Task Name Index

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Task Name Index

Automatically Generated 8. March 2025.

Task ID and NameArticle ID and Name
69.20/1 String 83Binary Strobe with Raku & Perl
146.110001st Prime Number 164Fractionally Prime with Raku and Perl
51.13 Sum 62Three Colours by Raku
303.13-digits Even 324Delete and Even with Raku
265.133% Appearance 28533% Word with Raku
3.15-smooth numbers 6From Babylon to Pascal with Raku
246.16 out of 49 266Out of Linear with Raku and Friends
161.1Abecedarian Words 180Panabecedarian Grams with Raku
171.1Abundant Number 190Abundantly First Class with Raku
169.2Achilles Numbers 188An Abundance of Numbers with Raku and Perl
17.1Ackermann Function 22Ackerman, URL and Raku
240.1Acronym 260Acronymous Array with Raku and Perl
140.1Add Binary 156Add the Table (or not) with Raku
129.2Add Linked Lists 145Linked Roots with Raku
224.2Additive Number 244Numbered Notes with Raku
158.1Additive Primes 177Cuban Addition, Primarily with Raku
118.2Adventure of Knight 134Binary Knight with Raku (and Perl)
305.2Alien Dictionary 326Prefixed Alien with Raku
5.1All Anagrams 9Rakugrams
250.2Alphanumeric String Value 270String Index with Raku
200.1Arithmetic Slices 220Seven Angry Slices with Raku
241.1Arithmetic Triplets 261Arithmetic Prime with Raku
304.1Arrange Binary 325Arranged Average with Raku
189.2Array Degree 209To a Greater Degree with Raku
236.2Array Loops 256Changing Loops with Raku
206.2Array Pairings 226Paired Time with Raku
88.1Array of Product 104Arrayed Spiral with Raku and Perl
310.1Arrays Intersection 331Intersection Sort with Raku
41.1Attractive Numbers 50Attractive Leonardo Numbers with Raku
122.1Average of Stream 138Of Points with Raku and Perl
273.2B After A 293B of A with Raku
42.2Balanced Brackets 52Olympic Numbers with Raku
259.1Banking Day Offset 279Day Parser with Raku
122.2Basketball Points 138Of Points with Raku and Perl
300.1Beautiful Arrangement 321Beautifully Nested with Raku
108.2Bell Numbers 124Locate the Bell with Raku and Perl
192.1Binary Flip 212Equal Flip with Raku
118.1Binary Palindrome 134Binary Knight with Raku (and Perl)
305.1Binary Prefix 326Prefixed Alien with Raku
130.2Binary Search Tree 146The Odd Tree with Raku and Perl
193.1Binary String 213An Abundance of Strings with Raku
97.2Binary Substrings 113Caesarean Substrings with Raku and Perl
151.1Binary Tree Depth 169The Tree House with Raku
125.2Binary Tree Diameter 141Pythagorean Tree with Raku
94.2Binary Tree to Linked List 110Binary Linked Anagrams with Raku
59.2Bit Sum 72Linked Sum by Raku
269.1Bitwise OR 289Distribute Or... with Raku
57.1Bonus: Pretty Print 69An Inverted Prefix with Raku
293.2Boomerang 314Boomerang or Similar with Raku
223.2Box Coins 243Boxed Primes with Raku
29.1Brace Expansion 36Bracen C with Raku
157.2Brazilian Number 176Brazilian Means with Raku
169.1Brilliant Numbers 188An Abundance of Numbers with Raku and Perl
275.1Broken Keys 295Broken Digits with Raku
240.2Build Array 260Acronymous Array with Raku and Perl
274.2Bus Route 294Goat Bus with Raku
178.2Business Date 197An Imaginary Date with Raku
97.1Caesar Cipher 113Caesarean Substrings with Raku and Perl
143.1Calculator 160Stealthy Calculator with Raku and Perl
29.2Calling C 36Bracen C with Raku
112.1Canonical Path 128Canonical Stairs with Raku and Perl
190.1Capital Detection 210Decoded Capital with Raku
148.2Cardano Triplets 166Eban Cardano the Third with Raku and Perl
11.1Celsius vs Fahrenheit 16FC Matrix with Perl 6
8.2Center 12Perfect Indentation with Raku
282.2Changing Keys 303Changingly Good with Raku
25.2Chaocipher 32Pokemon Chiao, Raku
70.1Character Swapping 84Gray Swapping with Raku & Perl
281.1Check Color 302Color of Knight with Raku
307.1Check Order 328Find the Check with Raku
103.1Chinese Zodiac 119Playing the Zodiac with Raku
109.1Chowla Numbers 125Chowla Squared with Raku and Perl
167.1Circular Prime 186Primarily Functional with Raku
112.2Climb Stairs 128Canonical Stairs with Raku and Perl
120.2Clock Angle 136Even Clock with Raku and Perl
288.1Closest Palindrome 309Contiguously Closest with Raku
75.1Coins Sum 89Coins & Rectangles with Raku
54.2Collatz Conjecture 65Sequential Conjectures with Raku
214.2Collect Points 234Bagging Scorepoints with Raku
51.2Colourful Number 62Three Colours by Raku
81.1Common Base String 96Common Frequency with Raku
234.1Common Characters 254Unequally Common with Raku
220.1Common Characters 240Squarefully Common with Raku
82.1Common Factors 97Interleaved Factors with Raku
182.2Common Path 202The Common Index with Raku and Perl
58.1Compare Version 70Compared Lineup with Raku
276.1Complete Day 296Complete Maximum with Raku
265.2Completing Word 28533% Word with Raku
251.1Concatenation Value 271Lucky Concatenation with Raku
127.2Conflict Intervals 143Disjoint Conflict with Raku and Perl
131.1Consecutive Arrays 147Con Se Pair with Raku and Perl
202.1Consecutive Odds 222Odd Valleys with Raku
294.1Consecutive Sequence 315Next Consecutive with Raku
239.2Consistent Strings 259Nothing But Strings with Raku
297.1Contiguous Array 318Semi Contiguous with Raku
288.2Contiguous Block 309Contiguously Closest with Raku
203.2Copy Directory 223Quadruple Copies with Raku
280.2Count Asterisks 301Count Twice with Raku
80.2Count Candies 95Positively Candy with Raku and Perl
277.1Count Common 297Strong Count with Raku
308.1Count Common 329Exclusive or Common with Raku
262.2Count Equal Divisible 282Positively Equal with Raku
258.1Count Even Digits Number 278Even Sum with Raku
91.1Count Number 107Count and Jump with Raku and Perl
126.1Count Numbers 142Count Minesweeper with Raku and Perl
223.1Count Primes 243Boxed Primes with Raku
79.1Count Set Bits 93Counting Water with Raku and Perl
244.1Count Smaller 264The Smaller Hero with Raku
230.2Count Words 251Words and Digits with Raku
46.1Cryptic Message 55The Cryptic Raku Room
146.2Curious Fraction Tree 164Fractionally Prime with Raku and Perl
191.2Cute List 211Twice as Cute with Raku
249.2DI String Match 269Equal DI with Raku
90.1DNA Sequence 106Sequenced Multiplication with Raku and Perl
177.1Damm Algorithm 196Cyclops Be Dammed with Raku
183.2Date Difference 203Unique Difference with Raku and Perl
38.1Date Finder 46Datefinder General, A Raku Wordgame
187.1Days Together 207Magical Together with Raku
106.2Decimal String 122String the Gap with Raku
308.2Decode XOR 329Exclusive or Common with Raku
190.2Decoded List 210Decoded Capital with Raku
272.1Defang IP Address 292IP Score with Raku
303.2Delete and Earn 324Delete and Even with Raku
95.2Demo Stack 111Palindromic Stack with Raku and Perl
260.2Dictionary Rank 280Unique Rank with Raku
56.1Diff-K 68Diff Sum by Raku
283.2Digit Count Value 304Numbers and Values with Raku
194.1Digital Clock 214Digital Frequalizer with Raku
28.2Digital Clock 35Raku Binary Clock
65.1Digits Sum 78The Palin Digits with Raku
174.1Disarium Numbers 193Disarmed Ranking with Raku
127.1Disjoint Sets 143Disjoint Conflict with Raku and Perl
34.2Dispatch Table 42Sliced Dispatch, The Raku Way
134.2Distinct Terms Count 150Distinctly Pandigital with Raku and Perl
269.2Distribute Elements 289Distribute Or... with Raku
270.2Distribute Elements 290Distribute Positions with Raku
66.1Divide Integers 79Dividing Powers with Raku
31.1Divide by Zero 39Dynamic Zero with Raku
188.1Divisible Pairs 208Zero Divisibility with Raku
142.1Divisor Last Digit 158At Sleep at Last with Raku
145.1Dot Product 163Palin' Dot with Raku and Perl
290.1Double Exist 311Luhn's Existence with Raku
235.2Duplicate Zeros 255One Zero with Raku
208.2Duplicate and Missing 228MIS-ing with Raku
31.2Dynamic Variable Name 39Dynamic Zero with Raku
148.1Eban Numbers 166Eban Cardano the Third with Raku and Perl
96.2Edit Distance 112Reversed Distance with Raku and Perl
261.1Element Digit Sum 281Two Elements with Raku
228.2Empty Array 248Uniquely Empty with Raku
25.1English Pokemon Names 32Pokemon Chiao, Raku
192.2Equal Distribution 212Equal Flip with Raku
249.1Equal Pairs 269Equal DI with Raku
160.2Equilibrium Index 179The Magic Equilibrium with Raku and Perl
173.1Esthetic Number 192Esthetic Sylvester with Raku
90.2Ethiopian Multiplication 106Sequenced Multiplication with Raku and Perl
21.1Euler's Number 27Euler's URL with Raku
236.1Exact Change 256Changing Loops with Raku
60.1Excel Column 73Excelled Find with Raku
54.3Extra Credit 65Sequential Conjectures with Raku
74.2FNR Character 88Majority Character with Raku
104.1FUSC Sequence 120Nimbly Fuscous with Raku
153.2Factorions 171Just the Fact with Raku
159.1Farey Sequence 178Farey, Moebius and Raku
149.1Fibonacci Digit Sum 167Fibonacci Square with Raku and Perl
136.2Fibonacci Sequence 152Friendly Fibonacci with Raku and Perl
77.1Fibonacci Sum 91Lonely Sum with Raku
150.1Fibonacci Words 168Fibonacci Squared Again with Raku and Perl
28.1File Content 35Raku Binary Clock
307.2Find Anagrams 328Find the Check with Raku
60.2Find Numbers 73Excelled Find with Raku
131.2Find Pairs 147Con Se Pair with Raku and Perl
117.2Find Possible Paths 133The Rowdy Path with Raku and Perl
84.2Find Square 99Four Corners with Raku
158.2First Series Cuban Primes 177Cuban Addition, Primarily with Raku
180.1First Unique Character 199Unique Trim with Raku and Perl
171.2First-class Function 190Abundantly First Class with Raku
172.2Five-number Summary 191Primary Five with Raku
1.2FizzBuzz one-liner 30A Prehistoric Perl & Raku Fizz-E-Buzz
83.2Flip Array 98Wordly Array with Raku
55.1Flip Binary 66Flipping the Raku Wave
242.2Flip Matrix 262Missing Matrix with Raku
243.2Floor Sum 263Reverse Floor with Raku
155.1Fortunate Numbers 174Pisano the Fortunate with Raku
160.1Four Is Magic 179The Magic Equilibrium with Raku and Perl
109.2Four Squares Puzzle 125Chowla Squared with Raku and Perl
194.2Frequency Equalizer 214Digital Frequalizer with Raku
81.2Frequency Sort 96Common Frequency with Raku
233.2Frequency Sort 253Words of a Sort with Raku
227.1Friday 13th 247The 13th Roman with Raku
213.1Fun Sort 233Fun Route with Raku
100.1Fun Time 116Fun Sum Time with Raku and Perl
89.1GCD Sum 105Magical Sum with Raku and Perl
167.2Gamma Function 186Primarily Functional with Raku
47.2Gapful Number 58The Roman Gap with Raku
274.1Goat Latin 294Goat Bus with Raku
282.1Good Integer 303Changingly Good with Raku
199.1Good Pairs 219Twice as Good with Raku
221.1Good Strings 241Subsequencially Good with Raku
199.2Good Triplets 219Twice as Good with Raku
70.2Gray Code Sequence 84Gray Swapping with Raku & Perl
189.1Greater Character 209To a Greater Degree with Raku
265.1Greatest English Letter 28533% Word with Raku
94.1Group Anagrams 110Binary Linked Anagrams with Raku
311.2Group Digit Sum 332Upper Group with Raku
244.2Group Hero 264The Smaller Hero with Raku
39.1Guest House 48Reverse Polish Guest Book, Raku Edition
207.2H-Index 227The H Word with Raku
301.2Hamming Distance 322Hamming Largest with Raku
164.2Happy Numbers 183Primarily Happy with Raku and Perl
124.1Happy Women Day 140Happy Tug with Raku
132.2Hash Join 148Mirrored Hash with Raku
102.2Hash-counting String 118Rare Counting with Raku and Perl
166.1Hexadecimal Words 185Hexa Diff with Raku
114.2Higher Integer Set Bits 130Palindromic Set with Raku and Perl
168.2Home Prime 187Primarily Prime with Raku and Perl
181.2Hot Day 201Hot Sentence with Raku and Perl
61.2IPv4 Partition 74The IPv4 Product, Raku Edition
162.1ISBN-13 181Thirteen Wheatstones with Raku
11.2Identity Matrix of Given Size 16FC Matrix with Perl 6
92.2Insert Interval 108Isomorphic Insertation with Raku
133.1Integer Square Root 149Smithe Thee Squarely with Raku and Perl
82.2Interleave String 97Interleaved Factors with Raku
27.1Intersection of Two Lines 34Historical Intersection with Raku
121.1Invert Bit 137Inverted Salesman with Raku and Perl
57.1Invert Tree 69An Inverted Prefix with Raku
46.2Is the room open? 55The Cryptic Raku Room
92.1Isomorphic Strings 108Isomorphic Insertation with Raku
10.2Jaro-Winkler String Distance 15Roman Numerals with Raku
139.1JortSort 155The Longest Sort with Raku
289.2Jumbled Letters 310Jumbled Third with Raku
91.2Jump Game 107Count and Jump with Raku and Perl
295.2Jump Game 316Break the Jump with Raku
212.1Jumping Letters 232Letters and Groups with Raku
166.2K-Directory Diff 185Hexa Diff with Raku
207.1Keyboard Word 227The H Word with Raku
210.1Kill and Win 230Killing Numbers with Raku
281.2Knight’s Move 302Color of Knight with Raku
170.2Kronecker Product 189The Primorial Soup - a Raku Product
54.1Kth Permutation Sequence 65Sequential Conjectures with Raku
49.2LRU Cache 60Smallest Cache with Raku
115.2Largest Multiple 131Hamilton Unchained with Raku and Perl
301.1Largest Number 322Hamming Largest with Raku
87.2Largest Rectangle 103Raku - Largest and Longest
75.2Largest Rectangle Histogram 89Coins & Rectangles with Raku
149.2Largest Square 167Fibonacci Square with Raku and Perl
245.2Largest of Three 265LaLa Three with Raku
306.2Last Element 327Elementary Odd with Raku
13.1Last Fridays of Every Month 18Hofstadter, Friday and Raku
222.2Last Member 242Raku Members
175.1Last Sunday 194Perfect at Last with Raku
63.1Last Word 76The Last Rotation with Raku
78.1Leader Element 92Rotating Leader with Raku and Perl
153.1Left Factorials 171Just the Fact with Raku
225.2Left Right Sum Diff 245Arithmetically Good with Raku
78.2Left Rotation 92Rotating Leader with Raku and Perl
22.2Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) Compression 28Sexy Primes, LZW and Raku
41.2Leonardo Numbers 50Attractive Leonardo Numbers with Raku
67.2Letter Phone 80Numbers and Letters with Raku
229.1Lexicographic Order 249Out of Order with Raku
141.2Like Numbers 157Numbly Numbers with Raku
267.2Line Counts 287Every Product Counts with Raku
259.2Line Parser 279Day Parser with Raku
165.2Line of Best Fit 184Doubly Scalable with Raku
246.2Linear Recurrence of Second Order 266Out of Linear with Raku and Friends
72.2Lines Range 86Zero Lines with Raku & Perl
59.1Linked List 72Linked Sum by Raku
107.2List Methods 123Self-Deceptive Methods with Raku
30.1List Sunday Christmases 37Christmas Twelfth Cometh Raku
108.1Locate Memory 124Locate the Bell with Raku and Perl
77.2Lonely X 91Lonely Sum with Raku
139.2Long Primes 155The Longest Sort with Raku
137.1Long Year 153Lychrel Longing with Raku and Perl
18.1Longest Common Substring 23Substrings and Queues with Raku
87.1Longest Consecutive Sequence 103Raku - Largest and Longest
284.1Lucky Integer 305Relatively Lucky with Raku
251.2Lucky Numbers 271Lucky Concatenation with Raku
52.2Lucky Winner 63Stepping Winner with Raku
290.2Luhn’s Algorithm 311Luhn's Existence with Raku
137.2Lychrel Number 153Lychrel Longing with Raku and Perl
185.1MAC Address 205Mask the MAC with Raku
268.1Magic Number 288Numerous Numbers with Raku
89.2Magical Matrix 105Magical Sum with Raku and Perl
187.2Magical Triplets 207Magical Together with Raku
74.1Majority Element 88Majority Character with Raku
44.2Make it $200 53From 100 to 200 with Raku
285.2Making Change 306No Connection with Raku
185.2Mask Code 205Mask the MAC with Raku
222.1Matching Members 242Raku Members
296.2Matchstick Square 317Squared String with Raku
218.2Matrix Score 238Scored Product with Raku
198.1Max Gap 218Prime the Gap with Raku
182.1Max Index 202The Common Index with Raku and Perl
217.2Max Number 237Ma[tri]x with Raku
93.1Max Points 109Pointy Path with Raku
262.1Max Positive Negative 282Positively Equal with Raku
225.1Max Words 245Arithmetically Good with Raku
298.1Maximal Square 319Maximal Right with Raku
237.2Maximise Greatness 257Seize the Greatness with Raku
304.2Maximum Average 325Arranged Average with Raku
276.2Maximum Frequency 296Complete Maximum with Raku
106.1Maximum Gap 122String the Gap with Raku
271.1Maximum Ones 291Ones by 1 with Raku
256.1Maximum Pairs 276Merged Maximum with Raku
218.1Maximum Product 238Scored Product with Raku
128.1Maximum Sub-Matrix 144With Raku to Mum's Platform
205.2Maximum XOR 225The Highest Maximum with Raku
26.2Mean Angles 33String Angling with Raku
209.2Merge Account 229Special Account with Raku
50.1Merge Intervals 61Nobly Merged Raku
263.2Merge Items 283Target Merge with Raku
256.2Merge Strings 276Merged Maximum with Raku
135.1Middle 3-digits 151SEDOL in the Middle with Raku and Perl
291.1Middle Index 312Middle Hand with Raku
309.2Min Diff 330Min or Min with Raku
309.1Min Gap 330Min or Min with Raku
231.1Min Max 252Citizens Max with Raku
73.1Min Sliding Window 87Sliding Neighbour with Raku & Perl
126.2Minesweeper Game 142Count Minesweeper with Raku and Perl
208.1Minimum Index Sum 228MIS-ing with Raku
128.2Minimum Platforms 144With Raku to Mum's Platform
64.1Minimum Sum Path 77The Minimum Break with Raku
132.1Mirror Dates 148Mirrored Hash with Raku
242.1Missing Members 262Missing Matrix with Raku
201.1Missing Numbers 221Pennies by the numbers with Raku
154.1Missing Permutation 172Padovan is Missing with Raku and Perl
117.1Missing Row 133The Rowdy Path with Raku and Perl
159.2Moebius Number 178Farey, Moebius and Raku
204.1Monotonic Array 224Monotonically Reshaped Raku
35.2Morse Decode 43Morse and Remorse with Raku
35.1Morse Encode 43Morse and Remorse with Raku
195.2Most Frequent Even 215Especially Even with Raku
247.2Most Frequent Letter Pair 267The Santa Letters with Raku
255.2Most Frequent Word 275Mostly Odd with Raku
197.1Move Zero 217Zero Wiggle with Raku
40.1Multiple Arrays Content 49Multiple Fun with Arrays and Raku
140.2Multiplication Table 156Add the Table (or not) with Raku
261.2Multiply by Two 281Two Elements with Raku
13.2Mutually Recursive Methods 18Hofstadter, Friday and Raku
62.2N Queens 75The Email Queen with Raku
104.2NIM Game 120Nimbly Fuscous with Raku
300.2Nested Array 321Beautifully Nested with Raku
114.1Next Palindrome Number 130Palindromic Set with Raku and Perl
294.2Next Permutation 315Next Consecutive with Raku
7.1Niven Numbers 11Raku The Niven Ladder
285.1No Connection 306No Connection with Raku
50.2Noble Integer 61Nobly Merged Raku
23.1Nth Order Forward Difference Series 29Random Differential Decomposition with Raku
105.1Nth root 121Named Roots with Raku and Perl
210.2Number Collision 230Killing Numbers with Raku
67.1Number Combinations 80Numbers and Letters with Raku
141.1Number Divisors 157Numbly Numbers with Raku
268.2Number Game 288Numerous Numbers with Raku
215.2Number Placement 235Odd Placement with Raku
116.1Number Sequence 132Sequential Squares with Raku and Perl
42.1Octal Number System 51Octally Balanced Braces with Raku
255.1Odd Character 275Mostly Odd with Raku
130.1Odd Number 146The Odd Tree with Raku and Perl
193.2Odd String 213An Abundance of Strings with Raku
306.1Odd Sum 327Elementary Odd with Raku
215.1Odd one Out 235Odd Placement with Raku
43.1Olympic Rings 52Olympic Numbers with Raku
302.1Ones and Zeroes 323Zero Step with Raku
44.1Only 100, please 53From 100 to 200 with Raku
286.2Order Game 307Self Order with Raku
111.2Ordered Letters 127Ordered Search for Raku
58.2Ordered Lineup 70Compared Lineup with Raku
179.1Ordinal Number Spelling 198Ordinal Spark with Raku
101.2Origin-containing Triangle 117Packed Origin with Raku (and Perl)
101.1Pack a Spiral 117Packed Origin with Raku (and Perl)
154.2Padovan Prime 172Padovan is Missing with Raku and Perl
86.1Pair Difference 102A Different Puzzle with Raku and Perl
48.2Palindrome Dates 59Surviving Dates with Raku
95.1Palindrome Number 111Palindromic Stack with Raku and Perl
65.2Palindrome Partition 78The Palin Digits with Raku
177.2Palindromic Prime Cyclops 196Cyclops Be Dammed with Raku
145.2Palindromic Tree 163Palin' Dot with Raku and Perl
134.1Pandigital Numbers 150Distinctly Pandigital with Raku and Perl
161.2Pangrams 180Panabecedarian Grams with Raku
3.2Pascal's Triangle 6From Babylon to Pascal with Raku
56.2Path Sum 68Diff Sum by Raku
196.1Pattern 132 216132 Lists with Raku
99.1Pattern Match 115Subsequently Matched with Raku and Perl
71.1Peak Element 85Peaked Trim with Raku & Perl
201.2Penny Piles 221Pennies by the numbers with Raku
147.2Pentagon Numbers 165Pentagon Prime with Raku and Perl
273.1Percentage of Character 293B of A with Raku
175.2Perfect Totient Numbers 194Perfect at Last with Raku
174.2Permutation Ranking 193Disarmed Ranking with Raku
176.1Permuted Multiples 195Permuted Reversibles with Raku
156.1Pernicious Numbers 175Weirdly Pernicious with Raku
168.1Perrin Prime 187Primarily Prime with Raku and Perl
238.2Persistence Sort 258Persistently Running with Raku
4.1Pi with Output-Sized Script 7Raku P(i)ermutations
155.2Pisano Period 174Pisano the Fortunate with Raku
291.2Poker Hand Rankings 312Middle Hand with Raku
4.2Possible Words Given Chars 7Raku P(i)ermutations
66.2Power Integers 79Dividing Powers with Raku
85.2Power of Two Integers 101Two Triplets with Raku and Perl
198.2Prime Count 218Prime the Gap with Raku
23.2Prime Decompositio 29Random Differential Decomposition with Raku
241.2Prime Order 261Arithmetic Prime with Raku
164.1Prime Palindrome 183Primarily Happy with Raku and Perl
172.1Prime Partition 191Primary Five with Raku
76.1Prime Sum 90Primal Words with Raku
170.1Primorial Numbers 189The Primorial Soup - a Raku Product
18.2Priority Queue 23Substrings and Queues with Raku
267.1Product Sign 287Every Product Counts with Raku
61.1Product SubArray 74The IPv4 Product, Raku Edition
16.1Pythagoras Pie Puzzle 21Pythagoras Bitcoin with Raku
157.1Pythagorean Means 176Brazilian Means with Raku
125.1Pythagorean Triples 141Pythagorean Tree with Raku
178.1Quater-imaginary Base 197An Imaginary Date with Raku
6.2Ramanujan's Constant 10Raku Int-Erval
23.3Random Poems API 29Random Differential Decomposition with Raku
196.2Range List 216132 Lists with Raku
214.1Rank Score 234Bagging Scorepoints with Raku
9.2Ranking 13Squared Ranking with Raku
102.1Rare Numbers 118Rare Counting with Raku and Perl
98.1Read N-characters 114Read 'n' Search with Raku and Perl
212.2Rearrange Groups 232Letters and Groups with Raku
113.2Recreate Binary Tree 129Re Re Raku (and Perl)
152.2Rectangle Area 170Triangular Rectangle with Raku
257.2Reduced Row Echelon 277Currently Reduced with Raku
216.1Registration Number 236Sticky Numbers with Raku
284.2Relative Sort 305Relatively Lucky with Raku
2.1Remove Leading Zeros 5From Zero to 35 with Raku
235.1Remove One 255One Zero with Raku
68.2Reorder List 82Zero Order with Raku & Perl
275.2Replace Digits 295Broken Digits with Raku
299.1Replace Words 320Nothing But Words with Raku
1.1Replace e with E 30A Prehistoric Perl & Raku Fizz-E-Buzz
113.1Represent Integer 129Re Re Raku (and Perl)
204.2Reshape Matrix 224Monotonically Reshaped Raku
84.1Reverse Integer 99Four Corners with Raku
243.1Reverse Pairs 263Reverse Floor with Raku
39.2Reverse Polish Notation 48Reverse Polish Guest Book, Raku Edition
254.2Reverse Vowels 274Reverse Power with Raku
278.2Reverse Word 298Sort of Reverse with Raku
96.1Reverse Words 112Reversed Distance with Raku and Perl
176.2Reversible Numbers 195Permuted Reversibles with Raku
298.2Right Interval 319Maximal Right with Raku
151.2Rob The House 169The Tree House with Raku
47.1Roman Calculator 58The Roman Gap with Raku
227.2Roman Maths 247The 13th Roman with Raku
10.1Roman Numerals 15Roman Numerals with Raku
129.1Root Distance 145Linked Roots with Raku
53.1Rotate Matrix 64Vowelled Matrix with Raku
63.2Rotate String 76The Last Rotation with Raku
238.1Running Sum 258Persistently Running with Raku
239.1Same String 259Nothing But Strings with Raku
20.1Same-Character Groups 25Amicable Split with Raku
165.1Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 184Doubly Scalable with Raku
98.2Search Insert Position 114Read 'n' Search with Raku and Perl
111.1Search Matrix 127Ordered Search for Raku
247.1Secret Santa 267The Santa Letters with Raku
237.1Seize The Day 257Seize the Greatness with Raku
286.1Self Spammer 307Self Order with Raku
107.1Self-descriptive Numbers 123Self-Deceptive Methods with Raku
42.2Self-descriptive Numbers 52Olympic Numbers with Raku
297.2Semi-Ordered Permutation 318Semi Contiguous with Raku
144.1Semiprime 162Primarily Ulam with Raku (and perl)
231.2Senior Citizens 252Citizens Max with Raku
181.1Sentence Order 201Hot Sentence with Raku and Perl
230.1Separate Digits 251Words and Digits with Raku
184.1Sequence Number 204Sequenced Split with Raku and Perl
119.2Sequence without 1-on-1 135Swap Sequence with Raku and Perl
200.2Seven Segment 200 220Seven Angry Slices with Raku
22.1Sexy Primes 28Sexy Primes, LZW and Raku
248.1Shortest Distance 268Shortest Sub with Raku
213.2Shortest Route 233Fun Route with Raku
206.1Shortest Time 226Paired Time with Raku
57.2Shortest Unique Prefix 69An Inverted Prefix with Raku
226.1Shuffle String 246Zero Shuffle with Raku
293.1Similar Dominos 314Boomerang or Similar with Raku
233.1Similar Words 253Words of a Sort with Raku
142.2Sleep Sort 158At Sleep at Last with Raku
34.1Slices 42Sliced Dispatch, The Raku Way
257.1Smaller than Current 277Currently Reduced with Raku
20.2Smallest Amicable Number Pair 25Amicable Split with Raku
250.1Smallest Index 270String Index with Raku
49.1Smallest Multiple 60Smallest Cache with Raku
73.2Smallest Neighbour 87Sliding Neighbour with Raku & Perl
12.1Smallest Non-Prime Euclid Number 17The Euclid Path to Raku
80.1Smallest Positive Number 95Positively Candy with Raku and Perl
24.1Smallest Valid Script 31Small Inversions with Raku
133.2Smith Numbers 149Smithe Thee Squarely with Raku and Perl
62.1Sort Email Addresses 75The Email Queen with Raku
245.1Sort Language 265LaLa Three with Raku
279.1Sort Letters 299Sort of Again with Raku
310.2Sort Odd Even 331Intersection Sort with Raku
278.1Sort String 298Sort of Reverse with Raku
40.2Sort SubList 49Multiple Fun with Arrays and Raku
271.2Sort by 1 bits 291Ones by 1 with Raku
217.1Sorted Matrix 237Ma[tri]x with Raku
219.1Sorted Squares 239Sorted Expenditure with Raku
45.2Source Dumper 54Square Dumper with Raku
209.1Special Bit Characters 229Special Account with Raku
195.1Special Integers 215Especially Even with Raku
224.1Special Notes 244Numbered Notes with Raku
252.1Special Numbers 272Uniquely Special with Raku
270.1Special Positions 290Distribute Positions with Raku
203.1Special Quadruplets 223Quadruple Copies with Raku
88.2Spiral Matrix 104Arrayed Spiral with Raku and Perl
184.2Split Array 204Sequenced Split with Raku and Perl
138.2Split Number 154The Workdays are Numbered with Raku (and Perl)
211.2Split Same Average 231The Same Toeplitz with Raku
279.2Split String 299Sort of Again with Raku
253.1Split Strings 273Weakest Split with Raku
123.2Square Points 139Ugly Points with Raku and Perl
45.1Square Secret Code 54Square Dumper with Raku
150.2Square-free Integer 168Fibonacci Squared Again with Raku and Perl
220.2Squareful 240Squarefully Common with Raku
143.2Stealthy Number 160Stealthy Calculator with Raku and Perl
302.2Step by Step 323Zero Step with Raku
52.1Stepping Numbers 63Stepping Winner with Raku
26.1Stones and Jewels Alphabets 33String Angling with Raku
115.1String Chain 131Hamilton Unchained with Raku and Perl
296.1String Compression 317Squared String with Raku
272.2String Score 292IP Score with Raku
69.1Strobogrammatic Number 83Binary Strobe with Raku & Perl
277.2Strong Pair 297Strong Count with Raku
287.1Strong Password 308Strong and Valid with Raku
248.2Submatrix Sum 268Shortest Sub with Raku
86.2Sudoku Puzzle 102A Different Puzzle with Raku and Perl
163.1Sum Bitwise Operator 182Sum and Sum Again with Raku and Perl
93.2Sum Path 109Pointy Path with Raku
116.2Sum of Squares 132Sequential Squares with Raku and Perl
258.2Sum of Values 278Even Sum with Raku
163.2Summations 182Sum and Sum Again with Raku and Perl
30.2Sums of 3 Numbers Equal to 12 37Christmas Twelfth Cometh Raku
48.1Survivor 59Surviving Dates with Raku
119.1Swap Nibbles 135Swap Sequence with Raku and Perl
120.1Swap Odd/Even bits 136Even Clock with Raku and Perl
173.2Sylvester’s sequence 192Esthetic Sylvester with Raku
265.2Target Array 28533% Word with Raku
263.1Target Index 283Target Merge with Raku
105.2The Name Game 121Named Roots with Raku and Perl
121.2The Travelling Salesman 137Inverted Salesman with Raku and Perl
205.1Third Highest 225The Highest Maximum with Raku
289.1Third Maximum 310Jumbled Third with Raku
254.1Three Power 274Reverse Power with Raku
211.1Toeplitz Matrix 231The Same Toeplitz with Raku
188.2Total Zero 208Zero Divisibility with Raku
72.1Trailing Zeroes 86Zero Lines with Raku & Perl
110.2Transpose File 126Validly Transposed Raku and Perl
79.2Trapped Rain Water 93Counting Water with Raku and Perl
219.2Travel Expenditure 239Sorted Expenditure with Raku
100.2Triangle Sum 116Fun Sum Time with Raku and Perl
152.1Triangle Sum Path 170Triangular Rectangle with Raku
71.2Trim Linked List 85Peaked Trim with Raku & Perl
180.2Trim List 199Unique Trim with Raku and Perl
85.1Triplet Sum 101Two Triplets with Raku and Perl
147.1Truncatable Prime 165Pentagon Prime with Raku and Perl
124.2Tug of War 140Happy Tug with Raku
280.1Twice Appearance 301Count Twice with Raku
292.1Twice Largest 313The Largest Zuma with Raku
191.1Twice Largest 211Twice as Cute with Raku
136.1Two Friendly 152Friendly Fibonacci with Raku and Perl
229.2Two out of Three 249Out of Order with Raku
21.2URL Normalization (RFC 3986) 27Euler's URL with Raku
17.2URL Parsing 22Ackerman, URL and Raku
123.1Ugly Numbers 139Ugly Points with Raku and Perl
144.2Ulam Sequence 162Primarily Ulam with Raku (and perl)
266.1Uncommon Words 286Uncomon as X with Raku
234.2Unequal Triplets 254Unequally Common with Raku
186.2Unicode Makeover 206Unicode Zip with Raku and Perl
179.2Unicode Sparkline 198Ordinal Spark with Raku
183.1Unique Array 203Unique Difference with Raku and Perl
283.1Unique Number 304Numbers and Values with Raku
260.1Unique Occurrences 280Unique Rank with Raku
99.2Unique Subsequence 115Subsequently Matched with Raku and Perl
228.1Unique Sum 248Uniquely Empty with Raku
252.2Unique Sum Zero 272Uniquely Special with Raku
311.1Upper Lower 332Upper Group with Raku
287.2Valid Number 308Strong and Valid with Raku
110.1Valid Phone Numbers 126Validly Transposed Raku and Perl
135.2Validate SEDOL 151SEDOL in the Middle with Raku and Perl
16.2Validating Bitcoin Addresses 21Pythagoras Bitcoin with Raku
14.1Van Eck's Sequence 19Van Eck, US States and Raku
15.2Vigenère Cipher 20Prime Vigenere and Raku
53.2Vowel Strings 64Vowelled Matrix with Raku
55.2Wave Array 66Flipping the Raku Wave
253.2Weakest Row 273Weakest Split with Raku
156.2Weird Number 175Weirdly Pernicious with Raku
103.2What’s playing? 119Playing the Zodiac with Raku
162.2Wheatstone-Playfair 181Thirteen Wheatstones with Raku
202.2Widest Valley 222Odd Valleys with Raku
197.2Wiggle Sort 217Zero Wiggle with Raku
64.2Word Break 77The Minimum Break with Raku
295.1Word Break 316Break the Jump with Raku
38.2Word Game 46Datefinder General, A Raku Wordgame
7.2Word Ladder 11Raku The Niven Ladder
76.2Word Search 90Primal Words with Raku
299.2Word Search 320Nothing But Words with Raku
216.2Word Stickers 236Sticky Numbers with Raku
83.1Words Length 98Wordly Array with Raku
138.1Workdays 154The Workdays are Numbered with Raku (and Perl)
266.2X Matrix 286Uncomon as X with Raku
226.2Zero Array 246Zero Shuffle with Raku
68.1Zero Matrix 82Zero Order with Raku & Perl
186.1Zip List 206Unicode Zip with Raku and Perl
292.2Zuma Game 313The Largest Zuma with Raku