Task Name Index
Automatically Generated 8. March 2025.
69.2 | 0/1 String |
83 | Binary Strobe with Raku & Perl |
146.1 | 10001st Prime Number |
164 | Fractionally Prime with Raku and Perl |
51.1 | 3 Sum |
62 | Three Colours by Raku |
303.1 | 3-digits Even |
324 | Delete and Even with Raku |
265.1 | 33% Appearance |
285 | 33% Word with Raku |
3.1 | 5-smooth numbers |
6 | From Babylon to Pascal with Raku |
246.1 | 6 out of 49 |
266 | Out of Linear with Raku and Friends |
161.1 | Abecedarian Words |
180 | Panabecedarian Grams with Raku |
171.1 | Abundant Number |
190 | Abundantly First Class with Raku |
169.2 | Achilles Numbers |
188 | An Abundance of Numbers with Raku and Perl |
17.1 | Ackermann Function |
22 | Ackerman, URL and Raku |
240.1 | Acronym |
260 | Acronymous Array with Raku and Perl |
140.1 | Add Binary |
156 | Add the Table (or not) with Raku |
129.2 | Add Linked Lists |
145 | Linked Roots with Raku |
224.2 | Additive Number |
244 | Numbered Notes with Raku |
158.1 | Additive Primes |
177 | Cuban Addition, Primarily with Raku |
118.2 | Adventure of Knight |
134 | Binary Knight with Raku (and Perl) |
305.2 | Alien Dictionary |
326 | Prefixed Alien with Raku |
5.1 | All Anagrams |
9 | Rakugrams |
250.2 | Alphanumeric String Value |
270 | String Index with Raku |
200.1 | Arithmetic Slices |
220 | Seven Angry Slices with Raku |
241.1 | Arithmetic Triplets |
261 | Arithmetic Prime with Raku |
304.1 | Arrange Binary |
325 | Arranged Average with Raku |
189.2 | Array Degree |
209 | To a Greater Degree with Raku |
236.2 | Array Loops |
256 | Changing Loops with Raku |
206.2 | Array Pairings |
226 | Paired Time with Raku |
88.1 | Array of Product |
104 | Arrayed Spiral with Raku and Perl |
310.1 | Arrays Intersection |
331 | Intersection Sort with Raku |
41.1 | Attractive Numbers |
50 | Attractive Leonardo Numbers with Raku |
122.1 | Average of Stream |
138 | Of Points with Raku and Perl |
273.2 | B After A |
293 | B of A with Raku |
42.2 | Balanced Brackets |
52 | Olympic Numbers with Raku |
259.1 | Banking Day Offset |
279 | Day Parser with Raku |
122.2 | Basketball Points |
138 | Of Points with Raku and Perl |
300.1 | Beautiful Arrangement |
321 | Beautifully Nested with Raku |
108.2 | Bell Numbers |
124 | Locate the Bell with Raku and Perl |
192.1 | Binary Flip |
212 | Equal Flip with Raku |
118.1 | Binary Palindrome |
134 | Binary Knight with Raku (and Perl) |
305.1 | Binary Prefix |
326 | Prefixed Alien with Raku |
130.2 | Binary Search Tree |
146 | The Odd Tree with Raku and Perl |
193.1 | Binary String |
213 | An Abundance of Strings with Raku |
97.2 | Binary Substrings |
113 | Caesarean Substrings with Raku and Perl |
151.1 | Binary Tree Depth |
169 | The Tree House with Raku |
125.2 | Binary Tree Diameter |
141 | Pythagorean Tree with Raku |
94.2 | Binary Tree to Linked List |
110 | Binary Linked Anagrams with Raku |
59.2 | Bit Sum |
72 | Linked Sum by Raku |
269.1 | Bitwise OR |
289 | Distribute Or... with Raku |
57.1 | Bonus: Pretty Print |
69 | An Inverted Prefix with Raku |
293.2 | Boomerang |
314 | Boomerang or Similar with Raku |
223.2 | Box Coins |
243 | Boxed Primes with Raku |
29.1 | Brace Expansion |
36 | Bracen C with Raku |
157.2 | Brazilian Number |
176 | Brazilian Means with Raku |
169.1 | Brilliant Numbers |
188 | An Abundance of Numbers with Raku and Perl |
275.1 | Broken Keys |
295 | Broken Digits with Raku |
240.2 | Build Array |
260 | Acronymous Array with Raku and Perl |
274.2 | Bus Route |
294 | Goat Bus with Raku |
178.2 | Business Date |
197 | An Imaginary Date with Raku |
97.1 | Caesar Cipher |
113 | Caesarean Substrings with Raku and Perl |
143.1 | Calculator |
160 | Stealthy Calculator with Raku and Perl |
29.2 | Calling C |
36 | Bracen C with Raku |
112.1 | Canonical Path |
128 | Canonical Stairs with Raku and Perl |
190.1 | Capital Detection |
210 | Decoded Capital with Raku |
148.2 | Cardano Triplets |
166 | Eban Cardano the Third with Raku and Perl |
11.1 | Celsius vs Fahrenheit |
16 | FC Matrix with Perl 6 |
8.2 | Center |
12 | Perfect Indentation with Raku |
282.2 | Changing Keys |
303 | Changingly Good with Raku |
25.2 | Chaocipher |
32 | Pokemon Chiao, Raku |
70.1 | Character Swapping |
84 | Gray Swapping with Raku & Perl |
281.1 | Check Color |
302 | Color of Knight with Raku |
307.1 | Check Order |
328 | Find the Check with Raku |
103.1 | Chinese Zodiac |
119 | Playing the Zodiac with Raku |
109.1 | Chowla Numbers |
125 | Chowla Squared with Raku and Perl |
167.1 | Circular Prime |
186 | Primarily Functional with Raku |
112.2 | Climb Stairs |
128 | Canonical Stairs with Raku and Perl |
120.2 | Clock Angle |
136 | Even Clock with Raku and Perl |
288.1 | Closest Palindrome |
309 | Contiguously Closest with Raku |
75.1 | Coins Sum |
89 | Coins & Rectangles with Raku |
54.2 | Collatz Conjecture |
65 | Sequential Conjectures with Raku |
214.2 | Collect Points |
234 | Bagging Scorepoints with Raku |
51.2 | Colourful Number |
62 | Three Colours by Raku |
81.1 | Common Base String |
96 | Common Frequency with Raku |
234.1 | Common Characters |
254 | Unequally Common with Raku |
220.1 | Common Characters |
240 | Squarefully Common with Raku |
82.1 | Common Factors |
97 | Interleaved Factors with Raku |
182.2 | Common Path |
202 | The Common Index with Raku and Perl |
58.1 | Compare Version |
70 | Compared Lineup with Raku |
276.1 | Complete Day |
296 | Complete Maximum with Raku |
265.2 | Completing Word |
285 | 33% Word with Raku |
251.1 | Concatenation Value |
271 | Lucky Concatenation with Raku |
127.2 | Conflict Intervals |
143 | Disjoint Conflict with Raku and Perl |
131.1 | Consecutive Arrays |
147 | Con Se Pair with Raku and Perl |
202.1 | Consecutive Odds |
222 | Odd Valleys with Raku |
294.1 | Consecutive Sequence |
315 | Next Consecutive with Raku |
239.2 | Consistent Strings |
259 | Nothing But Strings with Raku |
297.1 | Contiguous Array |
318 | Semi Contiguous with Raku |
288.2 | Contiguous Block |
309 | Contiguously Closest with Raku |
203.2 | Copy Directory |
223 | Quadruple Copies with Raku |
280.2 | Count Asterisks |
301 | Count Twice with Raku |
80.2 | Count Candies |
95 | Positively Candy with Raku and Perl |
277.1 | Count Common |
297 | Strong Count with Raku |
308.1 | Count Common |
329 | Exclusive or Common with Raku |
262.2 | Count Equal Divisible |
282 | Positively Equal with Raku |
258.1 | Count Even Digits Number |
278 | Even Sum with Raku |
91.1 | Count Number |
107 | Count and Jump with Raku and Perl |
126.1 | Count Numbers |
142 | Count Minesweeper with Raku and Perl |
223.1 | Count Primes |
243 | Boxed Primes with Raku |
79.1 | Count Set Bits |
93 | Counting Water with Raku and Perl |
244.1 | Count Smaller |
264 | The Smaller Hero with Raku |
230.2 | Count Words |
251 | Words and Digits with Raku |
46.1 | Cryptic Message |
55 | The Cryptic Raku Room |
146.2 | Curious Fraction Tree |
164 | Fractionally Prime with Raku and Perl |
191.2 | Cute List |
211 | Twice as Cute with Raku |
249.2 | DI String Match |
269 | Equal DI with Raku |
90.1 | DNA Sequence |
106 | Sequenced Multiplication with Raku and Perl |
177.1 | Damm Algorithm |
196 | Cyclops Be Dammed with Raku |
183.2 | Date Difference |
203 | Unique Difference with Raku and Perl |
38.1 | Date Finder |
46 | Datefinder General, A Raku Wordgame |
187.1 | Days Together |
207 | Magical Together with Raku |
106.2 | Decimal String |
122 | String the Gap with Raku |
308.2 | Decode XOR |
329 | Exclusive or Common with Raku |
190.2 | Decoded List |
210 | Decoded Capital with Raku |
272.1 | Defang IP Address |
292 | IP Score with Raku |
303.2 | Delete and Earn |
324 | Delete and Even with Raku |
95.2 | Demo Stack |
111 | Palindromic Stack with Raku and Perl |
260.2 | Dictionary Rank |
280 | Unique Rank with Raku |
56.1 | Diff-K |
68 | Diff Sum by Raku |
283.2 | Digit Count Value |
304 | Numbers and Values with Raku |
194.1 | Digital Clock |
214 | Digital Frequalizer with Raku |
28.2 | Digital Clock |
35 | Raku Binary Clock |
65.1 | Digits Sum |
78 | The Palin Digits with Raku |
174.1 | Disarium Numbers |
193 | Disarmed Ranking with Raku |
127.1 | Disjoint Sets |
143 | Disjoint Conflict with Raku and Perl |
34.2 | Dispatch Table |
42 | Sliced Dispatch, The Raku Way |
134.2 | Distinct Terms Count |
150 | Distinctly Pandigital with Raku and Perl |
269.2 | Distribute Elements |
289 | Distribute Or... with Raku |
270.2 | Distribute Elements |
290 | Distribute Positions with Raku |
66.1 | Divide Integers |
79 | Dividing Powers with Raku |
31.1 | Divide by Zero |
39 | Dynamic Zero with Raku |
188.1 | Divisible Pairs |
208 | Zero Divisibility with Raku |
142.1 | Divisor Last Digit |
158 | At Sleep at Last with Raku |
145.1 | Dot Product |
163 | Palin' Dot with Raku and Perl |
290.1 | Double Exist |
311 | Luhn's Existence with Raku |
235.2 | Duplicate Zeros |
255 | One Zero with Raku |
208.2 | Duplicate and Missing |
228 | MIS-ing with Raku |
31.2 | Dynamic Variable Name |
39 | Dynamic Zero with Raku |
148.1 | Eban Numbers |
166 | Eban Cardano the Third with Raku and Perl |
96.2 | Edit Distance |
112 | Reversed Distance with Raku and Perl |
261.1 | Element Digit Sum |
281 | Two Elements with Raku |
228.2 | Empty Array |
248 | Uniquely Empty with Raku |
25.1 | English Pokemon Names |
32 | Pokemon Chiao, Raku |
192.2 | Equal Distribution |
212 | Equal Flip with Raku |
249.1 | Equal Pairs |
269 | Equal DI with Raku |
160.2 | Equilibrium Index |
179 | The Magic Equilibrium with Raku and Perl |
173.1 | Esthetic Number |
192 | Esthetic Sylvester with Raku |
90.2 | Ethiopian Multiplication |
106 | Sequenced Multiplication with Raku and Perl |
21.1 | Euler's Number |
27 | Euler's URL with Raku |
236.1 | Exact Change |
256 | Changing Loops with Raku |
60.1 | Excel Column |
73 | Excelled Find with Raku |
54.3 | Extra Credit |
65 | Sequential Conjectures with Raku |
74.2 | FNR Character |
88 | Majority Character with Raku |
104.1 | FUSC Sequence |
120 | Nimbly Fuscous with Raku |
153.2 | Factorions |
171 | Just the Fact with Raku |
159.1 | Farey Sequence |
178 | Farey, Moebius and Raku |
149.1 | Fibonacci Digit Sum |
167 | Fibonacci Square with Raku and Perl |
136.2 | Fibonacci Sequence |
152 | Friendly Fibonacci with Raku and Perl |
77.1 | Fibonacci Sum |
91 | Lonely Sum with Raku |
150.1 | Fibonacci Words |
168 | Fibonacci Squared Again with Raku and Perl |
28.1 | File Content |
35 | Raku Binary Clock |
307.2 | Find Anagrams |
328 | Find the Check with Raku |
60.2 | Find Numbers |
73 | Excelled Find with Raku |
131.2 | Find Pairs |
147 | Con Se Pair with Raku and Perl |
117.2 | Find Possible Paths |
133 | The Rowdy Path with Raku and Perl |
84.2 | Find Square |
99 | Four Corners with Raku |
158.2 | First Series Cuban Primes |
177 | Cuban Addition, Primarily with Raku |
180.1 | First Unique Character |
199 | Unique Trim with Raku and Perl |
171.2 | First-class Function |
190 | Abundantly First Class with Raku |
172.2 | Five-number Summary |
191 | Primary Five with Raku |
1.2 | FizzBuzz one-liner |
30 | A Prehistoric Perl & Raku Fizz-E-Buzz |
83.2 | Flip Array |
98 | Wordly Array with Raku |
55.1 | Flip Binary |
66 | Flipping the Raku Wave |
242.2 | Flip Matrix |
262 | Missing Matrix with Raku |
243.2 | Floor Sum |
263 | Reverse Floor with Raku |
155.1 | Fortunate Numbers |
174 | Pisano the Fortunate with Raku |
160.1 | Four Is Magic |
179 | The Magic Equilibrium with Raku and Perl |
109.2 | Four Squares Puzzle |
125 | Chowla Squared with Raku and Perl |
194.2 | Frequency Equalizer |
214 | Digital Frequalizer with Raku |
81.2 | Frequency Sort |
96 | Common Frequency with Raku |
233.2 | Frequency Sort |
253 | Words of a Sort with Raku |
227.1 | Friday 13th |
247 | The 13th Roman with Raku |
213.1 | Fun Sort |
233 | Fun Route with Raku |
100.1 | Fun Time |
116 | Fun Sum Time with Raku and Perl |
89.1 | GCD Sum |
105 | Magical Sum with Raku and Perl |
167.2 | Gamma Function |
186 | Primarily Functional with Raku |
47.2 | Gapful Number |
58 | The Roman Gap with Raku |
274.1 | Goat Latin |
294 | Goat Bus with Raku |
282.1 | Good Integer |
303 | Changingly Good with Raku |
199.1 | Good Pairs |
219 | Twice as Good with Raku |
221.1 | Good Strings |
241 | Subsequencially Good with Raku |
199.2 | Good Triplets |
219 | Twice as Good with Raku |
70.2 | Gray Code Sequence |
84 | Gray Swapping with Raku & Perl |
189.1 | Greater Character |
209 | To a Greater Degree with Raku |
265.1 | Greatest English Letter |
285 | 33% Word with Raku |
94.1 | Group Anagrams |
110 | Binary Linked Anagrams with Raku |
311.2 | Group Digit Sum |
332 | Upper Group with Raku |
244.2 | Group Hero |
264 | The Smaller Hero with Raku |
39.1 | Guest House |
48 | Reverse Polish Guest Book, Raku Edition |
207.2 | H-Index |
227 | The H Word with Raku |
301.2 | Hamming Distance |
322 | Hamming Largest with Raku |
164.2 | Happy Numbers |
183 | Primarily Happy with Raku and Perl |
124.1 | Happy Women Day |
140 | Happy Tug with Raku |
132.2 | Hash Join |
148 | Mirrored Hash with Raku |
102.2 | Hash-counting String |
118 | Rare Counting with Raku and Perl |
166.1 | Hexadecimal Words |
185 | Hexa Diff with Raku |
114.2 | Higher Integer Set Bits |
130 | Palindromic Set with Raku and Perl |
168.2 | Home Prime |
187 | Primarily Prime with Raku and Perl |
181.2 | Hot Day |
201 | Hot Sentence with Raku and Perl |
61.2 | IPv4 Partition |
74 | The IPv4 Product, Raku Edition |
162.1 | ISBN-13 |
181 | Thirteen Wheatstones with Raku |
11.2 | Identity Matrix of Given Size |
16 | FC Matrix with Perl 6 |
92.2 | Insert Interval |
108 | Isomorphic Insertation with Raku |
133.1 | Integer Square Root |
149 | Smithe Thee Squarely with Raku and Perl |
82.2 | Interleave String |
97 | Interleaved Factors with Raku |
27.1 | Intersection of Two Lines |
34 | Historical Intersection with Raku |
121.1 | Invert Bit |
137 | Inverted Salesman with Raku and Perl |
57.1 | Invert Tree |
69 | An Inverted Prefix with Raku |
46.2 | Is the room open? |
55 | The Cryptic Raku Room |
92.1 | Isomorphic Strings |
108 | Isomorphic Insertation with Raku |
10.2 | Jaro-Winkler String Distance |
15 | Roman Numerals with Raku |
139.1 | JortSort |
155 | The Longest Sort with Raku |
289.2 | Jumbled Letters |
310 | Jumbled Third with Raku |
91.2 | Jump Game |
107 | Count and Jump with Raku and Perl |
295.2 | Jump Game |
316 | Break the Jump with Raku |
212.1 | Jumping Letters |
232 | Letters and Groups with Raku |
166.2 | K-Directory Diff |
185 | Hexa Diff with Raku |
207.1 | Keyboard Word |
227 | The H Word with Raku |
210.1 | Kill and Win |
230 | Killing Numbers with Raku |
281.2 | Knight’s Move |
302 | Color of Knight with Raku |
170.2 | Kronecker Product |
189 | The Primorial Soup - a Raku Product |
54.1 | Kth Permutation Sequence |
65 | Sequential Conjectures with Raku |
49.2 | LRU Cache |
60 | Smallest Cache with Raku |
115.2 | Largest Multiple |
131 | Hamilton Unchained with Raku and Perl |
301.1 | Largest Number |
322 | Hamming Largest with Raku |
87.2 | Largest Rectangle |
103 | Raku - Largest and Longest |
75.2 | Largest Rectangle Histogram |
89 | Coins & Rectangles with Raku |
149.2 | Largest Square |
167 | Fibonacci Square with Raku and Perl |
245.2 | Largest of Three |
265 | LaLa Three with Raku |
306.2 | Last Element |
327 | Elementary Odd with Raku |
13.1 | Last Fridays of Every Month |
18 | Hofstadter, Friday and Raku |
222.2 | Last Member |
242 | Raku Members |
175.1 | Last Sunday |
194 | Perfect at Last with Raku |
63.1 | Last Word |
76 | The Last Rotation with Raku |
78.1 | Leader Element |
92 | Rotating Leader with Raku and Perl |
153.1 | Left Factorials |
171 | Just the Fact with Raku |
225.2 | Left Right Sum Diff |
245 | Arithmetically Good with Raku |
78.2 | Left Rotation |
92 | Rotating Leader with Raku and Perl |
22.2 | Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) Compression |
28 | Sexy Primes, LZW and Raku |
41.2 | Leonardo Numbers |
50 | Attractive Leonardo Numbers with Raku |
67.2 | Letter Phone |
80 | Numbers and Letters with Raku |
229.1 | Lexicographic Order |
249 | Out of Order with Raku |
141.2 | Like Numbers |
157 | Numbly Numbers with Raku |
267.2 | Line Counts |
287 | Every Product Counts with Raku |
259.2 | Line Parser |
279 | Day Parser with Raku |
165.2 | Line of Best Fit |
184 | Doubly Scalable with Raku |
246.2 | Linear Recurrence of Second Order |
266 | Out of Linear with Raku and Friends |
72.2 | Lines Range |
86 | Zero Lines with Raku & Perl |
59.1 | Linked List |
72 | Linked Sum by Raku |
107.2 | List Methods |
123 | Self-Deceptive Methods with Raku |
30.1 | List Sunday Christmases |
37 | Christmas Twelfth Cometh Raku |
108.1 | Locate Memory |
124 | Locate the Bell with Raku and Perl |
77.2 | Lonely X |
91 | Lonely Sum with Raku |
139.2 | Long Primes |
155 | The Longest Sort with Raku |
137.1 | Long Year |
153 | Lychrel Longing with Raku and Perl |
18.1 | Longest Common Substring |
23 | Substrings and Queues with Raku |
87.1 | Longest Consecutive Sequence |
103 | Raku - Largest and Longest |
284.1 | Lucky Integer |
305 | Relatively Lucky with Raku |
251.2 | Lucky Numbers |
271 | Lucky Concatenation with Raku |
52.2 | Lucky Winner |
63 | Stepping Winner with Raku |
290.2 | Luhn’s Algorithm |
311 | Luhn's Existence with Raku |
137.2 | Lychrel Number |
153 | Lychrel Longing with Raku and Perl |
185.1 | MAC Address |
205 | Mask the MAC with Raku |
268.1 | Magic Number |
288 | Numerous Numbers with Raku |
89.2 | Magical Matrix |
105 | Magical Sum with Raku and Perl |
187.2 | Magical Triplets |
207 | Magical Together with Raku |
74.1 | Majority Element |
88 | Majority Character with Raku |
44.2 | Make it $200 |
53 | From 100 to 200 with Raku |
285.2 | Making Change |
306 | No Connection with Raku |
185.2 | Mask Code |
205 | Mask the MAC with Raku |
222.1 | Matching Members |
242 | Raku Members |
296.2 | Matchstick Square |
317 | Squared String with Raku |
218.2 | Matrix Score |
238 | Scored Product with Raku |
198.1 | Max Gap |
218 | Prime the Gap with Raku |
182.1 | Max Index |
202 | The Common Index with Raku and Perl |
217.2 | Max Number |
237 | Ma[tri]x with Raku |
93.1 | Max Points |
109 | Pointy Path with Raku |
262.1 | Max Positive Negative |
282 | Positively Equal with Raku |
225.1 | Max Words |
245 | Arithmetically Good with Raku |
298.1 | Maximal Square |
319 | Maximal Right with Raku |
237.2 | Maximise Greatness |
257 | Seize the Greatness with Raku |
304.2 | Maximum Average |
325 | Arranged Average with Raku |
276.2 | Maximum Frequency |
296 | Complete Maximum with Raku |
106.1 | Maximum Gap |
122 | String the Gap with Raku |
271.1 | Maximum Ones |
291 | Ones by 1 with Raku |
256.1 | Maximum Pairs |
276 | Merged Maximum with Raku |
218.1 | Maximum Product |
238 | Scored Product with Raku |
128.1 | Maximum Sub-Matrix |
144 | With Raku to Mum's Platform |
205.2 | Maximum XOR |
225 | The Highest Maximum with Raku |
26.2 | Mean Angles |
33 | String Angling with Raku |
209.2 | Merge Account |
229 | Special Account with Raku |
50.1 | Merge Intervals |
61 | Nobly Merged Raku |
263.2 | Merge Items |
283 | Target Merge with Raku |
256.2 | Merge Strings |
276 | Merged Maximum with Raku |
135.1 | Middle 3-digits |
151 | SEDOL in the Middle with Raku and Perl |
291.1 | Middle Index |
312 | Middle Hand with Raku |
309.2 | Min Diff |
330 | Min or Min with Raku |
309.1 | Min Gap |
330 | Min or Min with Raku |
231.1 | Min Max |
252 | Citizens Max with Raku |
73.1 | Min Sliding Window |
87 | Sliding Neighbour with Raku & Perl |
126.2 | Minesweeper Game |
142 | Count Minesweeper with Raku and Perl |
208.1 | Minimum Index Sum |
228 | MIS-ing with Raku |
128.2 | Minimum Platforms |
144 | With Raku to Mum's Platform |
64.1 | Minimum Sum Path |
77 | The Minimum Break with Raku |
132.1 | Mirror Dates |
148 | Mirrored Hash with Raku |
242.1 | Missing Members |
262 | Missing Matrix with Raku |
201.1 | Missing Numbers |
221 | Pennies by the numbers with Raku |
154.1 | Missing Permutation |
172 | Padovan is Missing with Raku and Perl |
117.1 | Missing Row |
133 | The Rowdy Path with Raku and Perl |
159.2 | Moebius Number |
178 | Farey, Moebius and Raku |
204.1 | Monotonic Array |
224 | Monotonically Reshaped Raku |
35.2 | Morse Decode |
43 | Morse and Remorse with Raku |
35.1 | Morse Encode |
43 | Morse and Remorse with Raku |
195.2 | Most Frequent Even |
215 | Especially Even with Raku |
247.2 | Most Frequent Letter Pair |
267 | The Santa Letters with Raku |
255.2 | Most Frequent Word |
275 | Mostly Odd with Raku |
197.1 | Move Zero |
217 | Zero Wiggle with Raku |
40.1 | Multiple Arrays Content |
49 | Multiple Fun with Arrays and Raku |
140.2 | Multiplication Table |
156 | Add the Table (or not) with Raku |
261.2 | Multiply by Two |
281 | Two Elements with Raku |
13.2 | Mutually Recursive Methods |
18 | Hofstadter, Friday and Raku |
62.2 | N Queens |
75 | The Email Queen with Raku |
104.2 | NIM Game |
120 | Nimbly Fuscous with Raku |
300.2 | Nested Array |
321 | Beautifully Nested with Raku |
114.1 | Next Palindrome Number |
130 | Palindromic Set with Raku and Perl |
294.2 | Next Permutation |
315 | Next Consecutive with Raku |
7.1 | Niven Numbers |
11 | Raku The Niven Ladder |
285.1 | No Connection |
306 | No Connection with Raku |
50.2 | Noble Integer |
61 | Nobly Merged Raku |
23.1 | Nth Order Forward Difference Series |
29 | Random Differential Decomposition with Raku |
105.1 | Nth root |
121 | Named Roots with Raku and Perl |
210.2 | Number Collision |
230 | Killing Numbers with Raku |
67.1 | Number Combinations |
80 | Numbers and Letters with Raku |
141.1 | Number Divisors |
157 | Numbly Numbers with Raku |
268.2 | Number Game |
288 | Numerous Numbers with Raku |
215.2 | Number Placement |
235 | Odd Placement with Raku |
116.1 | Number Sequence |
132 | Sequential Squares with Raku and Perl |
42.1 | Octal Number System |
51 | Octally Balanced Braces with Raku |
255.1 | Odd Character |
275 | Mostly Odd with Raku |
130.1 | Odd Number |
146 | The Odd Tree with Raku and Perl |
193.2 | Odd String |
213 | An Abundance of Strings with Raku |
306.1 | Odd Sum |
327 | Elementary Odd with Raku |
215.1 | Odd one Out |
235 | Odd Placement with Raku |
43.1 | Olympic Rings |
52 | Olympic Numbers with Raku |
302.1 | Ones and Zeroes |
323 | Zero Step with Raku |
44.1 | Only 100, please |
53 | From 100 to 200 with Raku |
286.2 | Order Game |
307 | Self Order with Raku |
111.2 | Ordered Letters |
127 | Ordered Search for Raku |
58.2 | Ordered Lineup |
70 | Compared Lineup with Raku |
179.1 | Ordinal Number Spelling |
198 | Ordinal Spark with Raku |
101.2 | Origin-containing Triangle |
117 | Packed Origin with Raku (and Perl) |
101.1 | Pack a Spiral |
117 | Packed Origin with Raku (and Perl) |
154.2 | Padovan Prime |
172 | Padovan is Missing with Raku and Perl |
86.1 | Pair Difference |
102 | A Different Puzzle with Raku and Perl |
48.2 | Palindrome Dates |
59 | Surviving Dates with Raku |
95.1 | Palindrome Number |
111 | Palindromic Stack with Raku and Perl |
65.2 | Palindrome Partition |
78 | The Palin Digits with Raku |
177.2 | Palindromic Prime Cyclops |
196 | Cyclops Be Dammed with Raku |
145.2 | Palindromic Tree |
163 | Palin' Dot with Raku and Perl |
134.1 | Pandigital Numbers |
150 | Distinctly Pandigital with Raku and Perl |
161.2 | Pangrams |
180 | Panabecedarian Grams with Raku |
3.2 | Pascal's Triangle |
6 | From Babylon to Pascal with Raku |
56.2 | Path Sum |
68 | Diff Sum by Raku |
196.1 | Pattern 132 |
216 | 132 Lists with Raku |
99.1 | Pattern Match |
115 | Subsequently Matched with Raku and Perl |
71.1 | Peak Element |
85 | Peaked Trim with Raku & Perl |
201.2 | Penny Piles |
221 | Pennies by the numbers with Raku |
147.2 | Pentagon Numbers |
165 | Pentagon Prime with Raku and Perl |
273.1 | Percentage of Character |
293 | B of A with Raku |
175.2 | Perfect Totient Numbers |
194 | Perfect at Last with Raku |
174.2 | Permutation Ranking |
193 | Disarmed Ranking with Raku |
176.1 | Permuted Multiples |
195 | Permuted Reversibles with Raku |
156.1 | Pernicious Numbers |
175 | Weirdly Pernicious with Raku |
168.1 | Perrin Prime |
187 | Primarily Prime with Raku and Perl |
238.2 | Persistence Sort |
258 | Persistently Running with Raku |
4.1 | Pi with Output-Sized Script |
7 | Raku P(i)ermutations |
155.2 | Pisano Period |
174 | Pisano the Fortunate with Raku |
291.2 | Poker Hand Rankings |
312 | Middle Hand with Raku |
4.2 | Possible Words Given Chars |
7 | Raku P(i)ermutations |
66.2 | Power Integers |
79 | Dividing Powers with Raku |
85.2 | Power of Two Integers |
101 | Two Triplets with Raku and Perl |
198.2 | Prime Count |
218 | Prime the Gap with Raku |
23.2 | Prime Decompositio |
29 | Random Differential Decomposition with Raku |
241.2 | Prime Order |
261 | Arithmetic Prime with Raku |
164.1 | Prime Palindrome |
183 | Primarily Happy with Raku and Perl |
172.1 | Prime Partition |
191 | Primary Five with Raku |
76.1 | Prime Sum |
90 | Primal Words with Raku |
170.1 | Primorial Numbers |
189 | The Primorial Soup - a Raku Product |
18.2 | Priority Queue |
23 | Substrings and Queues with Raku |
267.1 | Product Sign |
287 | Every Product Counts with Raku |
61.1 | Product SubArray |
74 | The IPv4 Product, Raku Edition |
16.1 | Pythagoras Pie Puzzle |
21 | Pythagoras Bitcoin with Raku |
157.1 | Pythagorean Means |
176 | Brazilian Means with Raku |
125.1 | Pythagorean Triples |
141 | Pythagorean Tree with Raku |
178.1 | Quater-imaginary Base |
197 | An Imaginary Date with Raku |
6.2 | Ramanujan's Constant |
10 | Raku Int-Erval |
23.3 | Random Poems API |
29 | Random Differential Decomposition with Raku |
196.2 | Range List |
216 | 132 Lists with Raku |
214.1 | Rank Score |
234 | Bagging Scorepoints with Raku |
9.2 | Ranking |
13 | Squared Ranking with Raku |
102.1 | Rare Numbers |
118 | Rare Counting with Raku and Perl |
98.1 | Read N-characters |
114 | Read 'n' Search with Raku and Perl |
212.2 | Rearrange Groups |
232 | Letters and Groups with Raku |
113.2 | Recreate Binary Tree |
129 | Re Re Raku (and Perl) |
152.2 | Rectangle Area |
170 | Triangular Rectangle with Raku |
257.2 | Reduced Row Echelon |
277 | Currently Reduced with Raku |
216.1 | Registration Number |
236 | Sticky Numbers with Raku |
284.2 | Relative Sort |
305 | Relatively Lucky with Raku |
2.1 | Remove Leading Zeros |
5 | From Zero to 35 with Raku |
235.1 | Remove One |
255 | One Zero with Raku |
68.2 | Reorder List |
82 | Zero Order with Raku & Perl |
275.2 | Replace Digits |
295 | Broken Digits with Raku |
299.1 | Replace Words |
320 | Nothing But Words with Raku |
1.1 | Replace e with E |
30 | A Prehistoric Perl & Raku Fizz-E-Buzz |
113.1 | Represent Integer |
129 | Re Re Raku (and Perl) |
204.2 | Reshape Matrix |
224 | Monotonically Reshaped Raku |
84.1 | Reverse Integer |
99 | Four Corners with Raku |
243.1 | Reverse Pairs |
263 | Reverse Floor with Raku |
39.2 | Reverse Polish Notation |
48 | Reverse Polish Guest Book, Raku Edition |
254.2 | Reverse Vowels |
274 | Reverse Power with Raku |
278.2 | Reverse Word |
298 | Sort of Reverse with Raku |
96.1 | Reverse Words |
112 | Reversed Distance with Raku and Perl |
176.2 | Reversible Numbers |
195 | Permuted Reversibles with Raku |
298.2 | Right Interval |
319 | Maximal Right with Raku |
151.2 | Rob The House |
169 | The Tree House with Raku |
47.1 | Roman Calculator |
58 | The Roman Gap with Raku |
227.2 | Roman Maths |
247 | The 13th Roman with Raku |
10.1 | Roman Numerals |
15 | Roman Numerals with Raku |
129.1 | Root Distance |
145 | Linked Roots with Raku |
53.1 | Rotate Matrix |
64 | Vowelled Matrix with Raku |
63.2 | Rotate String |
76 | The Last Rotation with Raku |
238.1 | Running Sum |
258 | Persistently Running with Raku |
239.1 | Same String |
259 | Nothing But Strings with Raku |
20.1 | Same-Character Groups |
25 | Amicable Split with Raku |
165.1 | Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) |
184 | Doubly Scalable with Raku |
98.2 | Search Insert Position |
114 | Read 'n' Search with Raku and Perl |
111.1 | Search Matrix |
127 | Ordered Search for Raku |
247.1 | Secret Santa |
267 | The Santa Letters with Raku |
237.1 | Seize The Day |
257 | Seize the Greatness with Raku |
286.1 | Self Spammer |
307 | Self Order with Raku |
107.1 | Self-descriptive Numbers |
123 | Self-Deceptive Methods with Raku |
42.2 | Self-descriptive Numbers |
52 | Olympic Numbers with Raku |
297.2 | Semi-Ordered Permutation |
318 | Semi Contiguous with Raku |
144.1 | Semiprime |
162 | Primarily Ulam with Raku (and perl) |
231.2 | Senior Citizens |
252 | Citizens Max with Raku |
181.1 | Sentence Order |
201 | Hot Sentence with Raku and Perl |
230.1 | Separate Digits |
251 | Words and Digits with Raku |
184.1 | Sequence Number |
204 | Sequenced Split with Raku and Perl |
119.2 | Sequence without 1-on-1 |
135 | Swap Sequence with Raku and Perl |
200.2 | Seven Segment 200 |
220 | Seven Angry Slices with Raku |
22.1 | Sexy Primes |
28 | Sexy Primes, LZW and Raku |
248.1 | Shortest Distance |
268 | Shortest Sub with Raku |
213.2 | Shortest Route |
233 | Fun Route with Raku |
206.1 | Shortest Time |
226 | Paired Time with Raku |
57.2 | Shortest Unique Prefix |
69 | An Inverted Prefix with Raku |
226.1 | Shuffle String |
246 | Zero Shuffle with Raku |
293.1 | Similar Dominos |
314 | Boomerang or Similar with Raku |
233.1 | Similar Words |
253 | Words of a Sort with Raku |
142.2 | Sleep Sort |
158 | At Sleep at Last with Raku |
34.1 | Slices |
42 | Sliced Dispatch, The Raku Way |
257.1 | Smaller than Current |
277 | Currently Reduced with Raku |
20.2 | Smallest Amicable Number Pair |
25 | Amicable Split with Raku |
250.1 | Smallest Index |
270 | String Index with Raku |
49.1 | Smallest Multiple |
60 | Smallest Cache with Raku |
73.2 | Smallest Neighbour |
87 | Sliding Neighbour with Raku & Perl |
12.1 | Smallest Non-Prime Euclid Number |
17 | The Euclid Path to Raku |
80.1 | Smallest Positive Number |
95 | Positively Candy with Raku and Perl |
24.1 | Smallest Valid Script |
31 | Small Inversions with Raku |
133.2 | Smith Numbers |
149 | Smithe Thee Squarely with Raku and Perl |
62.1 | Sort Email Addresses |
75 | The Email Queen with Raku |
245.1 | Sort Language |
265 | LaLa Three with Raku |
279.1 | Sort Letters |
299 | Sort of Again with Raku |
310.2 | Sort Odd Even |
331 | Intersection Sort with Raku |
278.1 | Sort String |
298 | Sort of Reverse with Raku |
40.2 | Sort SubList |
49 | Multiple Fun with Arrays and Raku |
271.2 | Sort by 1 bits |
291 | Ones by 1 with Raku |
217.1 | Sorted Matrix |
237 | Ma[tri]x with Raku |
219.1 | Sorted Squares |
239 | Sorted Expenditure with Raku |
45.2 | Source Dumper |
54 | Square Dumper with Raku |
209.1 | Special Bit Characters |
229 | Special Account with Raku |
195.1 | Special Integers |
215 | Especially Even with Raku |
224.1 | Special Notes |
244 | Numbered Notes with Raku |
252.1 | Special Numbers |
272 | Uniquely Special with Raku |
270.1 | Special Positions |
290 | Distribute Positions with Raku |
203.1 | Special Quadruplets |
223 | Quadruple Copies with Raku |
88.2 | Spiral Matrix |
104 | Arrayed Spiral with Raku and Perl |
184.2 | Split Array |
204 | Sequenced Split with Raku and Perl |
138.2 | Split Number |
154 | The Workdays are Numbered with Raku (and Perl) |
211.2 | Split Same Average |
231 | The Same Toeplitz with Raku |
279.2 | Split String |
299 | Sort of Again with Raku |
253.1 | Split Strings |
273 | Weakest Split with Raku |
123.2 | Square Points |
139 | Ugly Points with Raku and Perl |
45.1 | Square Secret Code |
54 | Square Dumper with Raku |
150.2 | Square-free Integer |
168 | Fibonacci Squared Again with Raku and Perl |
220.2 | Squareful |
240 | Squarefully Common with Raku |
143.2 | Stealthy Number |
160 | Stealthy Calculator with Raku and Perl |
302.2 | Step by Step |
323 | Zero Step with Raku |
52.1 | Stepping Numbers |
63 | Stepping Winner with Raku |
26.1 | Stones and Jewels Alphabets |
33 | String Angling with Raku |
115.1 | String Chain |
131 | Hamilton Unchained with Raku and Perl |
296.1 | String Compression |
317 | Squared String with Raku |
272.2 | String Score |
292 | IP Score with Raku |
69.1 | Strobogrammatic Number |
83 | Binary Strobe with Raku & Perl |
277.2 | Strong Pair |
297 | Strong Count with Raku |
287.1 | Strong Password |
308 | Strong and Valid with Raku |
248.2 | Submatrix Sum |
268 | Shortest Sub with Raku |
86.2 | Sudoku Puzzle |
102 | A Different Puzzle with Raku and Perl |
163.1 | Sum Bitwise Operator |
182 | Sum and Sum Again with Raku and Perl |
93.2 | Sum Path |
109 | Pointy Path with Raku |
116.2 | Sum of Squares |
132 | Sequential Squares with Raku and Perl |
258.2 | Sum of Values |
278 | Even Sum with Raku |
163.2 | Summations |
182 | Sum and Sum Again with Raku and Perl |
30.2 | Sums of 3 Numbers Equal to 12 |
37 | Christmas Twelfth Cometh Raku |
48.1 | Survivor |
59 | Surviving Dates with Raku |
119.1 | Swap Nibbles |
135 | Swap Sequence with Raku and Perl |
120.1 | Swap Odd/Even bits |
136 | Even Clock with Raku and Perl |
173.2 | Sylvester’s sequence |
192 | Esthetic Sylvester with Raku |
265.2 | Target Array |
285 | 33% Word with Raku |
263.1 | Target Index |
283 | Target Merge with Raku |
105.2 | The Name Game |
121 | Named Roots with Raku and Perl |
121.2 | The Travelling Salesman |
137 | Inverted Salesman with Raku and Perl |
205.1 | Third Highest |
225 | The Highest Maximum with Raku |
289.1 | Third Maximum |
310 | Jumbled Third with Raku |
254.1 | Three Power |
274 | Reverse Power with Raku |
211.1 | Toeplitz Matrix |
231 | The Same Toeplitz with Raku |
188.2 | Total Zero |
208 | Zero Divisibility with Raku |
72.1 | Trailing Zeroes |
86 | Zero Lines with Raku & Perl |
110.2 | Transpose File |
126 | Validly Transposed Raku and Perl |
79.2 | Trapped Rain Water |
93 | Counting Water with Raku and Perl |
219.2 | Travel Expenditure |
239 | Sorted Expenditure with Raku |
100.2 | Triangle Sum |
116 | Fun Sum Time with Raku and Perl |
152.1 | Triangle Sum Path |
170 | Triangular Rectangle with Raku |
71.2 | Trim Linked List |
85 | Peaked Trim with Raku & Perl |
180.2 | Trim List |
199 | Unique Trim with Raku and Perl |
85.1 | Triplet Sum |
101 | Two Triplets with Raku and Perl |
147.1 | Truncatable Prime |
165 | Pentagon Prime with Raku and Perl |
124.2 | Tug of War |
140 | Happy Tug with Raku |
280.1 | Twice Appearance |
301 | Count Twice with Raku |
292.1 | Twice Largest |
313 | The Largest Zuma with Raku |
191.1 | Twice Largest |
211 | Twice as Cute with Raku |
136.1 | Two Friendly |
152 | Friendly Fibonacci with Raku and Perl |
229.2 | Two out of Three |
249 | Out of Order with Raku |
21.2 | URL Normalization (RFC 3986) |
27 | Euler's URL with Raku |
17.2 | URL Parsing |
22 | Ackerman, URL and Raku |
123.1 | Ugly Numbers |
139 | Ugly Points with Raku and Perl |
144.2 | Ulam Sequence |
162 | Primarily Ulam with Raku (and perl) |
266.1 | Uncommon Words |
286 | Uncomon as X with Raku |
234.2 | Unequal Triplets |
254 | Unequally Common with Raku |
186.2 | Unicode Makeover |
206 | Unicode Zip with Raku and Perl |
179.2 | Unicode Sparkline |
198 | Ordinal Spark with Raku |
183.1 | Unique Array |
203 | Unique Difference with Raku and Perl |
283.1 | Unique Number |
304 | Numbers and Values with Raku |
260.1 | Unique Occurrences |
280 | Unique Rank with Raku |
99.2 | Unique Subsequence |
115 | Subsequently Matched with Raku and Perl |
228.1 | Unique Sum |
248 | Uniquely Empty with Raku |
252.2 | Unique Sum Zero |
272 | Uniquely Special with Raku |
311.1 | Upper Lower |
332 | Upper Group with Raku |
287.2 | Valid Number |
308 | Strong and Valid with Raku |
110.1 | Valid Phone Numbers |
126 | Validly Transposed Raku and Perl |
135.2 | Validate SEDOL |
151 | SEDOL in the Middle with Raku and Perl |
16.2 | Validating Bitcoin Addresses |
21 | Pythagoras Bitcoin with Raku |
14.1 | Van Eck's Sequence |
19 | Van Eck, US States and Raku |
15.2 | Vigenère Cipher |
20 | Prime Vigenere and Raku |
53.2 | Vowel Strings |
64 | Vowelled Matrix with Raku |
55.2 | Wave Array |
66 | Flipping the Raku Wave |
253.2 | Weakest Row |
273 | Weakest Split with Raku |
156.2 | Weird Number |
175 | Weirdly Pernicious with Raku |
103.2 | What’s playing? |
119 | Playing the Zodiac with Raku |
162.2 | Wheatstone-Playfair |
181 | Thirteen Wheatstones with Raku |
202.2 | Widest Valley |
222 | Odd Valleys with Raku |
197.2 | Wiggle Sort |
217 | Zero Wiggle with Raku |
64.2 | Word Break |
77 | The Minimum Break with Raku |
295.1 | Word Break |
316 | Break the Jump with Raku |
38.2 | Word Game |
46 | Datefinder General, A Raku Wordgame |
7.2 | Word Ladder |
11 | Raku The Niven Ladder |
76.2 | Word Search |
90 | Primal Words with Raku |
299.2 | Word Search |
320 | Nothing But Words with Raku |
216.2 | Word Stickers |
236 | Sticky Numbers with Raku |
83.1 | Words Length |
98 | Wordly Array with Raku |
138.1 | Workdays |
154 | The Workdays are Numbered with Raku (and Perl) |
266.2 | X Matrix |
286 | Uncomon as X with Raku |
226.2 | Zero Array |
246 | Zero Shuffle with Raku |
68.1 | Zero Matrix |
82 | Zero Order with Raku & Perl |
186.1 | Zip List |
206 | Unicode Zip with Raku and Perl |
292.2 | Zuma Game |
313 | The Largest Zuma with Raku |