Planning Public Transportation with Raku


by Arne Sommer


[159.1.5] Published 19. December 2021. (Updated 2. January 2022)

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Version 0.0.4 - 2. January 2022

  • [#014] [Change] Changed the «timingpoints» and «tp» commands so that they do not sort the departures when the intervals span several hours (e.g. a 45 minute interval, which requires 3 hours to get back to 00). The departures are shown prefixed with the hour value, e.g. «0h10» and «1h20», but do not tabulate with routes with an interval that only require one hour (reported as change request [#021]).
  • [#016] [Error] The number of vehicles was wrong in certain situations using multiple intervals. See the «railways/ViaRail-12e.setup» example in the Railways article for details.

Version 0.0.3 - 31. December 2021

  • [#001] [Error] The vehicle computation used the interval value(s) on the first route, and ignored any value given on additional routes. See «Bugs R Us - A Transit::Network Update» for a detailed description.
  • [#007] [Change] Support different intervals for the Up and Down direction of a route (with the new «interval-down» and «interval-up» optional arguments). Added a new article Intervals to describe the possibilities given by this change (and #001).
  • [#008] [Change] Changed the «summary» command so that it uses «raw» mode automatically, instead of complaining, when the normal mode would not work (interval >= 60 minutes).
  • [#009] [Change] Removed the optional arguments «up», «down» and «interval*» for the «route append» command. Specify them at «route set».
  • [#010] [Change] Added support for multiple lines in the Network Setup file (and the other files, as a side effect, but it is not useful in any other files), by using an \ as the last character on the first line. They can be stacked. Added a unit test for this feature.
  • [#011] [Change] Changed the «timingpoints» and «tp» commands so that they support multiple «:merge» arguments.
  • [#012] [Error] Using a nonexisting route ID and direction in the vehicle definition file will now give an error, and not cause a runtime error.
  • [#013] [Doc] Added a new article «60 Minutes», describing the importance of this value in intervals. About half the content has been moved from the FAQ.

Version 0.0.2 - 19. December 2021

  • [#002] [Error] The «help» command did not work. (Reported by David Santiago.)
  • [#003] [Change] Added support for days in the helper procedure "dehourify", so that we can use days (d) in addition to hours (h) and minutes when specifying time values.
  • [#004] [Change] Moved all the helper functions into a new helper module («Transit::Network::Helpers»), and added unit testing of them.
  • [#005] [Error] The vehicle generating code gave wrong times for vehicle 2 and onwards. See «Bugs R Us - A Transit::Network Update» for a detailed description.
  • [#006] [Doc] Added the «Changelog» and «Roadmap» articles to the online documentation.

Version 0.0.1 - 15. December 2021

Initial version. Error #001 was known at this point.

[ Introduction | Oslo Metro | Oslo Tram | Bergen | Misc. ]
[ About | Terms | Files | Commands | FAQ | Changelog | Roadmap | 60 Minutes NEW ]