A Visit from NotebookLM
• 21. March 2025
[335] I let NotebookLM loose on this site, and this is the resulting podcast.
The Nine Billion Names of God with Raku
• 4. August 2024
[300] Using Raku to generate the names, sort of...
A Stateless Quiz System with Raku
• 18. August 2023
[250] Celebrating 250 articles with a set of articles about a Quiz system that does not need to keep track of the users.
United States of Anagrams with Raku
• 11. September 2022
[200] Using Raku to generate anagrams, single and multi-word.
Fooled by a Sequence, Twice
• 12. March 2022
[173] How a tired (or lazy) programmer got fooled by the documentation.
Bugs R Us - A Transit::Network Update
• 19. December 2021
[161] Version 0.0.1 of «Transit::Network» had a serious bug in the vehicle command, introduced just before it was published.
Planning Public Transportation with Raku
• 15. December 2021
[159] Presenting my module «Transit::Network» and the accompanying program «networkplanner», that can be used to plan and test public transportation departures.
Amazingly Raku - Part 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
• 9. December 2020
[94] Five additional parts to this article, presenting the module «Game::Amazing» and two games. And a maze editor.
Centenary Sequences with Raku
• 4. November 2020
[100] Celebrating 100 Raku articles with 100 Sequences
Amazingly Raku
• 28. September 2020
[94] Mazes are fun. We can use Raku to create them, and to solve them (check if they are traversable).
Seven Bridges to Raku - Part 5: Paris Metro
• 25. August 2020
[81.5] The fifth part of the «Seven Bridges» series looks into how we can model a metro network, using Paris as an example.
Seven Bridges to Raku
• 9. July 2020
[81] Way back in Pokemon Chiao, Raku, I name dropped Euler and his Seven Bridges of Königsberg. Now the time has come for doing something about those bridges, so to speak...
Rash Again - The promise
• 3. May 2020
[71] Part seven about Rash, the Raku Shell
Rash - A Raku Shell
• 13. April 2020
[67] Raku has good support for running external programs, so why not write a shell?
Exploring Rebless with Raku
• 12. February 2020
[57] Exploring «rebless».
Raku and the (Re)blessed Child
• 12. February 2020
[56] Why doesn't «rebless» work in Raku anymore?
Off Course
• 22. December 2019 (with an update 28. December)
[47] About my «Beginning Raku» book and course.
From Perl 6 to Raku (With Love)
• 24. October 2019 (Updated 17. May 2020)
[38] About the language rename, and this new website.
Easy as Six
• 10. August 2019
[26] Corrections and comments to my «Easy as Six» talk at PerlCon 2019 in Riga.
DIY Cryptography with Raku. Part 5: Real Text
• 26. May 2019
[14] Encrypting Real Text.
DIY Cryptography with Raku
• 21. April 2019
[8] This article presents a home made cryptographical algorithm by yours truly. Cryptography DIY is a bad idea, but I'll have a go at it anyway.
Raku Gather, I Take
• 31. March 2019
[4] Displaying files with gather/take, a powerful mechanism for semi-asyncronous execution.
Raku Colonoscopy
• 24. March 2019
[3] Everything you'd ever want to know (and much, much more) about the colon (the : character) in Raku.
Gibberish by Raku
• 17. March 2019
[2] A Gibberish Generator, giving us random gibberish in return for a real text.
Raku EU Edition
• 10. March 2019
[1] Raku adapted to EU Usage, where we use € instead of $ to identify scalars.