0252' 0302' 0312'
0100: Number of vehicles: 10
0120: Number of vehicles: 10
0200: Number of vehicles: 10
Total number of vehicles: 30
It is possible to swap the departure times for route 1 and 12 so that they run as pure lines instead of the combination. But this will impact the other routes. See the file «bergen-bybanen/bergen-bybanen-2e.setup» for an example of how this can be done.
Introduction |
Oslo Metro |
Oslo Tram |
Bergen |
Bergen Introduction |
Route 1 |
Route 2